An increase, organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or government.
A formal process of learning in which some people consciously teach, while others adopt the social role of learner.
Established sect
A religious group that is the outgrown of a sect, yet remains isolated from society.
An emphasis on doctrinal conformity and the literal interpretation of sacred texts.
Hidden curriculum
Standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools.
Liberation theology
Use of a church, primarily Roman Catholic, in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice from a secular society.
The ordinary and commonplace elements of life as distinguished from the sacred.
Protestant ethic
Max Weber's term for the disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and rational orientation to life emphasized by John Calvin and his followers.
A unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
Religious belief
A statement to which members of a particular religion adhere.
Religious experience
The feeling or perception of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being or of being overcome with religious emotion.
Religious ritual
A practice required or expected of members of a faith.
Elements beyond every day life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear.
A relatively small religious group that has broken away from some other religious organization to renew what it considers the original vision of the faith.
The process through which religion's influence on other social institutions diminishes
The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria.
effectiveness, especially for lower-achieving students
Most recent research on ability grouping raises questions about its
Fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the US. Today, a college diploma is virtually the bare minimum. This change reflects the process of
the correspondence principle
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis have argued that capitalism requires a skilled, disciplined labor force and that the educational system of the US is structured with that objective in mind. Citing numerous studies, they offer support for what they call
the interactionist perspective
The teacher-expectancy is most closely associated with
Emile Durkheim
Which of the following sociologists stressed the social impact of religion and was perhaps the first to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies?
the integrative function of religion
A Roman Catholic parish church offers services in the native language of an immigrant community. This practice is an example of
liberation theory
The use of a church, primarily, Roman Catholic, in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice evident in a secular society is referred to as
The Adam and Eve account of creation found in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, is an example of a religious
a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life
John Calvin, a leader of the Protestant Reformation, emphasized
In the past, the integrative function was most obvious through its emphasis on promoting a common ---
Schools perform a variety of --- functions, such as transmitting culture promoting social and political integration, and maintaining social control
sacred, profane
The ---- encompasses elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear, as compared to the ---- which includes the ordinary and the commonplace.
What refers to the ordinary and commonplace of life?
Religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine. These are ---- functions of religion.
Christianity, Islam
---- is the largest single faith in the world; the second largest is ------
Because they are -----, most religions tend to reinforce men's dominance in secular as well as spiritual matters.
Roman Catholicism
The single largest denomination in the US is ---- ----
Unlike ecclesiae and denominations, ---- require intensive commitments and demonstrations of belief by members
charter school
A --- --- is an experimental school that is developed and managed outside the public school system.
"unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things."
According to Durkheim, what is religion?
What is the single largest faith in the world?
they are monotheistic ( based on a single deity); both include a belief in prophets, an afterlife, and a judgement day. In fact, Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, though not the son of God. They impose a moral code on believers, which varies fro fairly rigid to relatively relaxed.
In which ways are Christianity and Islam alike?
it is monotheistic. It forms the historical foundation for both Christianity and Islam, and the first 5 books of the Bible is from the Torah. And they share the same sacred Middle Eastern sites as Christians and Muslims. Also based on sacred texts
Judaism is like Christianity and Islam in which of the following?
Giving meaning to the divine and defining the spiritual world are part of a religion's --- function.
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society?
Latent Function
what are unintended, covert or hidden.
Manifest Function
open and stated functions
teaching students about physical and political geography of their state is a ---- function
Protestant Ethic
A belief system that emphasizes a disciplined work ethic, this worldly concerns an irrational orientation to life is called what?
that it undermines the social and political integration that education has traditionally promoted
critics of bilingualism in schools in the US argue what?
C.J. Hurn
According to whom, credentialism can increase the status of an occupation?
How many gay-straight alliances (GSA) exist in schools nationwide as of 2005?
process through which religion's influence on other social institutions diminishes.
The U.S. government maintains a policy of "separation of church and state." The relationship between the church and the government in the U.S. illustrates
Èmile Durkheim
Which sociologist was perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies?
based on a distinction between the sacred and the profane
According to Émile Durkheim, religion is
Many cultures have shamans, or spiritual guides, who assist individuals on spiritual journeys to the "underworld" or some other non-earthly realm. These shamanic journeys would likely be considered part of
The ordinary and commonplace events of life are classified as
both sacred and profane
According to your text, a table, an incense stick, and candelabra can all be considered
Which is the single largest faith in the world?
