The earliest tests of intelligence were constructed in order to
Identify children who would probably have difficulty learning in the typical classroom.
With the passage of IDEIA in 2004, what Specific Learning Disability (SLD) determination method must states use?
States can use the discrepancy approach, the response to instruction/intervention (RTI) approach, or a combination of both approaches. This is not addressed by IDEIA.
Which of the following is a characteristic commonly found in standardized tests?
Items have been analyzed and refined.
The Rorschach Inkblot Test is an example of which kind of test?
National, regional, and state norms for a standardized achievement test are appropriate for interpreting test results only when the test is administered
WRONG ANSWER: By a trained specialist in testing.
Comparisons of the relative strengths and weaknesses of pupils in different subject matter areas may be based on the results of standardized achievement test batteries because they
were normed on the same representative sample of pupils.
Which of the following is a major advantage that teacher made tests have over standardized achievement tests?
Teacher made tests can better match course objectives.
Inferences about individuals based on the results of group data on the stability of intelligence test scores may be misleading because
WRONG ANSWER: Reliability of group data may not be high enough for individual interpretation.
A teacher gives a final examination to see if students have met his course objectives. This calls for the use of
A teacher made test.
One advantage of individual tests of scholastic aptitude is that they provide opportunities for
clinical insights regarding pupil's typical behavior
Which of the following types of test results may be given to parents without interpretation?
None of the above
Standardized Achievement tests are generally preferred to teacher-made tests for all of the following purposes EXCEPT
determining what grade to assign each pupil
Projective techniques are, as a group, distinguished from other personality measures in their utilizing
ambiguous stimuli
A pupils science achievement score is one standard deviation below the national norm. Which of the following most accurately describes her performance?
She is below average in Science
Aptitude is to future as achievement is to
If a teacher wanted to determine how well a standardized achievement test would measure the objectives which she had been trying to teach, it would be best for her to
compare the test with the objectives
Congress intent in requiring all students including special education students participate in annual school and district wide assessments was to
enhance accountability for achievement of special education students
The distinction between aptitude and achievement tests is chiefly one of
purpose for which they are used
Which of the following need NOT be considered in interpreting standardized test scores?
WRONG ANSWER: 1 - The appropriateness of the norm group; 2 - The psychometric properties of the test; 3 - Student aptitude
High Stakes testing refers to the use of standardized test results alone or in combination with other measures to make educational decisions that
significantly affects students, staff or policies
The present status of personality testing may be best characterized as
experimental and for restricted professional use
Standardized readiness and diagnostic tests provide information useful for all of the following purposes EXCEPT
determining pupils' emotional and social development
The correlations between appraisals of infant ability (during the first year of life) and intelligence measured at age 21 would be
WRONG ANSWER: about .60 to .70 d. .80 and higher
The primary advantage claimed for stanines over other scores is that the stanines
reduce the tendency to over interpret small score differences
Most standardized test publishers today distribute reports like the Criterion Reference Skills Analysis included in your text. While such reports contain a wealth of information, they often are ignored because the
reports are complex and difficult for parents, teachers, and students to understand
When can a published standardized test advantageously be used for evaluating different curricula, rather than preparing a special test for the purpose? Whenever the published test
represents adequately the objectives of each curriculum
What size correlation would be expected between a Stanford Binet given at age 8 and one at age 15?
Which of the following represents the highest degree of relative performance?
A T Score of 72
If the instructions for administering and scoring a standardized achievement test are NOT followed rigidly when it is administered to pupils...
reliability will be affected to an unknown extent
One advantage of individual tests of scholastic aptitude is that they provide opportunities for
clinical insights regarding pupils typical behavior
It is always advisable to interpret test scores
WRONG ANSWER: As if the tests were neither valid nor reliable
Projective techniques are, as a group distinguished from other personality measures in their utilizing
ambiguous stimuli
As contrasted with various separate achievement tests in the same subjects and obtained form different test publishers, a survey achievement battery yields derived scores for the same school subjects which are more likely to be