first human created, Comes from Adamah,means "Earth Being" Not a male or female. Translated as Adam.
(Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man; first person to be murdered in the bible. Was murdered by his brother, Second son of Adam and Eve, killed by Cain, tended the flocks (child of Adam and Eve)
Also known as the Torah, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Ancient Near East Cosmology
Cosmology is the study of the cosmos (universe or world). When Earth was created Water was created above and below the sky-- We were living in a bubble of water, water was surrounding us (Above and below) STUDY PAGE 26.
suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
"The Books" (Greek word)
(Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man, Son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy, I am the first born son of Adam and Eve and my name means "to create."
Commonalities in creation mythologies across the globe
5 main types of creation mythology: 1. Creation Ex Nihilo 2. Creation out of nothing 3. Earth diver (A bird comes from heaven and gets soil from Earth) 4. ITS ON CREATION MYTHOLOGY POWERPOINT.
Creation Mythology
**** The way creation was made, may different stories
causes or origins
Farmers vs. Shepherds
**** Farmers- Cain means "to create" vs. Shepherds- Abel. There is tension between these 2 groups
First covenant
To Noah and all creation, it was a rainbow
First creation story
Author: Priestly Writers Major themes: -They used logical ordering -Started with big things end with little things -grouping -God is the source of all -Creation is good -Detailed and organized -First and second story were FLIPPED -Emphasis of God's blessing of creation when humans were created: 6th day
Four sections of the Hebrew Scripture
Pentateuch Wisdom books History books Prophets
in the 2nd creation story God gave the first human Adom a "helper", Eve, because he needed a companion "HELPER" IN HEBREW MEANS EQUAL
Imago dei
From latin meaning "Image of God". We know this especially from the first creation story
the hebrew words between male and female: the first distinction of race in the Bible, ish-Male, isha-Female
belief in a single God
"Mother of all the Living"
**** Eve first woman who tended the garden
Race of giants
the Hebrew patriarch who saved himself and his family and the animals by building an ark in which they survived 40 days and 40 nights of rain
Noah and the Flood
In the old testament God made it rain for 40 days and nights to punish the world for their sin. Noah alone was found righteous and him and his family were saved., God led Noah to build a great boat/ark, to take his wife and his son's families, and a pair of each animal as safety from the earth's flood. After the flood he was commanded to repopulate the earth.
the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
belief in multiple Gods
Primeval History
stories or myths about the origins of the earth, humans, other creatures, languages, and cultures
Second Creation Story
Author: Yahwest Major themes: -Random projects -Logical ordering -Image of a potter -Equality between men and women When humans were created: 5th day
violent and excited activity
"The fall"
When Adam and Eve eat the apple and get kicked out of the of the garden of Eden. It is not a term used in scripture, it is a post biblical term. This comes from a Greek Orphic thought- Angels fell from heaven and became human- ON CREATION MYTHOLOGY POWERPOINT
"Pentateuch" the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
Tower of Babel
(Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven, constructed a tower to heaven; god got angry; nobody spoke the same language. The wisdom of this story is don't try to be as big as God he is always higher than us and don't get too prideful
What does the oracle to the man describe? The woman? The snake?
**** Man sent out of Eden and Woman sent out too both naked and cared, snake now has to slither around and has no legs
Wisdom Parables
**** Poetry stories, often love stories
Major lesson/wisdom that each primeval story offers us
**** Adam and Eve are the origin of all evil, God will punish those who are bad yet will forgive them
Explain quote: "A myth has never happened, it happens everyday"
It means myths are still going on today. EX: Christ was born a long time ago but he is still being born in people today.