Composers in the twentieth century drew inspiration from all except: American marching…
Composers in the twentieth century drew inspiration from folk and popular music…
What did Liszt create? Symphonic (tone) poem. Symphonice (tone) poem 1 movement…
The feeling of familiarity—fostered by, among other things, reiterations of a music…
Music may have been a fundamental building block in the development of…
Manuscript A document that contains the notation of a composition. Score The…
The word “baroque” has at various times meant all of the following…
Just as there are quarter notes, there are quarter rests. True The…
One of the most revolutionary periods in music history was the Early…
The ____________ is a short instrumental composition based on a hymn tune…
Affections in baroque usage refers to emotional states or moods of music….
Syncopation Placement of accents away from their normal stresses in the meter…
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