Sixth century
When did the religion known as Buddhism first develop?
social support function
Churches that serve as training grounds for community leaders and allow members to refine their organizational skills are performing a
Functionalist Perspective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society?
dysfunctions of religion
Religious loyalties that contribute to tension and even conflict between groups or nations are referred to as
death of a loved one, something "senseless"occurs, serious injury or illness
When is religion often called upon in the daily lives of individuals?
the connection between religious allegiance and capitalist development
Max Weber examined
Max Weber
Which sociologist published a book in 1904 in which he noted that it was no mere coincidence that an overwhelming number of business leaders, owners of capital, and skilled workers were Protestants, not Catholics?
The Protestant ethic
A belief system which emphasizes a disciplined work ethic, this-worldy concerns and a rational orientation to life is called
The Protestant Ethic
What term did Max Weber use to refer to a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life emphasized by John Calvin and his followers?
Liberation theology
refers to the use of a church, primarily the Roman Catholic Church, in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice.
Gustavo Guitiérrez
Liberation theology was first advocated by
liberation theology
When a Catholic church in South America leads a movement to earn equal rights for poor women, this is an example of
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually does influence social behavior, it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and inequality?
Karl Marx
Which sociologist noted that religions often drug the masses into submission by offering a consolation for their harsh lives on earth and the hope of salvation in an ideal afterlife?
Religious beliefes
Statements to which members of a particular religion adhere are known as
Religious beliefes
Members of a religious group think that God meant for people "to be fruitful and multiply." Therefore, they permit men to have several wives at one time. This is an example of a
Religious rituals
Practices required or expected of members of a faith are known as
Emphasis on the doctrinal conformity and literal interpretation of religious texts is known as
religious rituals
On the Jewish holiday of Passover, Jews are expected to eat matzo, or unleavened bread, during their seder, or holiday dinner, rather than the bread they eat during the rest of the year. Eating the matzo and having a seder are examples of
religious rituals
Facing east toward Mecca while saying one's morning prayers is a characteristic of the Muslim religion. This behavior is an example of a
What is the term used to refer to the pilgrimage by Muslims to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia?
religious expereince
The feeling of exaltation that a person has when hearing a choir sing is characterized as a
A religious organization that is recognized as the national or official religion is known as a (an)
large organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or government.
relatively small religious group that has broken away from some oterh religious organization to renew what it considers the original vision of the the faith.
established sect
religious group that is the outgrowth of a sect, yet remains isolated from society.
The great majority of Muslims in the United States are of which type?
a generally a small, secretive religious group that represents either a new religion or a major innovation of an existing faith.
A new religious movement or cult is
manifest function of education
Teaching students about the physical and political geography of their state, their country, and the world is a (an)
manifest functions of education
Teaching students to read and write, to calculate numbers, and to master the facts of their society's history are all examples of
manifest function of education
Bestowing status on students by awarding them a diploma after they have successfully completed all graduation requirements would be considered a
latent function of education
A college requires students to live on campus during their first two years to help foster a sense of community among diverse groups.
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of education in human society?
Functonalist perpsective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the common identity and social integration fostered by education contributes to overall societal stability and consensus?
cultural diversity
In schools in the U.S., bilingualism has been defended on the grounds that it is a means to encourage
integrative function
In the past, the promotion of a common language was one of the most obvious examples of the ___________of education in the U.S.
political integration
Critics of bilingualism in schools in the U.S. argue that bilingualism undermines the social and ____________that education has traditionally promoted.
social control
Teachers and guidance counselors may encourage male students to pursue careers in the sciences, but they steer equally talented female students into careers as early childhood teachers. Such socialization into traditional gender roles is considered a form of
an "agent of social change"
Sex education classes, affirmative action admissions programs, and Project Head Start were initiated as
Functunalist perspective
Which sociological perspective portrays contemporary education as basically benign—for example, it argues that schools rationally sort and select students for future high-status positions, thereby meeting society's need for talented and expert personnel?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective views education as an instrument of elite domination?
standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools.
The "hidden curriculum" refers to
hidden curriculum
In the U.S., schoolchildren are taught not to speak until the teacher calls on them and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience is referred to as
hidden curriculum
Japanese students are offered guidance sessions to improve the classroom experience and instill values useful in the Japanese business world. These sessions are an example of a
hidden curriculum
In Cuba and China, students are taught how to cooperate and work together to achieve a common goal. This is an example of
Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore
believed society must distribute its members among a variety of social positions and that education can contribute to this process.
