reform movement
broad agreement on how to improve american society now seemed possible
journalists who exposed corruption in businesses and politics
Wisconsin Idea
passed the 1st state income tax and corporate tax, and also set up a railroad commission
Upton Sinclair
muckraker who wrote " the jungle "
Lincoln Steffens
condemned the mismanagement of city governments
Ida Tarbell
editor, historian, muckraker, and also the daughter of a Pennsylvania oil driller
Frances Perkins
pioneer in the male-oriented world of politics and also the daughter of a factory owner.
Robert M. La Follette
governor of Wisconsin , who can up with the " Wisconsin idea "
city commission
a board of perhaps five citizens elected by voters to run the city
city manager
this person was hired by the city commission or city council to run the city
gave voters the power to propose a bill and present it to the legislature for a vote
public voted on a bill offered by the legislature
allowed voters to remove a public official from office before the next scheduled election
primary system
gave party members the chance to choose their party's candidates for office
yellow dog contract
stated that workers did not belong to a Union and promised not to join one
Louis D. Brandeis
famous Boston lawyer (Muller vs. Oregon)
voting rights
progressive tax
one that assigns higher tax rates to people with higher incomes
banning the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages
Equal Rights Amendment
"equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged (reduced) by the United States nor by any State on account of sex."
Carrie Chapman Catt
president of NAWSA, who led the campaign for woman suffrage during Wilson's administration
Carrie Nation
"the kansas cyclone" she launched a violent one woman crusade against alcohol
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
A pioneer in the women's suffrage movement, she helped organize the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. She later helped edit the militant feminist magazine Revolution from 1868 - 1870.
Susan B. Anthony
Leader of woman suffrage movement, who helped to define the movement's goals and beliefs and to lead its actions
Lucy Stone
American suffragist who founded the American Women Suffrage Association.
Alice Paul
head of the National Woman's party that campaigned for an equal rights amendment to the Constitution. She opposed legislation protecting women workers because such laws implied women's inferiority. Most condemned her way of thinking.