shiny; luminous
"I will"
the promise made in the wedding ceremony
father of the church
Kino is named after Eusebius Kino, a great seventeenth-century missionary-explorer
Pearl of the world
What name has been given to Kino's pearl?
Harpoon and rifle
What does Kino wish to buy for himself?
Send him to school
What are his plans for his son?
Priest and doctor(and doctor's servant)
Who are the two outsiders who come to Kino's brush house?
He senses evil
Why does Kino change the hiding place for his pearl?
The town is affected with greed (avarice). The town turns evil
The poison of the scorpion infected Coyotito in the first chapter, but another kind of poison now infects the town. Steinbeck describes this evil with a metaphor: "the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it." How would you describe what is actually happening in the town?
They all think of what the pearl could do for them
What are the reactions of these people(the Europeans or townspeople) to Kino's discovery: the priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the pearl buyers?
His dreams center around Coyotito's future and the family's well-being
How do Kino's dreams for the pearl differ from those of the townspeople?
The priest reminds Kino of his ignorance and of his people's subjugation (subjects of the Europeans- Not equals) Priest brings in the evil song
Why do you think Kino hears the evil song when the first outsider, the priest, comes to see the pearl?
He possesses the possibility of escape from his oppressive world but he knows people will try to stop him.

He Is the beginning to protect himself against those people

After the priest leaves, we read of the first changes taking place in Kino: "He had broken through the horizons," and he "was already making a hard skin for himself against the world." What do these metaphors mean?
Kino feels envy and antagonism of others now that he has the pearl. He's different now that he owns the pearl, and other treat him differently ads well. Because he has the pearl, "he became curiously every man's enemy."
How would you explain what is causing the change in Kino?

He wants the pearl

Why does the doctor come to Kino's house after refusing to see the baby that morning?
He probably gives Coyotito a drug to induce vomiting so he can frighten the parents into doing what he wants
What do you think he actually does to the baby?
The visits from the priest and the doctor(especially the doctor) have made him realize that his lack of education and lack of experience with the real world have put him at a great disadvantage.
What experiences make Kino realize that his innocence and lack of knowledge have put him at the mercy of other people?
"A town is like a colonial animal."
What is the animal imagery?
There's only one pearl buyer with several agents working for him. The Indians think they are all independent pearl buyers
What is the manipulation of the pearl divers?
Juan Tomas
Who is Kino's brother?
crystal ball
Pearl is like a _________ revealing Kino's long-suppressed desires
He and Juana would be legally married in the church; He, Juana, and Coyotito will have new clothes; He will have new harpoon to replace the one he lost; He will have a rifle; Coyotito will go to school
What are Kino's dreams/plans for the pearl?
He treats Kino and Juana like children; He says,"It's in the books.

" Knowing that Kino and Juana can't read; He is showing them his superiority

What is so significant about the priest's visit?
Kino knows if Coyotito can go to school and learn to read that he can tell his father what's in the books; Kino feels suspicious about what the priest says because he doesn't believe what the priest says is in the books. The books may actually say something else
Why does Kino want Coyotito to go to school?
The priest wants Kino to give money to the church even though the church has ignored Kino and his people for 400 years
What does the priest want from Kino?
The doctor tricks Kino and Juana into thinking that the baby isn't well. He suggests that Coyotito could becomes deformed or go blind from the scorpion. The parents have no way of knowing if the doctor is telling the truth or not.
What's significant about the doctor's visit?
The doctor makes the baby sick by giving him a capsule to swallow. The doctor is creating illness, not curing it.

The doctor leaves, baby gets sick, doctor returns and says he has cured the baby

How does Coyotito get sick again?
After doctor leaves the first time- buries pearl in dirt floor in corner of house
What is the first hiding place for the pearl?
After doctor leaves second time- buries pearl under his sleeping mat
What is the second hiding place for the pearl?
intruder tries to steal pearl from first hiding place(not there)Kino attacks intruder with his knife stabbing him. Kino is attacked as well, blood flowing down his forehead. Intruder had left.
What is the second blood flow?
Symbolism of the pearl changing from good to evil. Juana wants to destroy pearl because it will destroy them. Kino wants to keep it so Coyotito to go to school.

They agree to sell it in the morning to get rid of it

How does the pearls symbolism change?
What does chapter 3 end with?