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective is most critical of the differential way in which education bestows status?
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
argued that capitalism requires a skilled, disciplined labor force, and that the educational system of the United States is structured with that objective in mind
Interactionalist perpsective
The teacher-expectancy effect reflects the views of which sociological perspective?
Howard S. Becker
studied both poor and affluent Chicago schools and noted administrators expected less of children from poorer neighborhoods?
Lenore Jacobson
Which researcher's work yielded the concept referred to as the "teacher-expectancy effect?"
Max Weber
analysis of bureaucracies has been applied to schools in the U.S. because of the growing number of students enrolled in schools and the greater degree of specialization required within a technologically complex society?
division of labor characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a school district hires a staff member who only works with students who have specific reading difficulties, this is an example of the
hierarchy of authority characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a teacher's aide must report to her teacher, and the teacher must report to his assistant principal, who then must report to her principal, who then must report to the superintendent, who ultimately is responsible to the board of education, this is an example of the
written rules and regulations characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a teacher spends eighty-percent of her time filling out proper forms required by the school district and the rest of her time actually teaching, this is an example of the
Impersonality characteristic of a bureaucracy
When you enroll in your freshman Introduction to Sociology course at your college and it is held in a large auditorium with stadium seating and holds upwards to over one-hundred students with a single instructor behind a lectern, this is an example of the
employment bbased on technical qualificatins characteristic of a bureaucracy?
When a professor receives a promotion when she publishes a journal article within her body of expertise instead of the department chair's brother-in-law who used to be a cashier but could really use the money, this is an example of
Feminist perspective
Which perspective generally takes a positive view on the bureaucratization of education?
Conflict perspective
Which perspective views the bureaucratization of education as simply a reflection of the values of powerful groups in society?
Academic subculture
Which of the college subcultures identifies with the intellectual concerns of the faculty and values knowledge for its own sake?
Quality control
What is considered a major issue regarding home-schooling?
Mass media
What term is used by sociologists to refer to print and electronic means of communication that carry messages to widespread audiences?
Mass media
A magazine would be considered
watching tv, playing video games, and surfing the internet.
The term "screen time" refers to the amount of time people spend
The effects of the media n social institutions, the ownership of media operations, and the effects of the media on social behavior
Many sociologists consider _____________ to be major concerns regarding the mass media
Cultural convergence
What term is used to refer to the flow of content across multiple media and the accompanying migration of media audiences?
What percentage of Americans are off the modern information network, or "off the net?"
What percentage of Americans are "omnivores" - that is, they consume information goods and services at a high rate and use these technologies as platforms for participation and self- expression?
The most active participants in the information society - those that consume information goods and services at a high rate are referred to as:
Off the Net
Those people who are not on the information network are called by the textbook author:
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass media is to provide socialization, enforce social norms through public events, and create social stability and cohesion through collective experiences?
Robert Park
Which sociologist purported that newspapers helped to socialize immigrants to the customs and culture of the U.S.?
Televisions and phones
What were the primary media vehicles by which people bonded in the U.S. during, and in the aftermath of, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?
Communities developing around common interests or shared identities that are emerging online is referred to in the text as
Movies and TV showing criminals getting caught by authorities
List one way the media reaffirms proper behavior in society:
murder, abuse
List one way the media glorifies disapproved behaviors:
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on the functions of the mass media in conferring status on people, organizations, and public issues?
confer status
People, organizations, and public issues appearing regularly on the covers of prominent magazines is a method used to
Richard Nixon
According to the text, which politician has appeared on the cover of Time magazine most often, resulting in a degree of status being conferred upon him?
Promotion of consumption
The function of media advertising is to support the economy, provide information about products, and underwrite media costs associated with:
Increasing awareness of environmental issues
List a dysfunction of media promotion of product consumption:
the phenomenon whereby massive amounts of coverage result in the audience becoming numb and failing to act on the information regardless of how compelling the issue was presented
Define narcotizing dysfunction
the narcotizing dysfunction
People ignoring credible warnings about terrorist attacks due to the massive amounts of coverage in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 are an example of
the narcotizing dysfunction
If someone failed to contribute money because massive amounts of media coverage made him or her less sensitive to the needs of victims of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, this would be an example of:
Conflict and feminist perspective
Which sociological perspective(s) would be most likely to emphasize that the mass media exacerbate many divisions in our society, including those based on gender, race, ethnicity, and social class?
