1. The main leader in the making of an absolute monarchy in France was.... a. Colbert b. Louis XIII c. Richelieu d. Mazarin
2. Mazarin was the cardinal who helped? a. Louis XIII b. Louis XIV c. Louis XV d. Louis XII
3. Glorious Revolution was the establishment of a certain government in....? a. England b. France c. Germany d. Spain
4. Cromwell was called.... a. Britain hero b. "da man" c. Saint Cromwell d. the lord protector
5. Colbert was a.... a. financial adviser b. aid to the king c. cardinal d. a writer
The regent for Louis XIII was a. Mazarin b. Maria De Medici c. Wallpole d. Colbert
The wigs were supporters of the a. king b. monarchy c. parliament d. revolution
The first Stuart king (out of 4) a. James II b. Charles II c. James I d. Charles I
Louis XIV is a representative of a. absolutism b. constitutionalism c. parliament d. revolution
The king of Britain to be beheaded was a. Charles X b. Charles I c. James I d. Charles II
The United Provinces were really a. Ireland b. Iceland c. the Netherlands d. Poland
Believers of the Social Contract supported a. the parliament b. the king c. cabinet d. Divine
The Netherlands rebelled against a. Britain b. France c. Spain d. Germany
Louis XIV's big fault was wasting money on a. palaces b. bridges c. roads d. the nobles
This war declared the Netherlands independence. a. 7 yrs. b. 30 yrs. c. Spanish d. Great
The dismissed form of government only to be replaced by a better form later was a. the long parliament b. cabinet c. the short parliament d. the monarchy
Louis XIII let whom, run the country for him. a. monarchs b. nobles c. cabinet d. cardinals
In eastern Europe between 1500 and 1650, the growth of commercial agriculture was accompanied by the A) growth of a small landowning class. B) monarchy's seizure of land from the nobility. C) consolidation of serfdom. D) establishment of an independent peasantry. E) establishment of many privileged towns as market centers.
How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history? A) The German lands were finally unified under the German emperor. B) Religious toleration was adopted throughout the Holy Roman Empire. C) Backed by its American colonies, Spain was recognized as Europe's most powerful nation. D) Central Europe emerged as an economic powerhouse. E) Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end.
How did the nature of armed forces change in the latter half of the seventeenth century? A) Gunpowder technologies were used for the first time in field operations. B) Improvements in artillery made the use of cavalry obsolete. C) Armies could be raised much more quickly by royal officials than by mercenaries. D) Army officers became obedient to monarchs instead of serving their own interests. E) The size of armies decreased as they professionalized and became more efficient.
The Baroque style flourished in the context of the A) flowering of constitutionalism. B) Commercial Revolution. C) Scientific Revolution. D) Protestant Reformation. E) Catholic Reformation.
22. The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was A) reform of the church. B) a belief in decentralization. C) the subordination of all groups and institutions to the monarchy. D) the sovereignty of the people. E) hostility to the Huguenots.
How did the Treaty of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne? A) The leader of the Spanish House of Alba was placed on the throne by the nobility upon offering guarantees that he would protect noble rights. B) The monarchy was abolished and Spain declared a republic. C) The German Habsburg Duke of Austria was placed on the throne after the death of his cousin, the Spanish Habsburg Charles II. D) The two Habsburg thrones of Austria and Spain were unified into the Grand Monarchy. E) Louis XIV of France's grandson, Philip, was placed on the French throne with the agreement that the French and Spanish thrones would never be united.
The Edict of Nantes was intended to.... A) establish a permanent policy of toleration. B) diminish the importance of Protestants in France. C) create an absolute separation of church and state. D) raise funds for new wars. E) promote religious and civil peace.
What was the consequence of Rákóczy's rebellion for Habsburg rule? A) Hungary was never fully integrated into a centralized, absolute Habsburg state. B) The German nobility established itself as dominant within the Habsburg lands. C) The Bohemian nobility was crushed and replaced with new nobles loyal to the Habsburgs. D) The Catholic Church recognized the superiority of secular rulers over church lands in the Habsburg Empire. E) The Habsburgs lost control over most of their lands in northern Italy.
The Mercantilist theory, postulated (good college word) that.... A) government should not interfere in the economy. B) imports and exports should be equally balanced. C) economic activity should be regulated by and for the state. D) overseas colonies were an unwanted drain of valuable gold bullion. E) free trade would maximize the wealth of all nations.
16. Charles I tried to raise money for a. palaces b. the people c. wars d. trade