Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. Etymology 2. Mesolithic 3. Neolithic 4. Paleolithic 5. Rural 6. Urban
1-the study of the origins of words 2-the Middle Stone Age period 3-the New Stone Age period 4-the Old Stone Age period 5-the area outside cities; the country 6-the area that makes up a city
There were widespread agrarian societies during the ________ era.
Hierarchical societies became more organized during the ___________ era.
A characteristic of this era was the introduction of pottery. Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic
What are three characteristics of the Agricultural Revolution? New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Crop rotation was invented, making it harder on soil. Larger cities became a reality. Farmers learned to control water through wells and canals. More people were needed for farming.
New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Larger cities became a reality. Farmers learned to control water through wells and canals.
Match the inventor with his invention. 1. Fox Talbot X-rays 2. Isaac Singer 3. Etienne Lenoir 4. Alfred Nobel 5. Wilhelm Roentgen
1-photographs 2-sewing machine 3-gasoline engine 4-dynamite 5-X-rays
In what areas did major changes take place during the Industrial Revolution? oil production mining aviation manufacturing textiles
mining manufacturing textiles
The Industrial Revolution saw many people moving from urban to rural settings. True or False
The world's population grows by an estimated 120,000 people every day. True or False
The nomadic lifestyle of the humans of the Paleolithic Era resulted in rapid population growth. True or False
What was an effect of the discovery of the New World in the late fifteenth century? depletion of resources global exchange of plant life shift to a sedentary lifestyle domestication of animals
NOT shift to a sedentary lifestyle maybe global exchange of plant life
During the Industrial Revolution, the population declined due to a decrease in life expectancy. True or False
Which of the following could affect the human population? A hurricane makes landfall on an uninhabited island. A deadly virus emerges that can pass from human to human. A civil war breaks out in Italy. A solar eclipse occurs.
A deadly virus emerges that can pass from human to human. A civil war breaks out in Italy.
The forced transport of Africans to the Americas as part of the Atlantic slave trade was an example of which factor affecting population? disease environmental changes conflict international migration
international migration
In 2004, a tsunami affected the population of _____. Asia South America Europe the United States
Today, the majority of the world's population lives in Europe. True or False
In the 1970s, how did the Chinese government seek to limit the country's population growth? by encouraging its citizens to immigrate to India by encouraging families to have one child each by increasing the availability of social services by starting a war with India
by encouraging families to have one child each
From this lesson, in what ways have some nations tried to educate their populations regarding the number of children that couples have? by forcing people to take parenting classes by producing posters by distributing flyers by creating television ads
by distributing flyers by creating television ads
If most of the population growth in the future is expected to take place in developing countries, predict what effects this will likely have. People in these countries will live in poverty. More jobs will become available. People in these countries will become wealthy. There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services.
People in these countries will live in poverty. There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services.
An infectious disease outbreak that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a large number of the population is called a(n): Infectonia Pandemic Ebola Black Death
The 1918 outbreak of the Spanish flu was the most destructive malaria epidemic in history. True or False
Why did the 1918 outbreak of the Spanish flu cause so many deaths? The virus had combined with an even deadlier avian flu virus. The United Nations could not distribute vaccines fast enough. The influenza virus was a strain to which people had no immunity. The World Health Organization had not yet been created.
The influenza virus was a strain to which people had no immunity.
An account of the first recorded pandemic in human history was written by _____. Pericles Zeus Thucydides Justinian
Scientists have not been able to eliminate the threat of future pandemics. True or False
A group of volunteers in San Francisco began making a quilt in 1987 to honor their friends and family members who had died of _____. Ebola AIDS cancer heart disease
Where have the highest number of HIV infections been reported? Latin America Europe Sub-Saharan Africa Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa
What is likely to happen to a country's economy if its population is affected by a disease pandemic? Economic productivity would increase. Economic productivity would decline. The country would export more vaccines. Employment rates would reach an all-time high.