The process by which a relatively small number of people control what eventually reaches the audience is referred to as
A major network news agency that discourages reporting of issues concerning homosexuality is most likely practicing
George is the executive producer of a small recording company with an established label. He rejects a popular local band because it competes with a group already on their label. He functions as a
The Internet
Which medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority?
World Trade Center debris
Which items did eBay refuse to allow people to sell on the Internet following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?
Those committed to the free flow of information with few outside controls are referred to as:
interest groups' monitoring of content
The term "media monitoring" is used most often to refer to
Authorizing wiretaps of U.S. citizens' telephone conversations
The U.S. government was heavily criticized for which media monitoring behaviors after the September 11th attacks?
Digital divide
Worldwide, low-income groups, racial and ethnic minorities, rural residents, and the citizens of developing countries have far less access than others to the latest technologies. This gap is referred to as the:
$250 to $300 a month
In Africa, only 4 percent of the population has Internet access. According to the textbook, how much do they typically pay per month for their connection?
The dominant ideology
What term is used to describe the set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective would be most likely to support the idea that a dominant ideology is created through media images and is used to construct a reality based on protecting the interests of the powerful?
most decisions are made overwhelmingly by wealthy white males
Realistic portrayals of minorities and working-class persons tend to be ignored by mass media decision-makers primarily because:
The creation of unreliable generalizations that distort the reality of persons, groups, and cultures is indicative of:
Portraying women as sleek and thin, portraying young minority males as drug dealers and criminals, and portraying members of the lower class as uneducated and lazy
List three common ways for television to create stereotypes:
3 out of 100
In the U.S., one out of every four women is considered obese. According to the textbook, how many characters are portrayed as obese on television?
There is very little representation of the racial diversity of the U.S. on television, even though __ percent of all youths in the U.S. are children of color.
How many primetime series out of nearly sixty-aired in recent years-did researchers find focused on minority performers?
Feminist perspective
Which sociological perspective is most likely to be concerned with television distorting gender roles and stereotyping, which is often rooted in the media's willingness to promote more traditional views?
Feminist perspective
Which sociological perspective would most likely endorse the statement: "Women are often portrayed as being in need of rescue by males"?
Interactionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective is more likely to study the media's influence on society from the microlevel to determine how social behavior is shaped?
Interactionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with manipulation of "photo ops" to create an image of self-serving reality?
Interactionalist perspective
Fans of the TV show Star Trek (known as Trekkies) meet in costume at a convention celebrating the anniversary of the show's conception. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus attention on this event?
age, gender, income, political party, formal schooling, race and ethnicity
According to the textbook, even if an audience is spread out over a wide geographic area and the members do not know one another, they will be somewhat distinctive in terms of
Specialized targeting of audiences is to some degree driven by
Opinion leader
A person who influences the opinions and decisions of others through day-to-day personal contact and communication is referred to as a(an)
Paul Lazarsfeld
As reported in the textbook, which sociologist pioneered research on opinion leaders?
In his study of the social composition of audiences, which of the following characteristics did sociologist Darnell Hunt suggest would be most likely to affect the interpretation of news coverage?
he went beyond nothing racial differences in perceptions, and analyzed how they were manifested
Which aspect of Darnell Hunt's research on audiences was somewhat unique, particularly in regard to his analysis and interpretation of the data?
According to Darnell Hunt's research on audiences, which viewers were less animated when watching a 17-minute film clip of the 1992 riots in Los Angeles?
Marshall McLuhan
Who predicted over 45 years ago that the rise of the electronic media would create a "global village," thereby reducing the barriers created by physical distance?
Global torrent
Which metaphor for the media's reach does sociologist Todd Gitlin consider more apt than "global village?"
An Arabic-language new network
Al Jazeera is
A set of people related by blood, marriage, or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society.
