How do Yogi Bhajan and Guru Ram Das relate to the Golden Chain? p.54, 55
This is why we tune in. Yogi Bhajan is the Master of Kundalini Yoga and White Tantric Yoga. His teacher (energetically) was Guru Ram Das so through the Golden Chain we link to these teachers, coming to our aid and that of others. Yogi Bhajan wanted to make Kundalini Yoga a householder yoga.
Explain how Kundalini Yoga works? p. 20, 33,35, 54
An awareness of the infinite happens when the Kundalini or Spiritual Nerve breaks through blocks at the base of the spine or root Chakra and travels upward. (It works through transmission of consciousness from person to person; it is a Raj yoga that awakens you inside. It harnesses the power of awareness and potential in each individual)
Difference between Kundalini and Hatha yoga p.33
Hatha concentrates on the physical body (takes a lot of time and flexibility). Kundalini is not just about the asana but the consciousness and awareness under which you teach them.
Relationship between Kundalini and Sikh Dharma p. 50, 51 and bottom of p. 6 of Study Guide
Sikh means student; dharma means elegant and selfless action; Kundalini is awareness. So with full awareness we live dharma as students of elegant and selfless action. Yogi B didn't want people to bow to him so he created a dharma or path. Sikh Dharma give an example of living that consciousness in an Aquarian Manner
Why important to have spiritual teacher? p.38, 55,145
Guides, confronts and elevates you. Or, Poke, Provoke, Confront, Elevate. A mirror and guide. Helps you go beyond your limitations.
Why do we do sadhana in the Amrit Vela? p.144
In the early morning hours the angle of the sun to the earth is good for meditation - calling your soul home - there is much prana in these hours and body rhythms are more set to support physical cleansing, your body is rested and refreshed; special time because of the switch in energy.
Why is the practice of sadhana essential to a Kundalini Yoga teacher? p.136, 145
To have energy within yourself to teach, so you can go deeper into the exercises on your own and encourage others to do the same. Teach through example.
What are the benefits of group sadhana? p. 146
Creates harmony and balance; develops group consciousness; if one person opens up to god, the whole benefits; one person balances another, creates a group aura; balances differences to create harmony, going beyond ego and centeredness
What is the difference between leading sadhana and teaching a class? p. 150
The amount of talking that should be done; in class need to inspire, coax and explain more; in sadhana it's the quiet ambrosial hours - a time to listen more
Four options for warm-ups before teaching a kundalini Yoga Kriya are: p.33,102,247
Ego eradicator, cat-cow, sun salutations, spinal flex, life nerve stretches, twist stretches, any short kriya or pranayam sequences
What exercises are not recommended for pregnant women? p. 286-287
breath of fire and anything inverted; anything that may apply pressure on the abdominal area (such as bow pose) or may disrupt the baby, mulbandh, exercises that raise the pulse above 140 bpm, Sat Kriya, lying on the back after the 4-6th month. No venus kriyas.
Explain science of Naad? p.67
Works with the movement of the tongue in the mouth, language, and chemicals in the brain. Puts pressure on meridian points which affect chemical changes in the brain thus altering consciousness by changing the chemical composition of the brain fluids
What is Shabd Guru? p.66, 70-77
Shabad means sound; guru means teacher; Shabad Guru is a quantum technology of sound which directly alters our consciousness through the power of Naad- it is a special sound current as teacher which alters consciousness because it removes the constrictions and distortions of the ego. It is one of the best tools to strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system and balance the rhythm of the autonomic system so it can repair itself. It also stimulate *****Dharam Dev mentioned something about the Hypothalamus stimulated but I can't remember what she said
Use of Navel Center p.69
Activates the central channel (Shushmuna) and 72,000 nerve endings; when engaged it is the power center - people hear you. You are able to project yourself with power. When you speak a mantra & vibrate the tip of the tongue you want to speak it from the Shushmuna and vibrate from the central point at the same time-that extra pulse of energy moves the words into the realm of anahat-"without boundary".
