1774 - American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence. They aimed to prevent the American Revolution and as a result prolonged the war.
Northwest Ordinance 1787
who? Thomas Jefferson what? created the Northwest Territory when? 1787 where? stretched from Ohio River to the Mississippi River to area around the Great Lakes and encompassed what is today Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota. Historical Significance- established conditions for self-gov and statehood, included bill of rights and permanently prohibited slavery
Mayberry vs. Madison 1803
Marbury was a midnight appointee of the Adams administration and sued Madison for commission. Chief Justice Marshall said the law that gave the courts the power to rule over this issue was unconstitutional. established judicial review. Held in the united states Supreme Court.
Bill of Rights (1791)
who? James madison what? First 10 amendments to the U.S. constitution when? 1791 significance? guaranteed individual rights against infringement by federal government
Common Sense (1776)
who? Thomas Paine what? Pamphlet anonymously written by Thomas Paine that attacked the English princess of hereditary riley and monarchal government when? January 1776 why? insprie people in the thirteen colonies to declare and fight for independence.
Columbian Exchange
who?- Christopher Columbus what?- widespread transfer of animals, plants, culture, human populations, technology and ideas when?- 15th & 16th century where?- America and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres why?- connecting old world and the new world Historical importance-destructive diseases depopulated many cultures, also circulated variety of crops that increased population
Hartford Convection (1814-15)
who? New England Federalists what? protest the war of 1812; proposed 7 constitutional amendments when? December 15,1814 where? Hartford, Connecticut why? Protest the ongoing war and political problems arising H.I.- Marked end of Federalist parties
What? political philosophy that emphasized the protection of liberty by limiting the power of gov to interfere with the natural rights of citizens
King Phillip's War (1675)
who? Indians and colonists what? armed conflict between between Native Americans inhabitants of present day New England and English Colonist and their Native American allies when? 1675-1678 why? Wampanoag warriors raid border settlement of Swansee, Massachusetts, and massacre english colonist H.I.- broaden freedoms for white New Englanders and dispassion of region's Indians
Virtual representation (mid 1760s)
where: British Empire what: held that each member represented the entire empire and not just its own district when? 1760s who: British H.I.: British response to the First Continental Congress in the American Colony
Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
who? Pennsylvania farmers what? violent protest by Pennsylvania farmers against the federal excise tax on whiskey when? 1974 where?Western Frontier regions why? fighting for principles of American Revolution H.I.- Violent protest against taxation
Black Legend
Idea that the Spanish New World empire was more oppressive toward the Indians than other European empires; was used as a justification for English imperial expansion.
Bacon's Rebellion (1676)
who? Nanthaniel Bacon and William Berkley what? unsuccessfull 1676 revolt led by planter Nathaniel Bacon vs. Virginia Governor William Berkley's administration because Berkley failed to protect settlers from indian raids and did not allow them to occupy Indian lands when? 1676 H.I.- first rebellion in American colonies in which frontiersmen took part, made raciest better
American System
who? Henry Clay (speaker of the house) what? program of internal improvements and protective tariffs promoted by speaker of the house Henry Clay in his President Campaign of 1824 When?1824 why? Strengthen and unify nation H.I.- formed the core of h
Richard Hakluyt
who? Richard Hakluyt what? Listed 23 reasons that queen Elizabeth I should support establishment of colonies when? 1584 why? Promoting the settlement of North America by English
Middle Passage
what? middle leg of the triangular tradiing routes linking Europe, Africa, and America Where? Europe, Africa, and America why? millions of Africans were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic Slave Trade H.I.- ships departed Europe for African markets with manufactures goods, which were trade for Africans
wall of separation
who? Jefferson what? Separation of church and state term keyed by Jefferson when? 1802 H.I.- Let citizens practice religion of choice
Alien & Sedition Acts
who? France when? 1798 what? Four measures passed during the undeclared war with France that limited the freedoms of speech and press and restricted the liberty of noncitizen.
Virginia & Kentucky Resolution
who? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison what? resolutions advanced the state-compact theory of the constitution, federal converts to protect free speech why? response to the alien and sedition acts H.I.- Protected free speech when? 1798-1799
Erie Canal
what? most important and profitable of the canals of 1820 and 1830s where? Buffalo to Albany, New York connecting Great Lakes to East Coast when? 1820s & 1830s H.I.- Made NY nations largest port
Anne Hutchinson
(1591-1643) daughter of James Winthrop, threatened puritans religious experiment in New England, tried and convicted and banished from the colony with many of her supported
mill girls
female workers who came to work for the textile corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts during the industrial revolution in the U.S.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
who? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison what? resolutions advanced the state-compact theory of the constitution, federal courts to protect free speech why? response to the Alien and Sedition acts when? 1798-1799