True/False: The first newspaper produced in North America was Publick Occurrences, both Foreign and Domestick
True/False: By the penny press era, the average newspaper cost eighteen cents per copy
True/False: Joseph Pulitzer's New York World would stage events for the sole purpose of making news to cover
True/False: Yellow journalism in the 1890s was the origin of investigative journalism in the late twentieth century
True/False: The term yellow journalism originated from a New York newspaper in the late nineteenth century that was printed on yellow-toned paper stock
True/ False: Journalism is a scientific and objective method of communication
True/False: The inverted-pyramid news story form is most commonly used with objective news stories.
True/False: History suggests that objective reporting grew out of an opportunity to massmarket news that would not offend particular groups.
True/False; Literary journalism uses the devices of fiction to construct a portrait of the real world using nonfictional experiences
True/False: Online news has contributed to the creation of the 24/7 news cycle.
True/False: According to researchers, most small nondaily papers in the United States are consensus oriented rather than conflict oriented
True/False: The phrase underground press refers to newspapers that operate out of major urban sewer systems.
True/False: Around 2005, large newspaper chains responded to the decline in newspaper circulation by buying up more newspapers and increasing newsroom staff.
True/False: Larger newspaper operations overall seem to be more financially stable than smalltown newspapers.
True/False: Online newspaper stories have to be briefer and more streamlined than the print version.
True/False: Of all our mass media institutions, newspapers have played the longest and strongest role in sustaining American democracy.
True/False: Broadsides differed from newspapers in that their content was meant to remain relevant for a longer period of time.
True/False: Embarrassing a public official was often the reason colonial newspaper owners were forced to shut down or were even jailed
Penny press newspapers
newspapers sold individually for only a penny a piece
Which of the following eras of journalism best represents the historical arrival of newspapers as a mass medium?
Penny Press era
Yellow journalism is
-overly dramatic -got its name from use of color "yellow kid"
What were significant features of yellow journalism?
-overly dramatic -got its name from use of color "yellow kid" -investagtion
The two publishers most associated with yellow journalism in the late 1800s were
Joseph Pulltzer and William Randolph
Modern journalism started to develop in the nineteenth century mainly because newspapers
wanted to attract as many readers and advertisers as possible
Select the correct historical order among the following major eras in journalism history.
partisan jounralism - penny press - yellow press - objective news
Name the publication most closely associated with the rise of modern journalism.
The New York Times
Objective journalism as championed by Adolph Ochs and the New York Times was particularly good at
moving the practice of journalism out of the realm of sensationalism and into the realm of professionalism
What spawned the rise of interpretive journalism in the 1930s and 1940s?
The world's increasing complexity and interconnectedness
Besides providing community calendars and meeting notices, _______ newspapers mostly carry articles on local schools, social events, town government, property crimes, and zoning issues.
Consensus-oriented journalism
Which of the following are specific groups of readers targeted by specialized newspapers?
African America, Spanish Language, Asian American, Native American
The newshole
The space left for news in the paper after the ads have been placed
Advertising revenue, the lifeblood of newspaper operations
Has fallen dramatically in the last few years with internet ad sales unable to fill the gap
Which of the following is a way that online journalism is redefining news?
1.Unlimited space for articles 2. Not paying for paper/distribution 3. Links to related articles 4. Multimedia capabilities (Interactive news)
Worried about the shaky financial underpinnings of print journalism, some have suggested new business models, including
A) having former print reporters start online newspapers B) having wealthy universities buy and support newspapers C) having wealthy Internet companies expand into the news business D) having newspapers operate as nonprofits that run on tax-deductible contributions (all of them)
Which is NOT one of the critiques against objective news stories?