Economic productivity would decline.
HIV is the virus that causes
What is the most deadly viral disease that scientists know of? the bubonic plague Ebola cholera chicken pox
Experts predict that a future disease outbreak will spread _______ because much of the world's population lives in crowded urban areas.
In what era did the domestication of animals begin? Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic
In what era did hunter-gatherer societies thrive? Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic
Select all that apply. What are three characteristics of the Agricultural Revolution? More people were needed for farming. Larger cities became a reality. New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Crop rotation was invented, making it harder on the soil. Farmers learned to control water through canals and wells.
Larger cities became a reality. New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Farmers learned to control water through canals and wells.
Which of the following is an "old" country and has a declining population? Yemen Iraq Japan Afghanistan
Penicillin was introduced in hospitals to sterilize surgical instruments. True or False
Select all that apply. Which of the following could affect the human population? An ethnic war breaks out in Eastern Europe. A lunar eclipse occurs. A deadly virus starts a pandemic. A tornado touches down in an uninhabited area in the Midwest prairie.
An ethnic war breaks out in Eastern Europe. A deadly virus starts a pandemic.
In the sixth century, an outbreak of _______________ killed forty percent of Constantinople's population.
bubonic plague
Select all that apply. It appears that most of the world's population growth is taking place in developing countries. Predict what effects this will likely have. People in developing nations will become more wealthy. More employment opportunities will arise. There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services. More people are going to be living in poverty.
There will be an increase in demand for access to basic goods and services. More people are going to be living in poverty.
Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. Etymology 2. Sedentary 3. Paleolithic 4. Mesolithic 5. Neolithic
1-the study of the origin of words 2-the process of settling down in one location 3-Old Stone Age 4-Middle Stone Age 5-New Stone Age
Select all that apply. Which of the following are examples of pandemics? a few children in your neighborhood who come down with the common cold the Spanish flu that broke out in 1918 the bubonic plague that swept across Europe in the mid-1300s friends who get stomach aches after eating five bars of chocolate
the Spanish flu that broke out in 1918 the bubonic plague that swept across Europe in the mid-1300s
Select all that apply. The Stone Age is broken into what three parts? Mesolithic Paleolithic Monolithic Microlithic Neolithic
Mesolithic Paleolithic Neolithic
The World Health Organization is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. True or False
In history, what altered the development and population of sub-Saharan Africa? a potato famine the Atlantic slave trade a tsunami a hurricane
the Atlantic slave trade
The Industrial Revolution saw many people moving from rural to urban settings. True or False
What has been an effect of the AIDS pandemic? Economic growth has skyrocketed in countries affected by AIDS. There has been a mass migration of AIDS victims to Europe. There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS. There has been a decreased interest in vaccine research.
There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS.
Since much of the world's population lives in crowded urban areas, experts predict that a future disease outbreak will spread
In what areas did major changes take place during the Industrial Revolution? textiles aviation mining oil production manufacturing
textiles mining manufacturing
In the 1970s, the Chinese government encouraged families to have .
one child
This period formed the foundation of the modern world: American Revolution to World War II War of 1812 to World War I French Revolution to World War I French Revolution to World War II
French Revolution to World War I
Which statement best defines an entrepreneur? Businessperson increases industrial production during the Industrial Revolution. Gunpowder technology changes military strategies. Politicians develop a nationalistic spirit in Britain.
Businessperson increases industrial production during the Industrial Revolution.
Which event opened Asian countries to trade with Europe? Opium Wars Industrial Revolution Military and Fiscal Revolution
Opium Wars
Ethnic and cultural divisions between peoples were used by colonial powers to maintain control of their colonies. True or False
Which is not characteristic of the military and fiscal revolution? New gunpowder technology and military advances occurred. Governments found new ways to pay for expensive wars. Countries used unfavorable trade treaties.
Countries used unfavorable trade treaties.
