The Christian Missionaries who accompanied the European merchant ships to East Asia
seemed less threatening to the Ming and Qing dynasties than to the Tokugawa shogunate
Arguably the greatest ruler in Chinese history
As manufacturing and commerce began to grow in Ming and Qing China,
the elite retained a preference are of activity for all Chinese
The outstanding example of Chinese architecture during the Ming and early Qing eras is the
Forbidden City in Beijing
The first Jesuit missionary to arrive in Japan was
Francis Xavier
During the Tokugawa period
cotton became the dominant textile fabric worn by most Japanese
developed a phonetic alphabet for writing the spoken Korean language in the 1400's
The Treaty of Nerchinsk
settled the location of the Sino-Russian boundary
As a result of the King Sonjo of Korea refusing an alliance, ____ invaded the Korean Peninsula in 1592.
Toyotomi Hidiyoshi
A discovery made by Galileo was the
similarity of the material composition of other planets and the moon to that of the earth.
Newtons Principia
supplied the new theory of the universe that combined the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo
All of the following were relevant to Newton's discoveries EXCEPT
his theories had no spiritual ramifications.
The most active opponent of religious intolerance and the most outspoken anti-Christians among the philosophies were
Voltaire and Diderot
The person viewed as one of the founders of modern economics and know for the doctrine of Laissez-faire was
Adam Smith
Who, among the following, should NOT be considered an "enlightened despot"?
Louis XIV
Britain decided to end its war against the Americans after a combined American and French force defeated General Cornwallis at
The Estates-General was convened in 1789 in order to deal with the
near bankruptcy of the French Treasury
The Committee of Public Safety was established to
combat the dual threat of internal rebellion and foreign invasion.
The first steam-powered locomotive was pioneered by
Richard Trevithick.
Karl Marx believed that all of human history was the story of
the class struggle.
The most multinational state in Europe in the nineteenth century, and thus the one most threatened by the new ideology of nationalism, was
The new Italian kingdom established in 1861
was, to a significant degree, the diplomatic work of Cavour and the military actions of Garibaldi
The Eastern European state that gained its independence from the OttomanEmire in 1830 was
The Second Empire in France
was brought down by the disastrous 1870 war with Prussia.
The first Mexican emperor was
Augustin de Iturbide.
The liberators of Venezuela and Argentina, respectively were
Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin
United States foreign policy after 1890
was characterized by an expansion of America power into the Pacific and Caribbean.
The European working classes at the end of the nineteenth century constituted almost
80 percent of the population.
An early leaer in the drive to professionalize nursing for women was
Clara Barton in the United States.
The discoverer of the germ theory of disease was
Louis Pasteur.