How does the textbook define a family?
extended family
A woman and her husband, her children, her parents, her mother-in-law, her sister, a parakeet, two Irish setters, a cow, and five chickens live together on a farm in the Midwest. This is an example of a
the limited amount of good land they may inherit
Tibetan women may have more than one husband simultaneously, which allows for sons to share
nuclear family
A married couple and their unmarried children living together constitute a (an)
nuclear family
A man and his wife and their children, along with five Chinese Shar-Peis, four Siamese cats, eight parakeets, two ducks, a goat, and a dozen tropical fish, live on a pretty piece of land in Woodstock, Vermont. They are an example of a
extended family
A married couple, their children, and other relatives—such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles—living together in the same household constitute a
extended family
A married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home constitute an
one woman and one man are married only to eachother
serial monogamy
A form of marriage in which a person can have several spouses in his or her lifetime but only one spouse at a time is called
serial monogamy
Steve and Mary are married and then get a divorce. Steve then marries Rachel, and they get a divorce, too. Steve remarries Mary and lives with her until she dies. After Mary's death, Steve marries Beth and lives with her until his death. Steve's life would be an example of
What is the general term for a marriage in which an individual can have several husbands or wives at the same time?
The Oneida community existed in New York State from 1840 to 1880, and its members were all married to one another—that is, all the men in the community were married to all the women, and all the women were married to all the men. This would be an example of
Some Tibetans and the Toda tribe of India practiced female infanticide, which led to a shortage of adult women. As a result, a family was often composed of a group of brothers and a wife, whom they shared. This is an example of
perspective would suggest that polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women
favor of the father's relatives in terms of property, inheritance and emotional ties
Patrilineal descent refers to a
Males are expected to dominate family decision making in a
matrilineal descent
A kinship system that favors the relatives of the mother is based on
Women dominate in family deesision making
In some hunting-and-gathering societies, men are away from home for long periods of time. As a result, it is not unusual to find that the women are fully responsible for the household and for making most of the major family decisions. In these societies, which pattern of authority is evident?
Egalistarian family
In which type of authority pattern are the adult members of the family regarded as equals?
inequality because of its role in the transfer of power, property, and privilege.
Friedrich Engels, a colleague of Karl Marx, noted that the family is the ultimate source of social
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would likely be interested in the authority system of a family?
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective notes the ways in which the family gratifies the needs of its members and contributes to the stability of society?
socialization, reproductive, and protective functions for its members.
William F. Ogburn noted that the family provides
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would suggest that social change has influenced the family in that many traditional family activities, such as education, have been assumed by other social institutions?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that family decision making reflects the inequality of traditional gender stratification in which men have held a dominant position over women?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective would argue that the U.S. family contributes to social injustice and denies women opportunities that are commonly extended to men?
Conflict perspective
Feminists suggest that laws in the U.S. traditionally viewed wives and children as the property of the husband. This view reflects the concerns of which sociological perspective?
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would most likely focus attention on the personal relationships between stepparents and their stepchildren and the family dynamics involved in such relationships?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective would contend that social scientists need to rethink the notion that families without an adult male present are automatically a cause for concern?
The restriction of mate selection to people within the same group is known as
Shula, an Orthodox Jew, marries Nathan, a Reform Jew. Shula is disowned by her parents because, as far as they are concerned, she has married outside their religion. She has violated the rule of
The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as
incest taboo
the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives
The incest taboo is an example of
both the incest taboo and exogamy
In most states in the U.S., an individual is not permitted to marry a parent, a sibling, an aunt or an uncle, a grandparent, or a first or second cousin. These rules reflect our societal emphasis on
racial, ethnic, and religious group
In the U.S., endogamous rules stressed by many groups include marriage within one's own
feminization of poverty
the disproportionate representation of female-headed households among the poor.
among the poor
According to your text women play a significant role in the economic support of the family when the family is
a sense of virility, personal worth, and pride in one's maleness
extended family
Although Maria and Juan, a young Mexican-American couple, have formed a nuclear family, they enjoy their parents and relatives and interact with them on a daily basis. This is an example of
were only onne parent is present to care for the children.
Overall single parent families are
quite abrupt
Alice Rossi suggested that the transition to parenthood is
successful parenthood
Alice Rossi suggested that our society lacks clear-cut and helpful guidelines concerning
A teenage couple produces a baby, and they agree that they are too young to raise it on their own. The girl's aunt and uncle cannot produce a child of their own, and they all agree that it would be a good idea if they take legal custody of the baby. This is an example of
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective would be most likely to point out that policymakers have both a humanitarian and a financial stake in promoting adoption?
d. All of the above
What social factors have contributed to the rise of dual-income families in the U.S.? a. economic need b. transient jobs c. females pursuing their career d. All of the above
The greater social acceptance of divorce
What does the text identify as the single most important factor in the increase of divorce?
