The earliest hominids lived in
Ancient Sumerian city-states political structure
were NOT of democratic in nature.
Ancient Mesopotamian society developed
an extensive irrigation system
Which of the following is untrue about the Code of Hammurabi?
Hammurabi's code did not mention women.
Hammurabi was able to "divide and conquer" his enemies upon his return to Mesopotamia. Thus unifying control. He also established a new capitol in Babylon, developed a code of law, stimulated the economy and enhanced the irrigation system, too. However, he was never a...
Pharaoh of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom
Why did the Egyptians use the mummification process?
Egyptians used the process of mummification to preserve ones' body to the afterlife. They thought that by preserving the body one could continue their journey to live despite death.
What purpose did the Egyptians usage of statues and gods in there temples serve?
The usage of Egyptians statues and gods in their temples served both a formulaic and functional purpose.
What were some other significant human advances that were made in addition to Mesopotamia and Egypt?
The construction of a large complexes in the British Isles and in northwestern France which revealed a surprising awareness of astronomical data.
The Indo-Europeans spoke related languages, among which 3 groups?
The Indo-Europeans spoke related languages, among which are Sanskirt, Persian, and Greek.
The Phoenicians were best known for?
The Phoenicians invented an alphabet system.
During the height of King Salomon's reign, he was able to unite the Israelites, moved the capitol to Jerusalem, where he built a new temple. However, he was NOT known for?
King Salomon never controlled the Middle East
When did Jerusalem become the capital of the southern Kingdom of Judah?
After King Salomon died, Jerusalem became the capital of the southern Kingdom of Judah.
What was the Assyrian army renowned for?
The Assyrian army was renowned for its ability to besiege enemy cities.
What did Cyrus the great do?
Cyrus the Great created a great Persian empire.
Who were successors to Cyrus the Great?
Successors to Cyrus were Cambyses and Darius.
Systematic agriculture developed independently in different areas of the world after 3000 and 1500 B.C.
Sumerian ziggurats performed the same function as Egypt's pyramids.
Persians were an ____________ people.
Persians were an INDO-EUROPEAN people.
The ancient Egyptians had no word for ________.
The ancient Egyptians had no word for RELIGION.
During the prophetic era (c. 750-550), _________ developed a sense of universalism in its monotheistic theology.
During the prophetic era (c. 750-550), JUDAISM developed a sense of universalism in its monotheistic theology.
The two major cities of Harappan civilization
contained, in the city of Mohenjo-Daro, a pool that was apparently used in ceremonies of purification.
The Indian term dharma referred to laws setting behavioral standards for which groups in Indian society?
Dharma referred to laws setting behavioral standards for all inhabitants of India, of all classes.
What was the Indian priestly caste known as?
The Indian priestly caste known as the brahmin.
What was the Indian warrior caste known as?
The Indian warrior caste known as the kshatriya.
The vaisya was the third-ranked caste. How was it usually viewed as?
The vaisya is usually viewed as the merchant caste.
What term refers to the system of large, joint families in India?
Jati is the term that refers to the system of large, joint families in India.
What were the gender relations among ancient Indians?
It can be said of gender relations among Indians that men often dominated women.
How was the Brahman seen?
Brahman was seen/known as the creator.
What was the ultimate goal of Hindus?
The ultimate goal os Hindus is to attain an ultimate spiritual reunion with Brahman and escape the pain of living.
What provides an elaborate discussion of the ethics of the dharma?
The Mahabharata provides an elaborate discussion of the ethics of the dharma.
The Ramayana is a presentation of what?
The Ramayana is a presentation of Indian values.
What became the ultimate place of devotion?
Stupas became the ultimate place of devotion.
The rock chambers were not
Prohibited for their use for religious ceremonies by the Ashoka
For ordinary Indian, what did the sensuous paradise that adorned ancient Indian religious art present?
The sensuous paradise that adorned ancient Indian religious art presented salvation and fulfillment.
Were the Aryans Semitic-people?
No, the Aryans were NOT Semtic-peoples
There is NO evidence of early civilization that existed from the Caspian Sea to modern Afghanistan
The caste system was in part a reflection of the light-skinned Aryans conquest of the dark-skinned Dravidians.
Siddhartha denied the reality of the material or physical world, claiming that it was all an illusion that had to be transcended.
The language of the Vedas was NOT Prakirt.
Which of these ancient civilizations survived, intact, until the 20th century?
The ancient Chinese civilizations were able survive and intact to the 20th century.
What were the legendary "3 sovereigns" of prehistoric China?
