Points for AMS
Hands shoulder width apart
wrists parallel to the front of the mat
feet hips distance apart
straight-line from shoulder girdle to hip girdle in the spine
head hangs freely
belly engaged, hips pulled back
weight mostly in the heels
Points for inversions
Strong base in the shoulders, wrists, elbows and arm muscles
watch for problems in wrists, back, or shoulders
Points for standing poses
3 platforms should stack over each other
centered torso
keep hips neutral or symmetrical
helps establish good posture
helps to balance
3 platforms in tadasana
shoulders over hips
hips over knees
knees over ankles or feet
ASE (3 important actions for each platform)
Align, Stabilize, Elongate
Align the knees so that they track over the front toes.
Lift your inner arches and pull your outer thighs in (to stabilize)
Extend from the crown of the head through the spine
(to Elongate)
Benefits and contraindications for inversions
Benefits: good for circulation, can improve digestion, strengthens the upper body, improve balance, build confidence
Contraindications: High blood pressure, history of stroke, fear, pregnancy, menstruation, weakness, wrists, shoulders, neck
Preparation poses, Transition poses, counter poses
Prep poses: adho mukha svanasana, child's pose, sukasana, cresent utkatasana, dandasana Transition poses: uttanasana, dolphin Counter poses: Urhva Mukha Svanasana, adho mukha svanasana, child's pose, paschimotanasana
Types of actions
simple actions, counter actions, complementary actions
Root and Rebound
when there is a force downward, there is a another force upward.
Risk factors for poses
twists for pregnancy, wrists, back, knees, neck, ankles, shoulders, hips.
position vs. action in poses
actions help to influence your positions (ex. leveling your hips helps to keep an aligned position)
rules for the ordering of standing poses in the YW method
no more than 3 poses for each leg: to reduce fatigue
Linking poses
outward rotation standing poses together and neutral rotation standing poses together to help students understand the actions in the poses.
Component parts
targeted areas that may need to be focused on or energized in a pose to make sure the pose is done correctly
Component parts for back bends
glutes engaged, low back long, sternum lifted, neutral position in the legs, gaze soft, arms strong.
Structural and Functional variations of the elbow
excessive carrying angle (forearm flares) hyperextension ( forearm goes beyond straight)
Structural and Functional variations of the foot and ankle
Structural: flat foot (inner arches low), high arch (inner arches high
Functional:pronation (inner foot bears more weight, inner arch drops), supination (outer foot bears more weight, outer arch drops).
Anterior vs Posterior tilt
anterior: front of pelvis drops and back of pelvis lifts
posterior: back of pelvis drops, front of pelvis lifts
Movements of the glen-humeral joint
(shoulder joint) Shoulder flexion: arm lifts forward and up, shoulder extension: arm lifts up and back, shoulder abduction: arm lifts to the side an up, shoulder adduction: arm comes into the body, External rotation: shoulder rolls into the back, internal rotation: shoulder rolls away or out from the back, circumduction: arm swings in a circular motion.
Movements of the Scapulo- thoracic joint
depression, elevation, retraction, protraction, upward rotation, downward rotation
acceptable alignment positions in Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
neck neutral, sternum towards chin, soften ribs, lengthen waist, arms over head, lower back not arched, release buttocks toward the heels, legs straight, thighs in neutral rotation, lengthen through the legs
Hyperextension of the knee
Micro bend in the knee, block under calf muscle
rotational action of the upper arms in adho mukha svanasana
arms in an external rotation but not flared.
alignment of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists in chaturanga dandasana
elbows over wrists, shoulders over fingertips, palms by the floating ribs, shoulder blades move inward, spread across the collarbones.
Modifications for tight hamstrings in uttanasana
bend knees, widen stance, hands on blocks
prepatory poses
the arena of component parts. the poses that address the parts you should work on prior to going into a full pose.
transitional poses
enable a gradual shift from one range of motion to another. poses that help you to move into a new pose.
counter poses
a pose that ensures that muscles are relieved after a certain intensified pose. (handstand= pose, shoulderstand= counter pose).
counter actions
a single action must be balanced by an opposing action. (to keep the body balanced)
simple actions
actions that will not throw the body out of equilibrium
complementary actions
a pair of actions that, when performed simultaneously, will help the body move in one direction. two actions that reinforce each other.
patanjali's 8 limbs
yama (abstinence) niyama (observance) asana (posture) pranayama( breath control) pratyahara (sense withdrawal) dharana (concentration) dhyana (meditation) samadhi (contemplation, absorption or superconscious state)
first two sutras in english and sanskrit
1: English: Now the exposition of yoga is being made
Sanskrit: atha yoganusasanam
2: English: the restraint of the modifications of the mind stuff is yoga
Sanskrit: yogas citta vritti nirodhah
obstruction or obstacles
one of the qualities of nature
- sattva (balance)
-rajas (activity)
-tamas (inertia)