Economic considerations
has contributed the most to the shift in public attitudes for married couples to remain childless?
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians?
Two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities.
How does the textbook author define a domestic partnership?
A. sons to share the limited amount of good land
Tibetan women may have more than one husband simultaneously, which allows for A. sons to share the limited amount of good land B. greater diversity in child reproduction C. enforcement of the social norm prohibiting infidelity among wives D. all of these
In the view of sociologists, the total number of people in a group determines the group's status as either a social minority or dominant group. True or False?
A. about one-third
How many of the recognized Indian tribes are involved in gambling ventures since Congress passed the Indian Gambling Regulatory Act in 1988? A. about one-third B. about one-half C. about three-fourths D. all tribes are involved
A. color-blind racism
The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo is referred to as A. color-blind racism B. prejudice C. discriminatory racism D. none of these
D. all of these
Which of the following victim statuses may motivate a hate crime? A. race/ethnicity B. religion C. sexual orientation D. all of these
B Black Power
Which of the following terms refers to a political philosophy, promoted by many younger Blacks in the 1960s, which supported the creation of Black-controlled political and economic institutions? A. Rainbow Coalition B. Black Power C. civil rights D. manifest destiny
B. ethnic groups
Characteristics of national origin or distinctive cultural patterns are used primarily by a society to set apart A. minority groups B. ethnic groups C. racial groups D. manifest destiny
Many individuals, especially young adults, struggle against social pressure to choose a single identity, and instead openly embrace multiple heritages. True or False?
A. William I. Thomas
Which sociology observed that people respond no tonly to the objective features of a situation or person but also to the meaning that situation or person has for them? A. William I. Thomas B. William Graham Sumner C. Karl Marx D. Robert Merton
B. conflict
Which perspective suggests that men may originally have become powerful in preindustrial times because their size, physical strength, and freedom from childbearing duties allowed them to dominate women physically, but in contemporary societies such considerations are not so important? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. global
D. all of these
A small body of scholarship suggests that traditional gener roles may be disadvantageous to men in that A. in the 1980s, girls were more likely to go to college than boys B. by 2006, women accounted for over 57% of college students nationwide. C. in 2002, more women than men in the U.S. earned a doctoral degree D. all of these
B. Chinese
In 1979, Vietnam expelled nearly 1 million ethnic ______ partly as a result of centuries of hostilities between the two countries. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. Laotians D. Koreans
A. Japanese American
In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed unprecedented legislation entitled the Civil Liberties Act, which required the federal government to apologize for the forced rrelocation of ___________ to "evacuation camps" during World War II. A. Japanese American B. Jewish Americans C. African Americans D. Vietnamese Americans
According to data from the Census Bureau, there has been a modest decrease in the number of childless married couples in the U.S. True or False?
A. the type of head scarf worn by Muslim women
The hijab is A. the type of head scarf worn by Muslim women B. a form of prayer among muslims C. the type of pants worn by Muslim men D. a traditional Muslim food.
B. over 80% of them had some type of polygamy
Anthropologist George Murdock sampled 565 societies and found that A. over 90% of them were strictly monogamous. B. over 80% of them had some type of polygamy C. over 30% of them had no formal procedures for obtaining a divorce D. over 75% of them had some type of polyandry.
Members of Congress have successfully blocked foreign aid to countries that might use the funds to encourage abortion. True or False
A. commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience
In resisting segregation, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was best know for A. commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience B. use of lawsuits in the courts C. strategy of running candidates for public office D. adherence to the philosophy of Black power.
C. exploitation theory
A sociologist argues that the capitalist ruling class is willing to tolerate high rates of illegal immigration because these immigrants serve as a cheap labor pool. This sociologist is most likely to draw upon A. the contact hypothesis B. the anoimie theory of deviance C. exploitation theory D. labeling theory
C. if one parent stays home with children, it makes no difference whether it is the mother or the father.
In a nationwide survey administered in 2002, 69% of respondents believed that A. only mothers should stay home with children B. only fathers should stay home with children C. if one parent stays home with children, it makes no difference whether it is the mother or the father. D. stay-at-home fathers are better for children than stay-at-home mothers
B. endogamy
Sarna, an Orthodox Jew, marries Nathan, a Reform Jew. Sarna is disowned by her parents because, as far as they are concerned, she has married outside their religion. She has violated the rule of A. hypergamy B. endogame C. homogame D. exogamy
Muslim coutries are exceedingly varied and complex and do not often fit the sterotypes created by the Western media. True or False?