Darshani p.68
Visual method of meditation where you mentally project the mantra on an inner screen and concentrate on it as it passes across the screen
Ajapa Jap p.68
Repeating without repeating. The silent recitation which automatically develops within as a result of jappa - when every cell vibrates the rhythm
Use of music: p.282
Yogi Bhajan has taught that we are to use only 3HO mantras for Kundalini Yoga classes. Also that music is used only when it assists the student in their meditative mind.
How could using music in class be a distraction instead of an enhancement? p. 282
It might provoke outer energy instead of creating inner energy. Music that is more physical or mental can disrupt rhythms that support Kundalini Yoga. Commotional music is not soothing, it creates more commotion. Chose music that supports subtle projections through which the person can go inward.
How would you introduce meditation? p. 126-129
Used to clear your mind. mental shower that clears the subconscious so you can become more neutral and more present.
Two specific points for concentration when meditating? p.136
1. Third eye or brow point 2. Tip of the nose 3. Tip of the chin (moon center) 4. Crown chakra (top of the head) 5. 1/10 th open;
Two specific points within the BODY for concentration during meditation are: p.136
1. The frontal lobe of the forehead, which controls your personality 2. The upper palate of the mouth, which controls your autonomic systems
Meditation focus points for the EYES are: p. 136
1. Third eye or brow point 2. Tip of the nose 3. Tip of the chin (moon center) 4. Crown chakra (top of the head) 5. 1/10 th open;
Why is it important to develop neutral mind? p.120,122
So you are not a victim of circumstance either positive or negative - one has the ability to accept things for what they are. centered/balanced. It helps you asses the whole picture. It's important to develop so it becomes instantaneous and automatic, so that it judges and assesses without attachment.
List three instructions to guide a student to suspend their breath on the inhale? p.93
1. Inhale Deeply.2. Bring attention to the clavicle and upper ribs. Lift the upper ribs slightly and fix them in place. 3. Relax the shoulders, throat and face. 4. Pull the chin in. 5. Become still and calm. 6. If you feel the urge to exhale, inhale a tiny bit instead.
List three instructions to guide a student to suspend their breath on the exhale? p.93
1. Start with a complete exhale. 2. Pull the navel point back towards the spine. 3. Lift lower chest and diaphragm. 4. Let the upper ribs relax and compress. 5. Don't bend spine & ribs when you try to exhale completely (interrupts diaphragm's action) 6. Pull the chin in. 7. Become still and calm. 8. If the muscles start a reflex to inhale, consciously exhale a little more (will extend the length of suspension significantly without strain or struggle)
How would you direct a beginner's class in the practice of long deep breathing? p.97
I would have them start on their back so they feel the movement of the diaphragm. Or have them sit up straight, pull spine into a balanced position. In either case begin to inhale w/ abdominal breath, then add chest breath, and finish w/ a clavicular breath, all 3 are done in smooth motion. Start exhale by relaxing clavicle and shoulders, then empty chest, finally, pull in abdomen to force out remaining air.
Which yogic breathing technique do you use to lower fevers? P. 97
Sitali Pranayam because it is a cooling breath. Curl the tongue into a U shape, inhale through the curled tongue, exhale through the nose. Can be used with B.O.F and segmented breaths.
Breath of Fire (BoF) is unique to Kundalini Yoga and used frequently in classes. List the instructions in guiding a student to learn BoF. p.95, 328
-It's a fast, rhythmic & continuous breath. Equal on the inhale and exhale with no pause. (Apprx. 2-3 per second) -Practiced through the nostrils w/ the mouth closed. -Powered from the naval point and solar plexus. For the exhale, press the navel point back towards the spine. For the inhale, relax the abdominals and navel. -The chest stays relaxed and slightly lifted. -There should be no rigidity anywhere in the body. -Tingly and dizziness is normal due to detoxifying effects. -BoF is not hyperventilating nor bellows breath. -There are restrictions if you're pregnant or menstruating.
