How many men did Mr.

Smith brought from distant places?

Mr. Smith brought 12 men so that they too can hear six mens' grievances and take warning.
What was the peaceful administration that District Commissioner brought?
They said "If any man ill-treats you we shall come to you rescue. But we will not allow you to ill-treat others."
How many cowries did District Commissioner let the six men to pay?
District Commissioner said the six men will release after town people pay 200 bags of cowries.

Why did District Commissioner treat the six men with respect?
They treated the six men with respect because they were the leader of Umuofia.
What did court messangers went into Umuofia to tell the people?
They said that their leaders would not released unless they paid a fine of 250 bags of cowries. (50 bags increase)
What happen if Umuofia don't pay a fine 250 bags of cowries?
White men are going to take six men to Umuru before the big white man, and hang them.
Where did the extra 50 bags of cowries go to?
Town people didn't know that the 50 bags of cowries go to court messengers.