C. have increased more than nine times in recent decades
Marriages between African Americans and Whites A. are currently illegal in three states B. are decreasing in number since reaching their peak in 1964 C. have increased more than nine times in recent decades D. constitute less than 5% of all African-American marriages
B. the two people do not have equal status
A white male lawyer mentors a young female Latina lawyer. According to the contact hypothesis, this situation would be unlikely to reduce prejudice because A. the Latina lawyer is too young to appreciate the mentoring B. the two people do not have equal status C. people with that much education are rarely prejudiced D. sexism is operating as well as racism
According to sociologist Alice Rossi, our society lacks clear and helpful guidelines concerning successful parenthood. True or False?
D. all of these
Which of the following statements about family is correct? A. only about one-third of families in the U.S. are nuclear in composition B. The practice of polygamy steadily declined throughout the twentieth century C. polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women D. all of these
B. conflict
The existence of a model minority, such as Asian Americans, seems to reaffirm the notion that anyone can get ahead in the U.S. and implies that those minorities that dont succeed are somehow responsible for their failure. Which sociological perspective would view this as another instance of "blaming the victim"? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. dramaturgical
C. two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities
Which of the following is the way the textbook defines a domestic partnership? A. two related persons who reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for basic living expenses and other common necessitites B. two unrelated persons who reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents and other commone necessities C. two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities D. none of these
A conflict theorist argues that men's work is uniformly valued, while women's work (whether unpaid labor in the home or wage labor) is devalued. True or False?
D. all of these
Studies of picture books from the 1970s through the 1990s found that while males were portrayed as a variety of characters, females were mostly portrayed as A. mothers B. grandmothers C. volunteers D. all of these
D. all of these
The increasing divorce rate in the U.S. is attributed to A. a general increase in family incomes and free legal aid B. more liberal divorce laws C. greater opportunities for women D. all of these
There are at least five countries in Africa where 20% of the men are in polygamous marriages. True or False?
C. 2003
In what year did a U.S. state's Supreme Court rule that gay couples have the right to marry? A. 1994 B. 1999 C. 2003 D. 2009
C. Parents and the bride always have a say in who she marries across cultures
Which of the following statements about the connection between love and marriage is not correct? A. The connection between love and marriage is a cultural universal. B. The connection between love and marriage is unknown in many cultures C. Parents and the bride always have a say in who she marries across cultures D. Most couples in arranged marriages are expected to find love after the legal union is formalized, if at all.
C. institutional discrimination
A gym buys uniforms for its employees. All of the uniforms are in a men's large, and the gym hires only people who will comfortably fit into the uniforms. As a result of this policy they gym doesn't hire any women. This would be an example of A. instrumentality B. expressiveness C. institutional discrimination D. pluralism
A. Florida
Which state explicitly forbids gay and lesbian couples to adopt children? A. Florida B. Michigan C. Nevada D. New York
A. Children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers.
Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct? A. Children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers. B. The well-being of children in stepfamilies is better, on average, than that of children in single parent households. C. studies suggest most stepmothers are evil. D. all of these
B. conflict
Which sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. labeling theory
About 93% of people who work as word processors or typists are female. True or False?
C. discrimination
The process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as A. stereotyping B. ethnocentrism C. discrimination D. segregation
More than 95% of all men and women in the U.S. marry at least once during their lifetimes. True or False?
C. Karl Marx
An approach to racism which emphasizes that racism keeps minorities in low-paying jobs, thereby supplying the capitalist ruling class with a pool of cheap labor, is based on the work of which classical theorist? A. Emile Durkheim B. Talcott Parsons C. Karl Marx D. Auguste Comte
B. kinship system that favors the relatives of the father.
Patrilineal descent refers to a A. kinship system in which both sides of a person's family are regarded as equally important. B. kinship system that favors the relatives of the father C. pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with the husband's parents D. society in which men are expected to dominate family decision making.
C. bilateral
Which pattern of descent is most typical in the U.S.? A. matrilineal B. patrilineal C. bilateral D. bilineal
Polygyny is a social system in which women may have several husbands and in which women are more powerful than men. True or False?
