An occupation that requires advanced education and training and that involves intellectual skills
A national battery of tests prepared by the Educational Testing Service available for the initial certification of teachers. Consists of assessments in three areas: Academic Skills, Knowledge of Subject, and Classroom Performance.
National Education Association (NEA)
The oldest and largest professional association for teachers and administrators
Reflective Practice
The active process of thinking before teaching, during teaching, and after teaching in order to make decisions about how to plan, assess, and teach
Professional Disositions
The values, commitments, and ethical decisions and practices that influence behavior toward students, families, colleagues, and members of the profession and community
The act of engaging in strategies designed to improve the circumstances of children and families. Advocates move beyond their day-to-day professional responsibilities and work collaboratively to help others
Philosophy of Education
Beliefs about children's development and learning and the best ways to teach them
Core Values
The values that relate to your beliefs about the nature and purposes of life; your role and calling in life; and your responsibilities to others
Core Beliefs
The beliefs that include what you believe about the nature of students, the purpose of education, and the role of teachers
Data-Driven Instruction
The practice of using assessment data measuring student performance to evaluate and change instructional practice so that all students succeed
Professional Development School (PDS)
A school that has formed a partnership with a college or university for the purposes of improving teacher preparation programs, student achievement, and reforming schools
Action Research
The continuing process whereby teachers identify a problem specific to their own classroom situation and plan and implement a program to solve the problem
Professional Development
The process of growing and becoming a professional
Professional Learning Community
A defined group of educational stakeholders brought together to enable teachers and others to collaborate in support of reflective practice, action research, and ongoing professional development
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
A national professional association for teachers, affiliated with the AFL-CIO; the second largest organization of educators
Carnegie Task Force on Teaching as a Profession
This group issued the report "A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century" criticizing how the nation's colleges and universities prepare teachers and recommending more rigorous teacher education
"A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century"
A Carnegie Foundation report that criticizes how the nation's colleges and universities prepare teachers and recommends more rigorous teacher education
Alternative Teacher Education/Certification (AC) Programs
Programs designed to recruit, prepare, and license individuals who are already have at least a bachelor's degree and who often have other careers
Merit Pay
Pay based on meritorious service, performance, and/or special assignments
Performance Pay
Salary increases based on student achievement and classroom performance. Gradually replacing the term "Merit Pay"