Which postures are for relaxation during kriyas? p.117
1. Baby pose 2. Guru Pranam 3. Easy Pose (sitting in gyan mudra) 4. Knees to chest (pulled up) 5. Corpse pose
What is Kundalini? p.174-176
The uncoiling of your creative potential, the energy of consciousness of the soul itself. The Spiritual force coiled at the base of the spine.
Nadi p.174
Channel of flow. There are 72 major surs or zones through which nadis flow. Those 72 span out to 72,000 channels throughout the body in different systems.
3 ways in which yoga helps the nervous system p.166, 167
increases energy moving through the pathways, balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, increases interconnectedness between brain cells
Primary function of adrenal glands p.164
Produce cortisol and aldosterone hormones. Cortisol the controller of metabolism. Aldosterone acts on kidneys to promote sodium and thus water retention
What does the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems do: Sympathetic p. 75-76, 167
Sympathetic sys is the "Gas" it sends the heart racing, speeds up the breath and moves blood out of the muscles away from the core of the body (ie digestive sys)
What does the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems do: Parasympathetic p. 75-76, 167
Parasympathetic is the "Brakes" - it regulates rebuilding functions of the body, slows the breath, stimulates digestion, relaxes the nerves and shifts circulation towards the core. Coordinates recovery from stress.
How does yoga affect the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems? p. 75-76, 167
Yoga opens up the pathways for the infinite energy to move through and remove from the finite that which is no longer needed
Shushmana p.174
Center channel thru which kundalini energy ascends. Originates at base of spine where all 3 nadis meet and travels up spine to the top of the head - called the Silver Cord
How would an imbalance of the pranic body manifest itself? p.202
All diseases start with an imbalance in the pranic body - lethargy, low energy is a result of this, may be fearful and defensive. Key to balancing is Pranayam
How would a neutral mind manifest? p.201
Intuitive, comprehensive, with clarity, act with grace and commitment from your heart; not affected by the pair of opposites.
What are the seven mantras included in morning sadhana for the aquarian age? p. 152-153
Waah Yantee, Long Ek Ong Kaur, Sat Siri Siri Akaal, Mul Mantra, Rake Rakenahar, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio, Guru Guru Mantra of Guru Ram Das
Explain G.O.D. p. 209
Generating, Organizing, Destroying (or Distributing) energy of the universe. God is in you; your true essence. Wherever you are, God is. Can be whatever you want to call upon that guides you.
Kali Yug p.215-216
The dark age/age of steel or machine age - truth is only 1/4 revealed. the age is represented by a circle - the wheel of creation.
Difference between fate and destiny p.229, 43
fate = karma -> where we create karma (the law of cause and effect), actions we must complete or resolve. destiny = dharma -> in flow with the universe, service, beyond karma
Why yogic diet vegetarian? p.251-257
eating meat produces uric acid in the body and it is healthier to be more alkaline. also value life, respect animals, keep body clean and clear. Dead meat goes through a process of autoputrification and since meats can't be fully digested in the upper digested system, those toxins continue to be absorbed and eventually the body becomes polluted. These toxins make it harder to reach the higher, clearer meditative states because they are irritants to the blood stream.
Two laws for a KY teacher p.264
Law of Deliverance - deliver the student to the infinite. Law of Sustenance - keep up your representation of the student's highest consciousness
why is there a code of ethics for Kundalini Yoga teachers? p.266-267
responsible relationships between students and teachers; consistency across the board
meaning of poke, provoke, confront, elevate? p.242
poke - investigate student's heart. provoke - ask questions. confront - focus on them and where they are, what they are saying without judgment. elevate/uplift them - help them experience their Sat nam by being in yours
why do students self initiate in Kundalini Yoga? p.269
act of becoming aware can't be put upon you - it comes from within you. you must choose into it yourself
Two reasons you cover your head in Kundalini Yoga? p.267,151
protect crown and keep energy contained. accupressure on brain which activates the pituitary gland and intuition
Proper Sequence of Class p.280
Tune in, pranayam or warm up, kriya, relaxation, meditation (these two can be switched), ending prayer and long sat nams.
