What is Aristotle's term for speaker's credibility?
As a Roman teacher of public speaking, Quintilian felt that effective public speakers should be
people of good character
The type of reasoning in which one thing, person, or process is compared to another to predict how something will perform or respond is
The audience's perception of a speaker's competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism is termed
The factor in a speaker's credibility that refers to his/her being perceived as energetic is known as
When Ramone spoke about the need for regular health check-ups, he was so knowledgeable, so sincere, and so energetic in his delivery that everyone responded quite positively to his speech. What aspect of good persuasive delivery did Ramone demonstrate?
The type of credibility established by giving careful thought to your appearance, establishing eye contact, and having your credentials as well as accomplishments presented to the audience is known as
initial credibility
What is the term for a conclusion reached based on available evidence?
an inference
What is testimony or quotations that express attitudes, beliefs, or values of someone else?
A three-part way of developing an argument with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion is known as
A process of reasoning from a general statement or principle to reach a specific, certain conclusion is known as
deductive reasoning
What is the term for reasoning that uses specific instances of examples to reach a general, probable conclusion?
inductive reasoning
Reasoning that suggests that because everyone else believes something or is doing something, then it must be valid, accurate, or effective is a
bandwagon fallacy
When a persuasive speaker attacks the person supporting an issue rather than the issue itself, which fallacy is the speaker committing?
ad hominem
When speakers attempt to persuade without adequate evidence or use arguments that are irrelevant or inappropriate, they are using
a fallacy
The textbook gives an example of a politician calling a press conference when he is being accused of taking bribes while in office. Instead of addressing this issue, the political speaks about the evils of child pornography. What fallacy is this politician practicing?
red herring
Marty's persuasive speech was about gun control and school violence. He made the statement, "Either we take guns out of the hands of everyone in this country, except the police and military, or we can expect massacres in schools all over this country." This kind of argument represents
an either/or fallacy
In a speech to the neighborhood watch group, Mr. Simmons made the following statement: "If you see someone running down the sidewalk in our neighborhood and you don't recognize that person, you can assume that person has committed some type of crime. You must act immediately. Don't hesitate for a second. Call 911." Some members of the audience recognized this statement as an example of
a casual fallacy
The term used by Aristotle to describe appeals to human emotion is
An emotional appeal that reaches the audience through shared beliefs based on cultural heritage or faith is known as
During her speech on creating a healthier environment, Maureen stated that more laws should be in effect to protect the environment because her town had a littering problem. Maureen was demonstrating which fallacy?
non sequitur
In an introduction to a persuasive speech, Fran said: "There was a time when I thought I would never have a job, a decent life, a boyfriend, or any pleasure in life. But, after working as an intern at Channel 3, I know what I really want to do with my life and that gives me great satisfaction. I encourage you all to become interns, so that you, too, can discover that there is something in life that inspires passion in you... that you're willing to work for...to work hard for...to be successful...to be happy." What type of message did this speaker effectively use in this introduction?
an appeal to emotion
As United Nations representatives, Shanthy and Miles were determined to establish an early warning system for tsunami threats. They had personally seen the devastation to their homeland of Sri Lanka in December 2004, and knew they had the power to affect change. In their speeches before the UN, they showed heartbreaking pictures and the tragic amateur videos from those vacationing where the tsunami had struck. In the end, they were able to persuade the audience to consider the proposal for an early warning system. Which tip did they follow for using emotions to persuade?
They used emotion-arousing images to trigger audience response.
In Montana's persuasive speech against assisted suicide, she quoted the Bible, saying, "Thou shalt not kill." What type of appeal was Montana using in this speech?
an appeal to myth