Which of the following is a key criticism of eriksons theory of personality development ?
His theory is rather vague and difficult to test
Freud believed that human infants were born with
Only an id
Opedipus is to Electra as
Boy is to girl
Rather than a sense of inferiority, eight year old zeke has developed a sense of mastery in all his academic endeavors. Erikson would say that zeke has a strong sense of
Erikson emphasized the importance of a caregivers _____ in predicting the impact of early life experience on later development
General responsiveness
In watsons and raynors classical conditioning study with Albert, a steel bar banged with a hammer served as the
Unconditioned stimulus
School refusal behavior
Can lead to academic difficulty and dropping out of school
Reciprocal determinism refers to a continuous back and forth interaction between
A person, his or her behavior, and the environment
How did Bandura demonstrate the existence of "observational learning" in the famous "bobo" doll study ?
He showed that children would model an adult they saw in a film
_____ is best associated with operant conditioning theory
According to Frued, the ____ stage is the first psychosexual stage of development
Which perspective argues that the human development takes many paths and is minimally influenced by physiological factors?
Nurture perspective only
The university-context-specificity issue is concerned with whether
We all follow the same or different development paths
How could an elementary teacher effectively use negative punishment in the classroom ?
Take away recess time (something that kids want) to decrease misbehavior
Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that children are
Innately good
A reasonable criticism of Freudian psychoanalytic theory is that it puts too little emphasis on the
collection of hard data to support his findings
Strengthens the likelihood that a behavioral response will occur in the future
According to Freud, in a mentally healthy individual, the
ego restrains the id.
For Piaget, conservation is the ability to recognize that
certain properties of an object do not change, even when its appearance is altered in a superficial way.
What is vicarious reinforcement?
When a person's behavior changes based on consequences that happen to an observed model