anointed one
What does the title Christ literally mean?
Martin Luther
Who emerged as the leader of the reform movement in the sixteenth century?
In Christianity, a sacred rite that is thought capable of transmitting the mystery of Christ to worshipers is knows as what?
Holy Euchatist or Communion
What is the central sacrament in most forms of Christianity?
female role models in the bible
What is one current area of interest and study in Christian feminist theology?
What is the ecclesiastical court set up to investigate and suppress heresy known as?
What is the belief that the bread and wine used in the right of the Eucharist mysteriously transform into the body and blood of Christ is known as?
Christians who focus on emotional spiritual experiences such as speaking in tongues.
While the gospels state that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, some scholars believe that he was born where?
Christian beliefs such as the inerrancy of the Bible and the literal virgin birthof Mary are features of what?
New Testament
All Christian Bibles contain a section of twenty-seven books known as what?
The first four books of the New Testament are called what?
What is the central teaches of Jesus?
Jesus taught primarily through the use of what method?
According to the Book of Acts, this event involving the sound of a whirling wind, tongues of fire, and speaking in foreign languages, and galvanizing the Christian movement into action, was called?
Paul / Saul
Who, after persecuting Christians, converted and became one of Christianity's early proponents and writers?
West and East orthodox churches excommunicated each other
In the history of Christianity, the year 1054 is important because it was the year in which what happened?
John Calvin
A major seat of Protestantism developed in Geneva under which reformer?
Council Of Trent
Reforms within the Roman Catholic Church during the era of the Protestant Reformation were expressed principally in what council?
What is the name for the Christian celebration of Jesus' resurrection?
Libertarian Theology
What is the Communist Christian movement advocating concrete political actionto help the poor called?
Being "born again"
What do Evangelicals focus their Christianity upon?
What Christian denomination is a spirit-oriented movement?
Fighting apartheid
What is Archbishop Desmond Tutu best known for?
There is substantial historical evidence concerning the life of Jesus in sources other than gospels.
The first witnesses at Jesus' empty tomb were women.
Paul insisted that all male converts to Christianity must be circumcised.
The transfiguration was when Jesus climbed a mountain, and Moses and Elijah appeared.
The relics of saints are often understood to have spiritual power.
Passion narratives relate the dedication to the church of the early Christian disciples.
The various orthodox churches are led by the supreme patriarch of Constantinople.
The Anglican Church broke away from the Eastern Orthodox Church.
One change brought about by the second Vatican council was services being held in local language rather than Latin.
John Calvin taught that salvation comes from good works alone.
The majority of the world's Christians today are found in Europe and North America.