In develpoing his periodic table, Mendeleev listed on cards each element's name, atomic mass, and
Mendeleev's periodic table did not list all elements in order of in creasing atomic mass becuase he grouped together elements with similar
Mendeleev predicted that the gaps in his periodic table represented
undiscovered elements
the person whose work led to a periodic table based on increasing atomic number was
the periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic
which group of elements was discoverd by Strutt and Ramsay
noble gases
a repeating pattern is referred to as
on most periodic tables, the lanthanides and actinides appear
below the main portion
what is the difference in atomic number between He and Ne
which noble gas has the greatest atomic number
an element that has the electron configuration [Ne]3s^2 3p^5 is in period
an element that has the electron configuration [Ne]3s^2 3p^5 is in group
element in the s and p block of the periodic table are called
main-group metals
elements in group 18 have
very low reactivity
nonmetallic elements in group 17 that react with most metals to form salts are
the outer-level electron configuration of a neutral alkanline-earth metal atom consists of
two electrons in the s orbital
in nature the alkali metals are found only in compounds because they
are very reactive elements
to which group does hydrogen belong
none of the groups
an element found in group 3_12 of the periodic table is classified as a(n)
transition metal
in which group is an element that has an outer-level electron configuration consisting of one electron in the d orbital and two electrons in the ns orbital
group 3
an electron that is in the highest energy level of an atom and determines the atom's chemical properties is called a(n)
valence electron
what can be removed form an atom if ionization energy is supplied?
an electron
across a period in the periodic table, ionization energy is due to
down a group in the periodic table, the change in ionization energy is due to
increasing electron shielding
the atomic radius of an atom that is chemicallly bonded to an identical atom is equal to
half the distance between the nuclei
across a period in the periodic table, atomic radii generally
down a group in the periodic table, atomic radii generally
one of the least electronegative elements would be found on the periodic table in
group 1, period 7
as the atomic numbers of thhe metals of group 1 increase, the ionic
sodium is a metal, nonmetal or a semimetal
silicon is a metal, nonmetal or a semimetal
neon is a metal, nonmetal or a semimetal
calcium is a metal, nonmetal or a semimetal
nitrogen is a metal, nonmetal or a semimetal
the name for group 1A is
alkali metals
the name for group 2A is
alkaline earth metals
the name for group 3A is
group of one semimetal and four metals
the name for group 4A is
carbon family
the name for group 5A is
nitrogen family
the name for group 6A is
oxygen family
the name for group 7A is
the name for group 8A is
noble gases
d-block elments name is
transition metals
f-block elments name is
inner transition metals
[Ne]3s^1 which is an example of noble gas inner core
[Ne]3s^1 which is an example of energy level
[Ne]3s^1 which is an example of number of e- m that orbital
[Ne]3s^1 which is an example of orbital shape