What is Henry's greatest fear? How does he deal with it throughout the book?
Whether or not he will run, asks other soldiers about running
Describe Henry's mother, her advice to him, and Henry's response to it.
Why did Henry join the army?
To become a revered hero, take part in glorious battles
What does the tall soldier announce at the beginning of the story that leads Henry to doubt himself?
What does Henry do before his first battle to try to reassure himself that he won't run?
What does Henry want to do as he approaches his first battle? Why doesn't he?
Wants to deliver a speech telling everyone to run while they can, afraid they will laugh
What is the loud soldier afraid of before the first battle? What does he do about it?
dying, gives death-letter for family to Henry
How does Henry feel and behave before, during, and after the first battle?
What causes Henry to run away?
Watching others flee from line
How does Henry feel when he learns that his regiment won the battle after he ran?
How does Henry rationalize his behavior of running from battle?
Explain what the title of the book means and how Henry gets his own Red Badge of Courage.

How does he say he got it?

RBoC = wound that symbolizes courage in battle, Union soldier hits him on head but H claims a bullet grazed his head in battle
How does the tattered soldier try to help Henry?
follows, tries to help with "wound"
Who is the spectral soldier?
What is the "blood-swollen god"?
What does Henry find in the "chapel of trees" after he has run away? How does he respond?
corpse, runs away
What occurs in the woods that makes Henry feel justified in running?
a squirrel running
What are some ways Crane describes war?
Describe the tattered soldier and the spectral soldier. How does Henry respond to each and why?
Jim: Christ figure, unaware of surroundings, wants to be left alone, out of it, wounded, looking out into nowhere; tattered soldier: leg wound, tried to help H, thought H was friendCares for Jim but avoids tattered man
What allows Henry to return to his regiment? What is his story?
union soldier hit him on head, bullet grazed head in battle
Describe the changes in the loud soldier's character.
Starting fights ? stopping fights, humble, loud ? quiet, thought could take on army ? knows own strength
In the first battle Henry fights in after his return to his regiment, how does he fight? What does he feel as he fights?
automatically, like a machine, wants to take all of enemy on; feels one with regiment, a giant machine
When does Henry realize he and his regiment are expendable?
officer calls the mule drivers and doubts their survival
Discuss "mule-drivers." Why does this term have such significance for Henry?
Makes regiment sound stupid/worthless; Henry hated previous job as farmer
What does the flag represent to Henry and how does he respond when the flag bearer is killed? (talking about the Union flag)
views as goddess, takes up job of flagbearer
After the battle on the second day, how does the general view the regiment's work? How do the Lieutenant and Colonel view the regiment's work? How do the view Henry and Wilson?
calls them "mud-diggers", thought they were horrible soldiers; ?; best of 304th regiment
What does Henry think will be the ultimate revenge on the general?
Henry's corpse on the battlefield
How do the captured rebel prisoners behave?
1. curses at anyone who comes near2.

talks with interest to them3. stares off into distance4. ashamed to have been captured

What haunts Henry the most at the end of the book? Why?
abandoning of tattered man; showed kindness in misery and H abandoned him, probably dead now
Describe how Henry has changed.
Not going to type it all out.
Describe how the 304th regiment has changed.
knew how to fight eventually, more comraderie
Define impressionism.
movement in literature/art in 19th century that focuses on the general impression made by a scene
Define Naturalism.
Realistic representation of literature
Why is Jim sometimes viewed as a Christ figure?
Similarites: side chewed by wolves, bloody wrists, initials
Know about The Veteran and the Stephen Crane worksheet.
When/where was Crane born?
1871 Newark NJ
Crane came from a strict __ family.
Name 3 of Crane's famous works.
The Open Boat, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, RBoC
RBoC is the first __ __ novel.
modern American
Plot Outline:1-4: Preparation for battle and iternplay of anticipatory fear and courage5-6: The first battles, intrusion of fear and realization of cowardice7-11: Henry's exile, shame, regret, and rationalization12-14: Redemptive wound and return to regiment15-24: Final battles, new courage and achievement of manhood
In what battle does RBoC take place?
Battle of Chancellorsville