Which term best describes a country formed on a shared culture, history, and language? colonialism nationalism militarism
Which of the following factors is not responsible for European dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? governments finding ways to pay for expensive wars organization of labor on an international basis shift of military power away from European countries
shift of military power away from European countries
The Communist forces of Mao Zedong defeat the Nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek. The People's Republic of China is established on October 1, 1949. True or False
What was an immediate cause of the 1789 French Revolution? the Enlightenment the Springtime of the Peoples the ideas of the Communist Manifesto a financial crisis
a financial crisis
What was the immediate cause of the Springtime of the Peoples? a revolution in Iran a revoltuion in China a revolution in France a building discontent with Europe's multinational empires
a revolution in France
Who is a Nicaraguan national hero? Augusto César Sandino José Martí Guiseppe Garibaldi Emiliano Zapata
Augusto César Sandino
By invoking the image of past national heroes, revolutionaries can_____. isolate segments of the population gain support for their movement win financial aid from foreigners make sure that their revolutionary movement will succeed
gain support for their movement
Nationalism rejects _____. socialism foreign influences patriotism the good of the nation
foreign influences
The 1917 Russian Revolution was influenced by the ideas of Adam Smith. True or False
A system of ideas is called _____. a political refolution an ideology Communism a theocracy
an ideology
What form of government did the 1910 Chinese Revolution establish? a totalitarian regime a monarchy a dictatorship a republic
a republic
In Chile, who initiated the "revolution from above?" Chilean workers Augusto César Sandino Salvador Allende Nicholas II
Salvador Allende
The 1979 Iranian Revolution established _____. an autocracy an Islamic Repbulic a monarchy a Communist state
an Islamic Repbulic
Italian nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi led a failed revolution to free Italy from Austrian control in 1948. True or False
Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. existence as an independent nation or government 2. a group of people united by a common language 3. ultimate authority over a state or independent state
1-Autonomy 2-Nation 3-Sovereignty
Select all that apply. The three forms of nationalism mentioned in this lesson are _____. ethnic political geographic intellectual religious
ethnic political religious
Currently, there are ____ sovereign countries in the United Nations.
Many African nation-states were once colonies. True or False
The development of nation-states began _____. during the development of early human societies immediately after the fall of Rome before the age of empires in recent times
in recent times
Select all that apply. Two factors that make it difficult for people to retain a sense of nationalism are _____. politics globalization immigration geography
globalization immigration
Select all that apply. What are three reasons for mass immigration today? better job opportunities famine civil wars education disease
famine civil wars disease
Which describes an entrepreneur? Gunpowder technology changes military strategies. A businessperson increases production during the Industrial Revolution. A nationalistic spirit is developed by British politicians.
A businessperson increases production during the Industrial Revolution.
Which term best describes a country formed on a shared culture, language, and history? Imperialism Militarism Nationalism Colonialism
Select all that apply. Nation-states are characterized by _____. a multi-ethnic empire common culture or language a self-governing country possessions around the world
common culture or language a self-governing country
Who is a Cuban national hero? Augusto Cesar Sandino Guiseppe Garibaldi Emiliano Zapata Jose Marti
Jose Marti
European nations were able to dominate other countries during the period of colonialism because _____. they had larger armies they had superior communication, technology, and weapons they had a greater population they were more intelligent
they had superior communication, technology, and weapons
The development of nation-states began _____. immediately after the fall of Rome before the age of empires in recent times during the development of early human societies
in recent times
Select all that apply. What are three forms of nationalism? religious intellectual political ethnic geographic
religious political ethnic
Revolutions from "above" are organized by _____. the people political leaders counterrevolutionaries foreigners
political leaders
Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. existence as an independent nation or government 2. a legal and social system where vassals held land from lords in exchange for military service 3. a group of people united by a common language 4. ultimate authority over a state or independent state
1-Autonomy 2-Feudal 3-Nation 4-Sovereignty
The seeds for European economic dominance over the rest of the world were planted during the _____. Agricultural Revolution Technology Revolution Political Revolution Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Select all that apply. What are some of the characteristics of globalization? trans-national corporations real-time news from around the world insourcing of labor foreign investing high tariffs between competing nations
trans-national corporations real-time news from around the world foreign investing
Select all that apply. What are three reasons for mass immigration today? disease better job opportunities civil wars famine education
disease civil wars famine
This event opened Asian countries, particularly China, to trade with Europe. Opium Wars Industrial Revolution Military Revolution The Great Famine
Opium Wars
What was an immediate cause of the 1789 French Revolution? the Springtime of the Peoples the ideas of the Communist Manifesto the Enlightenment a financial crisis
a financial crisis
Which of the following factors is not responsible for European dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Military power shifted away from European nations. Governments found ways to pay for expensive wars. Labor was organized on an international basis.
