Who was the leader of Texas Revolution and fought Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna? He later won independence for Texas and became its first president
Sam Houston
Where was the site of the 1848 Women's Rights Convention?
Seneca Falls
What effect did "Manifest Destiny" have on the United States throughout the nineteenth-century?-
Manifest Destiny extended the United States all the way to the Pacific.
Which women's rights reformer delivered the "Declaration of Sentiments" at an 1848 women's rights convention? She believed in a woman's right to vote in the mid-1800s would have most likely supported her.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Who organized and led the major slave revolt in Virginia in 1831? He was later captured, tried, and executed for his actions in the revolt.-
Nat Turner
Which of the following nineteenth-century personalities was a revivalist and gave rise to the "Second Great Awakening" in the 1820s?-
Charles Finney
How did the annexation of Texas worsen the relationship between the United States and Mexico in 1845?-
sparked a war between the two nations between 1846 to 1848.
Horace Mann is associated as a leader of what early nineteenth-century reform movement?-
public school
What was the primary tactic used by abolitionists to make their case against slavery in the years preceding the Civil War?-
The use of moral persuasion in writings and emotional speeches changed the minds of people who later supported their cause.
In 1846, President James Polk sent Zachary Taylor to the border with Mexico to do what?-
Protect United States interest in the disputed territory with Mexico.
In the Presidential Election of 1844, the dispute over what territory led to the slogan "Fifty-four, Forty, or Fight!" and showed James K. Polk's willingness to go to war if elected president?-
Who became a leading Abolitionist in the 1860s? He published the North Star denouncing slavery and wrote a personal biography about the evils of slavery.-
Frederick Douglass
What was the primary goal of the leaders of the women's rights movement during the mid-nineteenth-century?-
The right to vote
During the mid-1800s, the temperance movement was primarily led by whom?-
women and churches
Generally, which political party in the 1840s would have been against the Wilmot Proviso prohibiting slavery in western territories?-
Southern Democrats
Which reformer campaigned for reform in prison and mental health facilities during the mid-nineteenth century?-
Dorothea Dix
"Forty-niners" refer to what group of people in the 1840s and 1850s?-
settlers who traveled to California looking for gold in 1849
Angelina and Sarah Grimke supported what social reform in the 1800s?-
Who was the leading abolitionist who published The Liberator in 1831 advocating immediate emancipation of slaves in the South?-
William Lloyd Garrison