1 year
This is how long Jiang waited to go to Junior High School
Teacher Zhang
Ji-li's Junior High teacher. He believes that she can make up her own future. He nominated her to work on the school's exhibition even though her class background is "black".
Chang Hong
Desk mate of Jiang in junior high school.

She is a leader, and she supports the communist party enthusiastically. They become like sisters.

Bai Shan
A classmate of Ji-Li in junior high. He tries to be helpful to Ji-Li because he likes her
Political Study Class
A gathering in a neighborhood, workplace, or school to study Mao's writings. For people who were said to have political mistakes, these classes were often used to pressure them into confessing their problems.

Jiang's father had to go.

Precious Red Book
Book that included quotes from Chairman Mao that Red Guards carried everywhere. Jiang forgets hers at home one day.
Sun Lin-lin
Ji-li's friend at school. When Ji-Li forgot her Precious Red Book Sun Lin-Lin helps her by giving her the plastic cover
Blackboard newspaper
Propaganda newspaper at Jiang's school
The reason Jiang gets picked to write for the newspaper
Uncle Fan
Ji-li's dad's friend who gets beaten up and comes to their house one night
Meniere's disease
a disease characterized by dizziness; Jiang's mother has this
Jiang taught herself how to do this
Jiang's brother tries to buy one of these for his dad at the prison, but was refused
Revolutionary Committee
a group in charge of any organization or company within china- Jiang had one in her school
July 1
Communist Birthday Party date
Educable Child
child from a "black" family who is loyal to the Communist Party and rejects his family; Jiang's teacher tells her she can choose her own fate and be this
Chang Hong's brother has epilepsy and gets these
Chairman Mao
Jiang and Chang Hong paint a big picture of this person together and stay up all night to do it