C. jihad
Which of the following is the Arabic term that stands for one's inner struggle against the forces of ungodliness? A. hijab B. darud C. jihad D. fajr
C. deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation.
Genocide refers to the process of A. combining a majority group and a minority group through intermarriage to form a new group. B. expelling a group of people from a territory C. deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation D. forsaking a cultural identity in order to become part of a different culture
A. the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives.
The term "incest taboo" refers to A. the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives B. the prohibition of marriage between close relatives and neighbors C. the requirement, in some cultures, of having one's sexual initiation occur within the safe confines of a family relationship D. not having sex with neighbors or business associates
B. twice
A study in Los Angeles indicated that working couples are _____ as likely to cohabit as college students. A. just B. twice C. not D. none of these
B. instrumentality
Which of the Following terms is used by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to an emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions? A. identification B. instrumentality C. expressiveness D. gender indentity
The overwhelming majority of people begin with a definite sex and quickly receive societal messages about how to behave. True or False?
A. Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 weeks.
Which of the following is the best example of monogamy? A. Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 weeks B. Tori, Tito, and Tabitha have been living with each other for 14 years C. Troy and his sister Tracy live together in an apartment D. all of these
B. states that interracial contact between people of equal status will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotypes
The contact hypothesis A. is a Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the U.S. as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism. B. states that interracial contact between people of equal status will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previous stereotypes C. was a theory that gave moral support to the continued existance of apartheid in South Africa D. is a Parsonian theory that views ethnic subordination as a means of regulating social interactions between dominant and subordinate groups.
D. all of these
Which of the following factors has contributed to the amount of childlessness in the united states? A. couples not believing that having children automatically follows from marriage B. couples not considering reproduction to be the duty of all married couples C. economic considerations D. all of these
B. amalgamation
The belief that the U.S. was a "melting pot," which became very compelling in the first part of the twentieth century, suggested that the nation had an almost divine mission to produce A. pluralism B. amalgamation C. segregation D. assimilation
B attitude is to behavior
Prejudice is to discrimination as A. norm is to value B. attitude is to behavior C. behavior is to attitude D. good is to bad
A. Serbian forces driving more than one million Croats and Muslims from their homes
Expulsion was recently illustrated A. Serbian forces driving more than one million Croats and Muslims from their homes B. the killing of large numbers of Native Americans C. marriages between Whites and Native Americans producing multiracial children D. none of these
C. institutional discrimination
The civil rights movement of the 1960s had little impact on A. school segregation B. housing segregation C. institutional discrimination D. employment segregation
B. William Graham Sumner
Minority group members have a strong sense of group solidarity. Which sociologist noted that individuals make distinctions between members of their own group, or the in group, and everyone else, or the out-group? A. Erving Goffman B. William Graham Sumner C. Manning Nash D. Karl Marx
The contact hypothesis suggests that if an African-American boss and her Italian employee work together for several years in the same office, they will become more prejudiced toward one another. True or False?
B. women
According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the expressive role is performed by A. men B. women C. children D. whichever adult has a career
Since the change in U.S. immigration policy during the 1960s to encourage immigration of relatives of U.S. residents and people with desirable skills, the majority of immigrants originate from Asia and Latin America. True or False?
D. all of these
Hate crime laws are directed at crimes involving issues of A. race/ethnicity B. religion C. sexual orientation D. all of these
A. Issei
Which of the following terms refers to first-generation Japanese immigrants? A. Issei B. Sansei C. Nisei D. Cantonese
B. conflict
Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and purports the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. global
B. conflict
Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. ethnocentric
C. polygyny
Which of the following terms refers to the marriage of a man to more tan one woman at the same time? A. monogamy B. polygamy C. polygyny D. polyandry
C. A woman has a career as a stockbroker, and she is also responsible for maintaining the apartment, doing the shopping, and cooking for herself and her husband/
Which of the following illustrates Arlie Hochschild's concept of the "second shift"? A. a woman works from 9 to 5 as a nurse and then has a second job as a waitress at a local diner. B. a man has a career as an accountant; when he gets home, he cleans the apartment and makes dinner for his wife, himself and their children C. A woman has a career as a stockbroker, and she is also responsible for maintaining the apartment, doing the shopping, and cooking for herself and her husband/ D. all of these
B. extended family
A married couple, their children, and other relatives- such as grandparents, aunts, uncles- living together in the same household constitutes an A. nuclear family B. extended family C. matrilocal family D. partilocal family