Long Period of time before people invented writing
Scholars who study and write about the historical past
Objects made by humans
THe study of the origins and development of people and their societies,
Way of life of a society
Study of past people and cultures through their material remains.
Mary Leakey
Anthropologist in 1939 - 1959. Married to Louis Leakey. Discovered a skull at Oldubai Gorge.
Louis Leakey
Anthropologist in 1939 - 1959. Married to Mary Leakey.
Olduvai Gorge
deep canyon in Tanzania. early hominid inhabitance.
Skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs and wants
Donald Johanson
Anthropologist in 1974. Found almost complete early hominid skeleton in Ethiopia. He named the skeleton Lucy.
Early humans who lived in Africa. Includes Lucy.
Homo habilis
"handy man". Around 2 million years ago.
Homo erectus
"upright man". Around 2 million years ago. Handier than Homo habilis
Homo Sapiens
Modern Humans belong to this group. May have developed from Neanderthals and early modern human