Sex education classes in most secondary schools in the US do not cover the topic of
Sexual techniques
The authors of your text define human sexuality as
the way we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings
for many researchers today, the term refers to antatomic or biological categories, wheras refers to the social or cultural categories
sex; gender
The behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits that are typically associated with one sex are called
growing up in East L.A., Jose learned when to hide or show his feelings, how his actions must honor his family, how to court women, and how to "be tough" by holding his alcohol. Jose has learned
his culture's gender roles for men
A society with plurastic sexual attitudes and values has an
wide range of sexual attitudes and values
a society that embraces a wide range of sexual attitudes and values is called
Statements about what is right or wrong, or desirable versus undesirable, are expressions of a persons
which of the following best describes current values in the US
given the diversity of american society, no single value system defines all of america
which of the following could serves as a basis for a leagalistic approach to ethical behavior
the creed of a religion
in situational ethics, ethical decision making is guided by
the genuine love for others
telling an outright lie, according to situational ethics, might be the moral thing to do if
you do so out of love and concern for another
in ethical relativism, it is assumed that
there is not single, correct moral value
considering the value systems used to make sexual decisions, a person using situational ethics differs from one using ethical relativism in what main way
a person using situational thics would argue that some moral decisions can be better than others
a person who axcribes to cultural realtivism would argue that different cultrues
may have equally valid different traditions based on their cultural beliefs
hedonism is a value system in which a person in guided by
the persuit of pleasure
which of the following value systems is based on self-denial of material and sexual desires
utilitarianism is based on the ethical thought
the greatest good for the greatest number
which of the following best reflects the beliefs of a utilitarian
an unhappy marriage should be prolonged to better serve his or her three children
which of the following groups in least likely to use religion and religious principles to determine thical behavior
which of the following best reflects the beliefs of someone using a legalist value system
unhappy marriage should not be ended because of religious traditions
all of the following are elements of critical thinking except
relying on feelings and intuitions
using the principle of skepticism involves
taking nothing for granted
the biggest problem with sex surveys in popular magazines such as cosmo is the research issue of
adequate sampling
the worship of womens ability to bear children was commonly found in which of the following
ancient stone are
phallic worship is signified the penis as a symbol of
generative power
phallic worship may have come into being as
people grew aware of the male role of reproduction
it is believed that the first human taboo involved
incestuous sexual behavior
in western cultures incestuous sexual behavior was generally only permitted among the
royal families
the ancient hebrews and Greeks were alike in that they both
viewed women as property
in early greek culture, gods and goddesses were seen as
greedy seekers of sexual variety
derived from ancient greek, the word pederasty means
love of boys
in ancient greece, male-male secual behavior was tolerated as long as it did not
threaten the insitution of the family
ancient Greeks believed that all people were
the ancient greeks viewed women as
which of the following was a teaching of the early chrisitinas that demonstrates their association of sex with sin
celibacy was the ideal but marriage was acceptable
during the early christian era, divorce
was completly outlawed
which of the following ideas most influenced early chrisitan views of sexuality
augustines idea that sexual lust began with the original sin of adam and eve
according to st augustine, men and women could attain a state of grace only through
which of the following is true regarding islamic culture
the family is considered the backbone of society
islamic tradition holds that muhammad decreed that marriage represented the road to
the majority of islamic sects believe all the following except
celibacy will attain a state of grace
which cultural group believes that sexual pleasure is a spititual experience and religious duty
Hindus in India
the Kama Sutra is a sexual manual from which religion or culture
The Kama Sutra is a detailed sex manual that reflected the sexual practices of
the Hindu culture
compared to early eastern religions, early chrisitianity
had a more negative view of sexuality
early taoist beliefs emphasize the harmony achieved through
stimulating womens yin energy through orgasm so that the men could absorb more yin energy to complement their yang energy
during the middle ages, what development in eupopean christendom helped to elevate the status of women
the cult of the virgin mary
the protestant refomer, martin luther, believed that
priest should be allowed to marry and have kids
the era named for queen victoria, the victorian era, became synonymous with
sexual repression
during the victorian era, women were commonly portrayed and believed to be
uninterested in sex
in the 19th centruy a diet including, was proposed as a way for men to contorl their sexual appetities
graham crackers
The reverend sylvester Graham believed that ejaculation would deplete a man of his vital energies, so men should only have intercourse about
once a month
in a published encyclopedia of sexuality, physician havelock Ellis concluded that
sam-sex sexual orientations were natural variations
in theroy that the sex drive is our principal motivating force was developed by
the research that represents the first attempts to provide broad picture of secual behavior in the US was conducted by
Alfred Kinsey
Alfred Kinseys books on the secual behavior of males and females
were opely citicized as being immoral and obscene
Alfred Kinsey is recognized for
making sex research a respectable field of academic study and openly discussed
