music may have been a fundamental building block in the development of culture bc
it provided an early model for social cooperation
music's powers can be seen in the myth of
orpeus and euridice
the story of tawa and the spider woman comes from
hopi of the SW US
the 19th centurty britihs anthropolgist who defined culture as a complex whole
edward taylor
a feature that unifies baroque music is the use of bosso contino which is
a continuous bass line
which of the following is not true
culture is fixed and impermeable
music is often catergorized into 3 broad categories
world music, pop musis, western art music
scholards divide western art music into
6 historical epriods
mozart lived during the
classical perios
which is not true
going to a symphhony orchestra often damages hearing
6 elements of music
melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre, texture, form
a conjunct melody
moves by step
which is not true
music is a universal language
melodies in all cultures have the following in common
all can be considered as distinctly ordered tones sounding through time
what is the phrase structure of summertime
the reason you can tell a difference between your mothers voice and gfs voivce
an essential element of the balinese rtythmic system
a time signaturw indicates
the meter and which type of note gets the beat
in western music the home tone or chord is called
most hymn folks tunes and popular songs are
which is not true about bach
he lived in several european countries
in bachs time a bourree was
the dance of nobility
a suite is
a collection of dances meant to be listened to
a shakuhachi is
a japanses bamboo flute
a scale w 5 tones is called
a shirabe is
a short inductory peice
thousands of songs incluing over the rainboq have been written in
32 bar song form
was a blind jaxx pianist from toledo ohio
art tatum
the american songbook consists of music
drawn from musical theatre film tin pan alley
the texture of judy garlands performance over the rainboq qould be clarified as
bela bartok collected and incorpated music from country into his music
a jali is a west african storyteller
an importnat african american composer of symponic music who incorprated blues into his first symphony
william grant still
bela bartok allegro barbaro contains examples of
this composer is thought of as a jazz musician
duke ellington
the blues began in
rural mississippi
most common form of blues
12 bar
today a center for west african popular music including blues
which is true
the habanera is a dance w cuban, french and african influences
womans sings a male opera role
pants role
reclamation history refers to
the act of restoring an under represnted group to the historcla naarative
siegfried plays the
this operan features 19th centruty seductive qoman
which is all true about ma guarita
its a bocete, is modal, and monophonic
a castrato is
a male who has beenc ated before puberty in order to retain his soprano or alto
short musical ideas that represent a person place thinf or ide
in bali didnt particpare in playing the gamelan
girl group dependency
aretha franklin
which is not true
gender roles are dictate by out biology