Military power shifted away from European nations.
In 1979, followers of _____ overthrew the monarchy of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and established an Islamic Republic in Iran. Fidel Castro Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Sun Yat-sen Francisco Madero
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Match the terms to their definition. 1. barter 2. capital 3. production 4. quota
1-to trade goods or services without the exchange of money 2-money that is used to produce greater wealth 3-something that is produced; a product 4-a fixed amount
What best defines an economic system? process by which people choose how to use limited resources in order to meet their needs economy based on traditional production methods government makes decisions
process by which people choose how to use limited resources in order to meet their needs
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the new traditional economic system? The economic decision making is closely associated with an established religion. The government will control the means of production. Advancing technology is responsible for the changes to old traditional economic systems.
NOT Advancing technology is responsible for the changes to old traditional economic systems. Maybe The government will control the means of production
What is the goal of a command economic system? to maximize profit to preserve the past to make society more equal
to make society more equal
What is another term for a market economic system? Communism Socialism Capitalism
Central planning committees fix production quotas in the free enterprise system. True or False
Match the following items. 1. Free Enterprise System 2. mixed economy 3. the former Soviet Union 4. land and capital
1-private ownership of capital 2-private and state ownership of business 3-command economy 4-factors of production
Match the following items. 1. a person who studies the field of economics 2. an eighteenth-century French economist 3. an economic doctrine that opposes government interference in economic activities 4. an economic system under which colonies supply goods to the mother country
1-Economist 2-Physiocrat 3-Laissez-faire 4-Mercantilism
_______________ is characterized by the unregulated exchange of services and goods.
Free Market
Mercantilism was based on a nation's power and wealth, which was enabled by _____. the size of its army the ability to import more goods than export the amount of precious metals that could be had the size of its population
the amount of precious metals that could be had
According to the lesson, the economic doctrine that opposes government regulation of the economy is called _____. perestroika laissez-faire glasnost coup d'etat
How did the United States stop the spread of Communism in Europe following World War II? by starting a war with the Soviet Union by banning the sale of Communist-made goods by rebuilding the European economy through the Marshall Plan by inciting a capitalistic revolution inside Russia
by rebuilding the European economy through the Marshall Plan
The economic system that came out on top at the end of the Cold War was _____. Mercantilism Capitalism Communism Mixed
Communism allows for significantly more individual freedom than its rival economic system, capitalism. True or False
__________ is another term for a market economic system.
This economic system is characterized by the unregulated exchange of goods and services. Mercantilism Communism Socialism Free Market
Free Market
Capitalism has evolved into a mixed economy throughout the world. True or False
Mercantilists stated that a country's wealth and strength came from the ability to _____. hoard precious metals maintain a large military own more colonies import more than it exported
hoard precious metals
Capitalism allows for significantly less freedom than other economic systems. True or False
Adam Smith wrote the famous economics book _____. The Wealth of Countries The Rise of Mercantilism The Wealth of Nations The Wealth of Economic Systems
The Wealth of Nations
Which of the following best illustrates the traditional economic system? label reading Made in China passing clothes down from older to younger brother choosing to start a sub sandwich restaurant
NOT label reading Made in China maybe passing clothes down from older to younger brother
The famous book on economics, The Wealth of Nations, was written by _____. Adam Sandler Adam Jones Adam Smith Adam Jackson
Adam Smith
The Opium Wars opened Asian nations, particularly China, to trade with Europe. True or False
Another term for a market economic system is .