The so called sexual revolution in americal sexual attidutdes and practices ususally refers to the
mid 60's-mid70's
one event that may be linked to the increased in recreational or casual sexual behavior in the 60's was
the introduction of the birth control pill
the secual revolution was part of a social movement characterized by
social permisssiveness and political liberalism
which research observed people engaging in secual activity in the lab
masters and johnson
the beginning of modern gay activism in the us is usually traced to what event
the stonewall rebellion on 69
random genetic changes that are important in evolution are called
which statement best describes the concept of natural selection
better adapted organisms are more likely to survive and reproduce
human cells normally contain
23 pairs of chromosomes
genes are segments of chromosomes which are composed of
as variations are introduced through genetic changes, mutations
are subject to natural selection
considering the concept of "erotic plasticity" research shows that
women show greater erotic plasticity than men do
the female of one species of animal eats the male after they mate, in the study of evolution, this behavior
will persist if it increases the reproductive success
some evolutionary psychologists contend that
social behaviors also may have evoloved by ading survival or reproduction
the cross species perspective on human sexuality focuses on
looking both for variety in sexual behavior across species and for analogues of behaviors between species
which of the following correctly summarizes one major finding from the cross species perspective on human sexuality
the "higher" the species of mammal that is observed, the more likely their sexual behavior will be controlled by learning and experience rather than instinct
margaret meads research in Samoa laid the groundwork for research
on challenging gender-role stereotypes
according to Ford and Beach's survey of 200 preliterate societies, kissing was
common, but not universal
based on socialogical research, which of the following is true regarding childhood masturbation
socities vary from condemning to encouraging childhood masturabation
based ont he freatured story and honor killing in germany from the text, which of the following statements is Most accruate
in some muslim subcultures in europe, women still suffer extreme limitations on their feedome and severe punishments
according to sigmund freuds theory of psychosexual development, children undergo
5 stages of development
according to freuds theory, and individuals sexual impulses begin
at birth
frued believed children developed erotic feelings toward the parent fo the opposite gender during the
phallic stage
all of the following are stages of frueds psychosexual developemnt except
the theory which proposes that human behavior represents the outcome of the struggle between inner forces is
which theorist originated the term "erogenous zones"
john watson and bf skinner emphasized the impact of rewards on the learning process, a process they called
all of the following are major theories from the psychological perspective on human sexuality except which one
quantum theory
in general, femeist theroy
challenges traditional roles of mean and women, especially the ones that oppress females
in studying human sexuality, which of the following statments is true
human sexuality is a complex interaction between biological, sociocultural and psychological factors.
the empirical approach to studying human sexuality is based on
research evidence
critical thinking and the scientific approach are similar in that they
embrace skepticism
all of the following are elements of the scientific method except
performing a web search on a topic
the hypothesis is a
percise perdiciton
Marcelo wonders if people masturbate because they do not have partners available to have sex with. he perdicts that people having frequesnt sex will masturbate less, and that people who have less sex will masturbate more due to their "deprivation." He creates a survey to ask people how frequesntly they currently have sex and how frequently they masturbate. he find the opposite of the his prediction. Marcel's experience is and example of
using the scintific methods to test a hypothesis and gain info about sexuality
Which of the following is not a goal of science
in describing his dogs sexual behaviors, frank says his dog is the "stud" fo the lacal neighborhood, describing how his dog regularly visits nearby feamle dogs. Franks explanation shows
all of the following are examples of deomographic variables except
the individuals heart condition
in scientific research, a population is
a complete group of organisms
why do researchers choose NOt ot measure and entire population
it is often impossible to study all of a population
if you were interested in the sexual behavior of all students enrolled in university human sexuality courses, then students enrolled in univeristy human sexuality courses is the
target population
individuals participating in a research study make up a
a random sample is one in which
every memeber of the target population as an equal chance of participating
when subgroups of a population are represented in a sample in proportion to their numbes in the population, the sample is known as
stratified random sample
if randomly selected people refuse to participate in studies
the representativeness of a sample is likely to be lost
dr wong is conducting a long-term study of a single individual who has an unusual sexual problem. Dr Wong is using which of th following methods
Case study
Case studies often have benn a method for
reporting new treatments of sexual dysfuctions
an advantage to using interviews instead of questionnaires is that
the interviewers can probe answers
the survey type that allows the interviewer with the most amount of flexibility when asking planned and followed-up question is the
face to face interview
in the 1940s pioneered the use of large scale studies of sexual behavior and attitudes
How did kinsey and his colleagues obtain their sample
they contacted organizations of community groups, and attempted to get full participation from the group
in his studies, kinsey used
because kinseys research participants were grouped from various organizations and communitites, his sample was
not representivie smple of the general population
