tres unidades
acción, lugar, tiempo
El retablo de las Maravillas autor
Miguel de Cervantes
El retablo de las Maravillas summary
Chanfalla y Chirinos trick villagers into thinking their play is real.

La zapatera prodigiosa autor
Federico García Lorca
La zapatera prodigiosa summary
Wife and husband fight because she is flirty. Husband leaves her then comes back in disguise as a puppeteer
Pic-Nic autor
Fernando Arrabal
Pic-Nic summary
War and Zapo has his parents visiting him. Zepo stumbles into camp and they tie him up.
Historia sel hombre que se convirtió en perro autor
Osvaldo Dragún
Historia sel hombre que se convirtió en perro summary
A man can only find work as a dog and he eventually turns into a dog
Casa propia autor
Dolores Prida
Casa propia summary
Olga wants to buy a house but her husband can't commit and he runs away all the time
agudo accent
accent falls on the last sílaba. add one to the end of the verse
llanas accento
keep the same number of sílaba; the accent is on the second to last sílaba
estrújulas accento
accent in on the third to last sílaba. subtract one.

2 strong vowels in a row (a, e, o)
make them 2 seperate sílabas; po-em-as or car-tas
strong and weak vowel (a,e,o) + (i,u)
make it one sílaba; fuer-tes or rec-ia
word ends in a vowel and the next word starts in a vowel or an "h" so just moosh them together into one sílaba. sobre este = sob-re es-te me han = 1 sílaba
stong vowel + a weak vowel that is accented = 1 sílabacom-ía-lo
2 sílaba