Where is most of the future population growth likely to occur? Brazil industrial countries Europe developing countries
developing countries
Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. Capitalism 2. Communism 3. Economist 4. Laissez-faire 5. Nationalism
1-an economic system based on private ownership and competition motivated by profit 2-a classless society where control of wealth and property belongs to the state 3-a person who studies the field of economics 4-an economic doctrine that opposes government interference in economic activities 5-a strong sense of love and devotion toward a nation
What has been an effect of the AIDS pandemic? There has been a decreased interest in vaccine research. There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS. Economic growth has skyrocketed in countries affected by AIDS. There has been a mass migration of AIDS victims to Europe.
There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS.
Select all that apply. Three major causes of mass migration today are _____. better job opportunities civil wars disease famine education
civil wars disease famine
Capitalism has evolved into mercantilism throughout the world. True or False
In the 1970s, the Chinese government encouraged families to have .
one child
Which of the following factors is not responsible for European dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Governments found ways to pay for expensive wars. Military power shifted away from European nations. Labor was organized on an international basis.
Military power shifted away from European nations.
Match each concept: 1.Mixed economy 2. The former Soviet Union 3. Free enterprise system 4. Land and capital
1-private and state ownership of business 2-command economy 3-private ownership of capital 4-factors of production
During the years of the Industrial Revolution, families had fewer children yet the population continued to grow. How was this possible? A lot of triplets were born during this time. The average life expectancy decreased. Infant mortality increased. People were living longer.
People were living longer.
What are three characteristics of globalization? insourcing of labor high tariffs between competing nations transnational corporations outsourcing of labor foreign investing
transnational corporations outsourcing of labor foreign investing
Select all that apply. Three forms of nationalism would include _____. political ethnic geographic intellectual religious
political ethnic religious
Revolutionary groups that have competing goals or visions about what the revolution is to accomplish are called _____. factions assemblies parties radicals
Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. 1. Globalization 2. Pandemic 3. Rural 4. Sedentary 5. Urban
1-the process of conducting business on a global scale 2-a worldwide spread of a deadly disease 3-the area outside cities; the country 4-the process of setting down in one location 5-the area that makes up a city
How did the discovery of the New World influence population growth in Europe, Asia, and Africa? Millions of Native Americans sailed to Europe, Asia, and Africa. The addition of food crops from the Americas helped to support population growth. People from Europe, Asia, and Africa migrated to the New World. American diseases led to population decline in these areas.
NOT People from Europe, Asia, and Africa migrated to the New World. maybe the addition of food crops from the Americas helped to support population growth
Family planning is a service that assists couples in _____. adopting children creating a monthly budget planning for their child's college education deciding if they will have children and how many
deciding if they will have children and how many
Colonized nations were dominated by European countries because _____. they had smaller populations they had smaller armies they possessed inferior communications, technology, and weapons They were less intelligent
they possessed inferior communications, technology, and weapons
Select all that apply. What are three characteristics of the Agricultural Revolution? More people were needed for farming. Larger cities became a reality. New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Crop rotation was invented, making it harder on the soil. Farmers learned to control water through canals and wells.
Larger cities became a reality. New tools made it possible for more crops to be grown. Farmers learned to control water through canals and wells.
Which term best describes a country formed on a shared culture, language, and history? Colonialism Nationalism Militarism Imperialism
Today, the world's population is younger than ever before. True or False
"Historical _________ are identified across times, places, ideas, institutions, cultures, people and events."