Name two things you must do in order to prepare yourself to teach Kundalini Yoga? p.281
Wear dignified white or ivory. cover your head. additional: bring expanded aura, and take a shower
Name two things a teacher can do to prepare the environment for a Kundalini Yoga class? p.288
Raised platform for the teacher to sit on. Quiet, well-aired room. EXTRA examples: ample space per student. indirect lighting which can be dimmed.
Why does the Kundalini Yoga teacher refrain from exercising with the class, except to demonstrate, or inspire the rhythm of the exercises? p.288
There to teach not to participate, if they were to do so, couldn't see what people are doing.
How do you respond as a yoga teacher if a student is experiencing pain during a yoga posture? p.265, 277, 274, 299
Explain their are two kinds of pain, one is normal distress that comes from fatigue or effort when extending a muscle or stimulating a nerve. not harmful and will go away with concentration, slow controlled breath, and a welcome flood of endorphins. The second kind is bad, this pain comes from structural problems, inner organ difficulties, or referred pain from other injuries or illness. NOT to be worked through in this situation.
How do you respond as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher if a student starts crying during yoga class? p.299
Maintain the neutral space of the class, and most often the meditation and relaxation will help complete this, but your words and heart centered projection are the best offering for safety.
kriya p.100
In yoga it is a set, a sequence of postures, breath and sound that are integrated together to allow the manifestation of a particular state
Venus lock p.106
Clasped hands-left pinkie on bottom and right thumb on top for men, right pinkie on bottom, left thumb on top for women
Nadi Cleansing Kriya p.96
-alternating nostril breath. 1:4:2 (inhale, hold, exhale), ratio for powerful purifying and cleansing
Two essential differences between male and female mind according to humanology p.233-234
Female mind has 6 tracks and she thinks in ideas. male mind has 1 track and he thinks in problems
How is union cultivated between male and female in humanology? p.234-238
Pranic exchange creates an imprint and a rush of chemical reaction. The first stage is when passion is triggered by the female projection into the pituitary of the male. The second stage happens when the "male scent" is stimulated. The third stage is when the scent is evaluated by the female. Full reaction depends on the chakra level projection of the female.
THE POWER OF THE MOTHER: yoga techniques a pregnant woman can use to help support a healthy, conscious pregnancy. p.230, 286-287, 296-297
Adi shakti meditation, chanting, pre-natal kundalini yoga, walking 5 miles a day, Charn Jap. Good diet and nutrition.
Importance of meditation while pregnant p.230
Baby gets the effect of the meditation as if he/she is meditating him/herself. Meditation will assist her to create harmony with her changing self and environments. Can affect the soul that is incarnate, before the 120th day can be more developed soul and after 120th day can affect the karmic state.
How can you stimulate your own prosperity
Prosperity Kriya - Har; subagh kriya; guru dakshna 11% tithing of teacher's salary; 10% donation to charity in general
Rules of Harmonious Communication p.242
Pay attention to the words you use. Use them to uplift and to be of service as what you say gets recorded forever.
Recommendations for sound and restful sleep p.247
1. Exercise (kriya to help with sleep) 2. No big meals 3. Comb your hair 4. Have a bathroom routine 5. Drink a glass of water 6. Wash feet with cold water 7. Sleep on a firm bed with natural fabric 8. Long deep breathing 9. Lay on right side which stimulates left nostril breathing, relaxes the heart and drains digestive system
Yoga poses to do when first wake up before getting out of bed p.247
strech pose, tuck pose, rubbing hands together in front of heart and massaging face; ego eraticator; cat stretch
Benefits of cold showers p.248-249
opens capillaries, exhilirates, invigorates, flushes organs and systems, skin radiant, increases circulation
Explain the benefits of Kundalini Yoga as if teaching a class to beginners. p.272
Uses Bhandas and prana from the breath to raise the kundalini energy toward the 3rd eye/ crown chakra to raise your consciousness/awareness