even through kinsey's population was unrepresenativtive of some groups, which of the following statements is generalizable
there is a positive link between level of education and participation of oral sex
in what ways id kinsey encourage honesty in his subject
he assured subjects that their answers were confidential
If you tried to conduct a survey of sexual behavior, which of the following would encourage you that your participants were answering reliably
when interviewing spouses separetely, they report very similar behaviors and frequencies of their sexual behaviors
kinsey checked the reliablity of his data by
reexamining interviewees after at least 18 months had passed
in relaiablity studies done 18 months after his original surveys, kinsey found
consistency in the incidence of sexual behavior reported by his subjects
all of the following are ways that the national health and social life survey encouraged completion of the questionnaire except
the sexual aspect of the survey was originally concealed from the participants
Which of the following surveys probably offerd the most accurate picture of the sexuals practices of the general pop in the US
The National survey of family growth
according to the national surveys on family growth, which of the following is true of 15-19 year olds in the us who report engaging in sexual intercourse over the last two decades
males report highter rates compared to females
according to the national surveys on family growth, which of the following is true of the gender gap between males and females 15-19 year olds who report engaging in sexual intercourse over the last two decades
the gap is narrowing
which of the following statements is ture regarding surveys conducted by magazines such as psychology today, Redbook and Elle
these surveys use unscientific samples and cannot be genearlized to a population
a facebook survey of sexual behavior is likely to be flawed due to
biased sampling
in survey research, the problem of participants providing responses that they think are acceptable instead of honest responses is called
social desirability
the process of gathering information from volunteer respondents about their knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors is called
what is the tem used when a researcher encounters a participant who feels pressured to answer a survey or interview question in a certain way
social desirablitity
in a sexual survey, a participant brags to the interviewer that he has had twelve different partners in the last year when in actuality, he has had only two. This participant presents a research limitation called
social desirability
when a survey respondent does not answer honestly, how are they probably forming responses
they may hid info that may either fear of be embarassed about, or they may exaggerate to get attention
in sex research surveys, an unavoidable bias in the people who participate may be
more permissive attitudes about sex
in the naturalistic observation method,
a cientist directly observe the behavior of animals and humans where it happens
scientist are likely to dow shich of the following in naturalistic observation
watch the behavior of animals and humans where it happens
a nauralistic ovservation is also known as a
field study
scientist take precaustions to keep nauralistic obeservations
in the ethnographic observation method
scientist study sexual behaviors and csutoms that occur amond ethnic groups
which of the following scientists would typically specialize and engage in ethnographic research
anthropologist margaret mead reported on the customs of various poeple of new guinea the type of reseach she conducted was
antrhopologist margaret mead reported on the customs of various people of New Guinea by examining
gender roles
anthropologist margaret mead reported on the customs of various poeple of New Guinea and argued that gender roles
varied dramatically across all three societies
when researchers in the past engaged in sexual intercourse at "swinging parties" the researchers claimed to be using what research method
participant observation
researchers stdying mate swapping the 1970s represented themselves as swingers seeking sexual relations. these researchers used a method called
participant observation
the first researchers to report direct lab observations of couples engaged in sexual activity were
masters and johnson
masters and johnsons early work scientifically described
the human sexual response
which of the following characterized intital public reactions to masters and hohnson's research
their studies were denounces as immoral
masters and johnson found that the human sexual response of males and females was comprised of hom many phases
four for both males and females
in sex research, lab observation in limited because
sexual acts perfromed in a lab may differ from those in private
in the lab observation method
scientist bring individuals out of their natural setting and into the lab
masters and johson believed that to understand the human sexual response, researchers should
study actual physical responses to sexual stimulation
which of the following is true regarding masters and hohsnons recruitment of participants for their studies
some participants where medical students or patients of the researchers
the insturments in masters andjohnsons study did not allow them to measure
emotional responses
a penile strain gauge
measures a mans erectile response by recording changes in the circumfrence of the penis
psysiological measurement of sexual arousal in women in measured using a vaginal photoplethysmography
indicates the level of bood congestion using the amount of light reflected in the vaginal walls
in general, viagra nad similar erectile dysfuction drughs have been shown
to work for men but not women
the strenght and direction of the relationship betweent wo variables is expressed with a statistic called the
correlation coefficient
the correlational method can be used for all the following except
show cause and effect
if karen is interested int he relationship between using viagra and participating in risky sexual behaviors which research method would she probably use
correlational research
correlational research
describes the relationship between two variables
if a study shows that there is a positive correlation between frequency of msturbation and fequency of intercourse with partners, then this means that
