The greek city-state was called a...
Unlike Plato, Aristotle...
Argued that one had to observe and study actual entities rather than seek out ideal forms
Which of the following was NOT an advantage for Athens in the war with Sparta?
The best Land army in Greece (they did have naval co trip of the aegean, long walls protecting their harbor and city, and wealth and supplies from seaborne trade)
According to Thucydides, the Peloponnesian War was caused by...
Sparta' fear of Athen's growing power
Sparta developed a strict military state and society in order to...
Keep their conquered people, or "helots," in subjugation and slavery
The source of a fundamental characteristic of western civilization- the call for rational inquiry- was a philosopher of...
The Greek philosopher who argued that the world of the sense was only a shadow of ultimate reality was...
The Greek political reform Cleisthenes...
Established an athenian constitution with many democratic features
"Tyrant" was the name given to...
A ruler who used physical force rather than hereditary right or constitutional means to seize power
Respectable Athenian women...
Tended to stay within the home, presiding over spinning and weaving
The epics of Homer are set in the period of Greek history called the...
Dark Ages
Hippocrates, considered the father of western medicine, taught that...
All diseases have natural causes that can be discovered by observation
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the comedies of Aristophanes?
The exaltation of military values (did include ruthless criticism of contemporary Athens, the use of costumes and crude humor, and expression of a longing for peace)
The theban plays of Sophocles are an illustration that the great Athenian playwrights...
Tried to explore complex moral issues
The Greek dark ages commenced when...
The Mycenaean culture collapsed
The Greek gods...
Resembled human beings, shared the same virtues and defects as mankind, periodically interfered in human affairs
Spartan society...
Gave women considerably more public freedom than other city-states, including athletic training
The tragedies of Euripides...
Asked Athenians to reflect on their own actions during the Peloponnesian war
Which of the following Persian war battles was a Persian, rather than a Greek, victory?
Thermopylae (Greeks were victorious at salamis, marathon, and plataea)
During the half century following the Peloponnesian war...
Constant warfare among the poleis weakened Greek politically and culturally
The Greek polis known for its emphasis on military training was...
The great historian of the Persian wars, justifiably known as the "father of western history" was...
Central place of assembly and market
Greek city-state
Thighs military formation that was nearly impenetrable
The exhibition of excessive pride or arrogance
The highest virtue for homer and subsequent Greeks, characterized by manliness and courage
Socratic method
A process of questioning and refuting students' answers
The oldest order of Classical Greek buildings
Elected commanders of tribal army unity; Pericles was one
People from districts near Sparta, conquered and enslaved by the Spartans
"Rule by a few" the government of Corinth and other small city-states
What is NOT true of the Olympic Games...
Men and women could compete together in some events (BUT the games were pan-Hellenic, or open to Greeks from any polis, a religious festival for Zeus, and victorious athletes were richly rewarded with honor and free meals)
Bisexual relationships were common in Greek society because...
Men spent Great amounts of time together, male/male relationships were thought to offer the highest possibilities for love and intellectual development, and many men feared female sexuality
What was Athen's response to the Melians' insistence that they and their island remain neutral in the Peloponnesian War...
The Athenians killed all the men and enslaved the women and children
The Greek invention of philosophy, or the search for knowledge, involved the idea that...
The world and the cosmos were assessable to human reason and based on natural laws
The Minoan civilization...
Had Artist who often painted frescoes featuring religious rituals
A major occurrence at the end of the Greek Dark Ages and beginning of classic Greek civilization was the...
Spread of Greek colonies over much of the Mediterranean and Black Sea shorelines
Which of the following was NOT A result of the widespread violence and movement of peoples in the eastern Mediterranean around 1200 B.C.E.?
The Establishment of democracy at Athens (BUT some results were a besieged and weakened Egyptian Empire, The Trojan war and destruction of Troy, and the decline of Mycenaen civilization and its invasion by the Dorian Greeks
The themes of the Greek theater centered on issues of...
Fate, religion, and politics
Which of the following was NOT one of the early Greek philosophers or scientists?
Gilgamesh (BUT Pythagoras, Democritus, and Thales are)
The historian who wrote about the Peloponnesian War was...
The best-excavated and best-known Minoan place on the island of Crete is...
Although the Greeks learned many things from earlier civilizations, the philosopher Plato said the...
Greeks turn those things into something finer
The oracle at Delhi reputedly received messages from the god...