How is absolutism defined?
The form of govt in which all power is vested in a single ruler
What is the theory of Divine Right?
The belief that god granted monarchs with the power to rule
What are causes of Absolutism?
Decline in Federalism; Loss in church authority; Growth of national kingdoms; Rise of cities; Support of middle class; Religious/territorial conflicts; Revolts by peasants and nobles; Growth of national armies; Need for higher taxes
What are the effects of Absolutism?
Strict religious and social regulations; Loss of nobility power; Tight economic control; Large building projects; Westernization of Russia; Political reform; Impact on development of U.S. Democracy; Political revolution in france
Who were the Boyars? how did absolute rulers in Russian keep their power in check?
They were Russian nobles. Kept their power in check by seizing their land and placing them under the kings control.
How did Peter the great demonstrate absolutism?
He forced Russian nobility to adopt western customs
Who westernized Russia? Why? Examples?
Peter the great because he wanted Russia to be more like the western countries. Ex Built a more western capital; Changed their cloths, hairstyle, and ideology on women and parties
Define Huguenots. How did the Edict of Nantes affect them? Who repealed it & why?
They were french protestants. It allowed them to worship in areas where they were the majority. Louis XIV repealed it to end religious toleration for protestants
Who was Louis XIV? What was his nickname? Why?
He was the most famous ruler in french history. His was called the sun god because he worked from sun up till sun down
How did Louis keep the power of the nobility in check?
He made them exempts from taxes
How did Louis demonstrate absolute rule?
He built a huge palace at versailles
Why was the Palace of Versailles significant?
Because it showed Louis was the absolute rules and it put France in great debt
English Family Tree
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How and why did the Stuarts come to the English throne?
When Elizabeth died, her cousin, James VI, came into rule thus starting the Stuarts dynasty
What was the nature of James I's relationship with Parliament? Why?
It was very strained because of money issues and because he was weak on foreign policy
Who were the Puritans? What did they want?
People who felt there was too much Catholic influence on the Church of England and they wanted to purify it.
How did the actions of Charles I lead to the English Civil War
Charles I dissolved Parliament but then was forced to call them back into session and they wanted to limit his power but he didn't want them to so they went to war
Describe each side - Roundheads Vs. Cavaliers
Roundheads - Supported Parliament, Cavaliers - Supported the king.
What happened to Charles I during the English Civil War?
He was Executed/Beheaded
How did Oliver Cromwell come into power? What was his official title? How did he rule England?
After the king was executed, the monarchy & the house of lords were abolished and Cromwell was named lord protector of England. Placed England under military rule
What was the Restoration? Who was the first monarch after the Restoration?
After Cromwell's rule ended, the rump parliament reestablished the English Monarchy and named Charles II the new English Monarch.
What is a constitutional monarchy? How is it different from an absolute monarchy?
When the power of the monarch is limited by a constitution or by laws. The difference is absolute monarchs aren't limited at all.
What was the Habeas Corpus Act
A person can not be held in prison without just cause/a trial
What did Tories want? What did Whigs want?
Tories wanted a hereditary monarchy. Whigs wanted to exclude Charles' brother (James II) from the thrown
How did James II cause problems with Parliament?
He went into power and appointed Catholics into govt positions
Who were William & Mary? Why & how did they overthrow James II?
Mary was James' daughter and William was her husband. They overthrew James II because parliament asked them to and James fled
What were the long term effects of the English Civil War & Glorious Revolution
The Habeas Corpus Act; Parliament developed two political parties; England became an constitutional monarchy.
What was the Enlightenment? what did enlightenment thinkers emphasize?
A period when new human existence ideas were created. They emphasized government issues
What are natural rights?
Rights that you are born with. Right to life, liberty and property
Major beliefs of Hobbes?
Believed everyone was evil and believed in absolute power
Major beliefs of Locke?
Believed everyone has natural rights, people are good, and you can overthrow an unjust govt
Major beliefs of Montesquieu?
Believed in separation of powers and checks and balances
Major beliefs of Rousseau?
Believed in freedom and voting for govt officials
Major beliefs of Voltaire
Believed in freedom of religion and speech and believed in separation of church and state.