Pedagogy the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject…
abolition the legal prohibition and ending of slavery, especially of slavery of…
Stagecraft The ability of the teacher to enhance, deepen, or prolong student…
Purpose of Teacher Designed Assessment 1. Provide other types of evaluation 2.Provide…
Pre– K education Page 45 Who are today’s teachers? also early childhood…
despierte wake up lavarse to wash vestirse to dress acostarse to go…
onslaught a violent attack strategy careful plan or method for achieving a…
queried questioned bide time wait apprehensively anxious or fearful that something bad…
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student…
Tourettes Syndrome A neurological disorder beginning in childhood that involves stereotypical, repetitive…
read alouds demonstrate the power of stories. provides students energy for learning…
Earth Third planet from the Sun; largest of the terrestrial planets in…
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