The legendary "3 sovereigns" of prehistoric China were the Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Huang Di.
TRUE or FALSE: All evidence indicates that the first agriculture villages in China developed only along the Pearl River.
When were the beginnings of civilization in China first experienced?
The beginnings of civilization in China were possibly first experienced during the Xia dynasty.
How were ancient Chinese villages organized?
Ancient Chinese villages were organized on the basis of clans.
When was the idea of the Mandate of Heaven introduced?
The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it served to legitimize its power.
What is the "well field system"?
The "well field system" allowed peasants plots of their own to work as well as working the lands their lords.
What did the benevolent monarchy described in the Rites of Zhou?
The benevolent monarchy described in the Rites of Zhou are the degenerated, in practice, into a fractious arrangement of despotic and exploitive local rulers.
Which dynasty undertook a large-scale water control programs to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields?
The Zhou dynasty, China undertook a large-scale water control programs to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields.
The technique of leaving fallow land to better use soil nutrients was an agricultural technology advancement, made by which Chinese dynasty?
The Zhou dynasty developed the technique of leaving fallow land to better use soil nutrients was an agricultural technology advancement.
How did the Chinese believe that the universe was divided between two primary forces?
The Chinese believed that the universe was divided between two primary forces; the sun as the yang, and the moon as the yin.
Where can the conversations between Confucius and his disciples be found?
The conversations between Confucius and his disciples can be found in the Analects.
Which Chinese dynasty carried out public book burnings?
The Qin dynasty carried out public book burnings.
"If the government seeks to rule by decree and to maintain order by the use of punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and have no sense of shame. But if the government leads by virtue and governs through the rules of propriety, the people will feel shame and seek to correct their mistakes." This statement reflects the ideas of
What makes the Chinese written language unique?
The Chinese written language is unique because its ideographically format.
What was used for divination and to communicate with the gods?
Inscriptions on ox and chicken bones or turtle shells were used for divination and to communicate with the gods.
In early Chinese history, villages were NOT organized by nuclear family units but by clans.
Confucius' interest in philosophy was NOT essential theological and transcendent.
The Qin dynasty did NOT based its rule upon the philosophy of Confucius.
The nature of gender relations was demonstrated in the Chinese written language, with the character for woman was a person in a posture of deference and respect. (TRUE)
When did many Greeks leave the mainland for Ionia and Aegean islands?
During the Greek Dark Age, many Greeks leave the mainland for Ionia and Aegean islands.
What island was the earliest Aegean civilization was located on?
The islands of Crete.
Where was the city-state of Sparta located?
Sparta was located on the Peloponnesus.
How is the Mycenaean civilization characterized?
The Mycenaean civilization can be characterized as a militaristic program of conquest, even in Crete.
Who reformed the Athenian government thus creating the foundation for political democracy?
Cleisthenes reformed the Athenian government thus creating the foundation for political democracy.
What is a polis?
A polis is a community of citizens in which political, economic, social, cultural and religious activities were performed.
Where was the myth of Persian invincibility was broken at?
In the city-state of Marathon.
What happened to the Delian League under Pericles?
The Delian League was used to expand Athenian imperialism.
What did Thucydides believe?
Thucydides believed that there was an exact pattern of repetition in all human affairs.
What did the plays of Euripides reflect?
The plays of Euripides reflected a skepticism that questioned traditional values.
How is classical Greek architecture viewed?
Classical Greek architectures reflects calmness, clarity, and freedom from excessive detail.
Who employed a question-and-answer method by which students' reasoning helped them to learn?
Socrates employed a question-and-answer method by which students' reasoning helped them to learn.
Greek religion was characterized by
polytheism, rituals, sacrifice, and festivals.
The legacy of Alexander the Great
embraced a major clash and fusion of cultures across a huge area as Greo-Macedonian elite assumed power in highly diverse cultures.
What is Epicureanism?
Epicureanism is the pursing pleasure rationally, and not only in a physical or hedonistic sense as the only true good.
Arthur Evans did NOT discovered the Mycenaean civilization on the Greek mainland and Henirich did NOT discovered the Minoan civilization on Crete.
The individual generally credited with transforming Sparta into a military state was Lycurgus. (TRUE)
Serfs in Sparta were NOT known as hoplites.
Pericles was the one who claimed that Athens was the "school of Greece".
In spite of his hopes, Alexander lost the battle of the Hydaspes River, and thus he was never able to set for in India. (FALSE)
Why did the super hero flush the toilet? Because it was his duty. -from the movie Wreck it Ralph :)