Lincoln's Plan
Also known as 10% plan, it was the most lenient of all reconstruction plans, with the objective of getting the Southern states back in as quickly as possible
13th Amendment
Amendment that abolishes slavery
Freedmen's Bureau
Welfare agency set up to help newly freed blacks with aid and education. Viciously attacked by the South
Wade-Davis Bill
Radical republican bill that would have made it practically impossible for South to rejoin, was vetoed by Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Assassin who kills Lincoln in Ford's Theatre
Andrew Johnson
President who takes office after assassination of Lincoln
Johnson's Plan
Reconstruction plan that was the 10% plan plus pardons for Confederate officers and repudiated debts. It is passed while Congress is out of session
Black codes
Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves
New mthod for blacks to find work, involved farming land and then paying back a portion of profits Likened to slavery
Crop-lien system
Name of system that utilized share-cropping
Radical Republicans
Political party that favored harsh punishment of Southern states after civil war
Congressional Reconstruction
The "real" reconstruction plan, it involved the Radical Republican's plans which override Johnson's vetoes
14th Amendment
Amendment that grants full civil rights to Blacks and threatens to reduce voting proportions if right to vote is abridged
Military Reconstruction
Involved 5 military districts ruled by generals
Civil Rights Bill of 1866
Bill that turns into the 14th amendment
Reconstruction Acts
Acts that instated military reconstruction
15th amendment
Amendment that guarantees right of suffrage to all men
Tenure of Office Act
Makes it illegal for president to replace officers who have been confirmed by Congress without Congressional approval
Edwin Stanton
Popular Secretary of War who is fired by Johnson and leads to Johnson's impeachment
Southerner in favor of reconstruction to garner political support
Northerner who traveled south to make money off of the Reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan
White supremacy organization that intimidated blacks out of their newly found liberties
William Seward
Secretary of State of who purchases Alaska
Bloody Shirt
Term given to persistent reference to "Party who saved the Union"
Election year: Grant v. Horatio Seymore (Democratic moderate against South). Grant wins due to Bloody Shirt
Promontory Point
Point in Utah where the Transcontinental Railroad was completed
Ulysses Grant
President and former general whose presidency was racked by Scandal.
Salary grab
Attempt by Senate to double their pay, is met by public outrage
Rail-road company overcharges for rail-laying, bribes Washington to keep quiet
Whiskey ring
Treasury officials collaborate with distillers to get around excise tax
W.W. Belknap
Secretary of War who sells $24k worth of supplies to Indians and pockets the money
Jay Gould
Investor who corners the gold market by convincing Grant to issue bad financial proclamations
Election year: Grant wins handily, scandals have not surfaced yet
Panic of 1873
Financial downturn caused by overspeculation of western lands
Election year: Hayes v. Tilden (Democrat). Has contested votes
Compromise of 1877
Compromise that enables Hayes to take office in return for the end of Reconstruction
Jim Crow laws
Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites
Plessy v. Ferguson
Landmark court ruling that legalizes segregation