Earliest human-like creatures (who ,where, and when?)
Hominids,Africa,3-4 million years ago
First group using simple stone tools
"Wise human beings" (who and when?)
Homo sapiens, 250,000 years ago
Shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture (what and when?)
Neolithic Revolution (10,000-4,000 b.
Discovery of Fire (When?)
500,000 b.c.e.
(What discovery?)
One of the first settlements
Catal Huyuk (With a tail on the c and two dots over both u's..)
Consequences of Neolithic Revolution: Not all bad ones, 4 of them)
Begins Trade,Rift between women and men in status, Development of writing,nomadic groups to camps (what causes this?)
Bronze Age (when, and what is it used for)
3000-1200 bce, copper was the first, used for weapons
Civilization (6 main points)
Urban Focus (cities were the main location)Religious (always a main structure)Military and political organization (Priest and kings on top)Class System (by wealth)Writing (only in the high class so far)Artistic and Intellectual (Religious symbols were created)
"Land between rivers"
Mesopotamia (nickname?)
Cities in the Indus valley in 3000-12200 bce (Two major ones)
HarappaMohenjo-daro (where were these located, and what time range?)
"Riparian" (what does this word mean? - not in textbook)
A long rivers (like a civilization a long a river - word for this - not in textbook)
Sumer (where and when and by whom was this created?)
(city in) mesopotamia created by Sumerians in 3000 bce
the belief in government by divine guidance
Three major social groups in Mesopotamia
Nobles (Priests and family)Commoners (nobels' clients (merchants, fishers, etc.))
Akkadians (who lived here)
North Summarians (where did they live?)
Code of Hammurabi (how many laws, and what was its main theme)
282 laws, "eye for an eye"
Hammurabi (the king, what was his main accomplishment, what did he call himself, and what time period)
reunified Mesopotamia, (called himself) "the Sun of Babylon" (ruled in) 1792-1750 bce
4 most important deities:
An (god of sky)Enlil (god of wind)Enki (proper used of force on Earth (god of Earth))Ninhursaga (soil, mountains, vegetation (mother goddess))
wedged shaped pieces used for writing
Mesopotamia's 3 achievements (arts, sciences or maths)
Cuniform, number system (base on 60), calendar
(What is) the "Miracle" of the Nile?
Annual flooding (called this in Egypt)
Fertile land, non fertile (colors oriented with the difference in that order)
Black land (vs) Red lands
Capitol of the Old Kingdom
Memphis (South of Delta) (What was this in the Old Kingdom?)
System used for city-states in Middle Kingdom
Nome System
Right to order and harmony
Steward of the whole land
God of mummification
Pyramids (which kingdom and why?)
Old Kingdom, used as tombs
Mummification (3 step process)
Removed internal organs (put in 4 jars)Salt water bathFilled with spices (took roughly 70 days)
Hieroglyphics (what are they and when did they come?)
Picture writing - came within the first two dynasties
Amenhotep (what title did he have and what was his main thing)
Pharaoh of Egypt declared that all Egyptians should worship the god Aton, the sun disk god. He changed name to Akhenaton
Womens rights in Egypt: (Two points about it)
Monogamy (only one husband/wife) unless wife couldn't have childrenPharaoh could have many wives
King Tut
Ruled for 9 years as a teenager but died before he turned 20
Ramses II (what structure is he known for?)
Build statue of big people on border with Sudan