What effects does Chillingworth's care produce on the minister? Ch 11-12
It makes him evil & ugly, dstress between the two, goes crazy
To what lengths does immesdale's innter conflict drive him? Ch 11-12
He goes to the scaffold, beats himself, starves himself
Chapter 12 marks the middle chapter in the novel and occurs seven years after Hester's public disgrace. Why does Dimmesdale now mount the scaffold? Who are the three people with whom Dimmesdle talks as he stands on the scaffold? Ch 11-12
He's guilty so he goes to look at the scaffold. Chilingsworth, Hester & Pearl
What is the light in the sky the night (6)? How is it interpreted (2 interpretations)? Ch 11-12
It is the shape of an "A", stands for Scarlet letter, an angel
What does little Pearl ask of Dimmesdale? What is his answer? Ch 11-12
Will you stand here with mother come noon time? No
How have the feels of the towns people changed toward Hester? What hs caused this change? What does the scarlet letter seem to signify now? Ch 13-14
xxXXXXXXXXX haylie I can't read your writing on this one
How has Hester's appearance changed? Why? Ch 13-14
Older and not as beautiful
The change in Chillingworth's appearance is striking. What has happened and what has he become? Ch 13-14
He got darker and becam the devil, his eyes are red
Why is Hester desperate now to tell Dimmesdale who Chillingworth is? Why can't Chillingworth forgive Dimmesdale? Ch 13-14
She sees that he is losing his mind its making thing worse.

What does Peark make with the eelgrass?
She makes an "A" on her chest (green). Youth and growth.
In the mother daughter talk, what habit of the minister's does Pearl ask?
Him grabbing his heart all the time.
Why does Hester decide not to explain the scarlet letter to Pearl?
She does not want Pearl to judge her.
Why does the forest seem appropriate for the meeting of Hester and Dimmesdale?
Dimmesdale comes out of the forest which use to represent fear.

Place of sin.

Give examples of the personification of the sunshine and explain their meaning.
The sunshine does not love you. It runs away hides itself. Be it is chard of something on your bosom.

Represents knowledge.