people who masturbate tend to have sex with partners more frequently
a researcher finds that variable A correlates with Variable B. Which of the following is a correct interpretation of this result
all the above are possible`
a correlation can be used for with the following goals of science
dr pill wants to better predict which young women will likely be at risk of suffering from painful sexual intercourse. which of the follwoing methods would air dr pills prediction
correlational research
the best method fo studying cause and effect relationships is the
in an experiment, the variable that is manipulated or controlled byt he researcher is the
independent variable
ricardo, a participant in an experiment, was assigned to a group that receives no treatment, he is
the control group
boris participated in and experiment and was assigned to the group that received the experimental treatment. he was in the
experimental group
the variable an experimenter is intereseted in is systematically changed between or amoung groups while all aother variable are herd constant. the variable of interest is called the
independant variable
a researcher wants to sudy the effect of excercise on sexual responsiveness she assigns individuals to two groups. one group participates in structured excercise four times a week. the other group odes not participate in excercies. each week individuals compete a questionnaire regarding sexual responsiveness. what is the dependent variable
participants sexual response
an independent variable is a dependent variable is
the manipulated vairable, the measured result
indempendent variable
an experimenter claims that going to church increases marital happiness. in order to make this claim the experimenter maust have used what type of study
experimental study
in a study of the effects of sex education on teenage pregnancy
the incidence of teenage pregnancy would be the dependant variable
in an experiment, researchers can be reasonably confident that the treatment brought about the observed results if they use
random assignment of study participants to treatment groups
allowing only memebers of your target population who volunteer to participate in the study will likely result in
self selection bias
which of the following topics could be tested ethically using the experimental method
the effects of viagra on male sexual response
before participating in a sexual research project, a participant reads a document that describes the nature of the study and potential risk and benefits, this is called
informed consent
a researcher cannot expose human fetuses to sex hormones to learn whether they cause a participant's sexual orientations because
the fetusmay be subjected to physical harm
which best describes what is normally included in infromed consent
individuals are informed about procedures, risk, and benefits of the study
Jessica participated in an experiment when it was over, she was provided with an explanation of the experiment's purpose and potential contributions to science this is an example of
when a researcher intentionally doen not inform participants about the true purpose and methods of a research study,t he reasearcher is using
a friend of yours tells you that he is interested in volunteering for a study on human sexuality. he is nervous that he might have to do things that he does not want to do. given the information in the text, which of the following is the most accurate response to your friends concern
sex researchers will inform you of what is involved in the study and you can choose whether you want to take part after knowing mor efully what is involved in participating
which of the following is the most important ethical safeguard in human sexuality research
researchers must protect participants from all types of harm
another term for the vulva is
which of the following is the technically correct way to refer to a woman's frontal genitalia
the female structure that consist of fatty tissues that covers the pubic bones in the front of the body is
mons veneris
the outermost folds of skin that protect the inner female genitalia are the
labia majora
the labia majora
are large fleshy folds of skin on each side of the vaginal opening
wich of the following join at the hood of the clitoris
labia minora
during sexaul stimulation, the labia minora may
darken and swell
the sex organ whose only known function is to provide plesure
a clear difference between the clitoris and the penis is that the clitoris has
no known function other than sexual pleasure
the sheath of skin or hood that covers the clitoral shaft is known as the
the clitoral shaft consist of erectile tissue that contains two spongy masses called
corpora cavernosa
the tissue that partially or fully covers the glans of the clitoris is the
clitoral hood or prepuce
the clitoris responds to sexual stimulation by
engorging with blood
a rite of initiation into womanhood in many islamic cultures consist of
removal of the clitoris
women pass urine from
the urethral opening above the vaginal opening
urine passes from the females body through the
urethral opening
cystitis is
bladder inflammation
a good friend of yours tells you she is experiencing pain during urination, frequent urnination, and a mild fever. she is likely to have
a urinary tract infection
proponenets of the practice claim that removal of the clitoris is an attempt to
ensure chastity
all of the following statements regarding the clitoridectomies are true, except
the labia minora and majora are removed always
which of the following is not a medical complication due to the clitoridectomy
the female circumcision that involves complete removal of the clitoris along with the labia minora and inner layes of labia majora is called
in order to prevent cystitis, it is recommended that women
urinate after intercourse
the vaginal opening is called the
the ring of tissue that partially or fully covers the vaginal opening is the
the hymen or maidenhead is
a fold of tissue across the vaginal opening
a common myth about the female hymen is that
the hymen will always break and bleed during first intercourse
under what condition might it be necessary for a woman to have her hymen surgically incised
an imperformate hymen
when a hymen is almost completely, or completely, closed it is called
imperforate hymen
wihich of the following statements is true base on cross species comparisons of female sexual structures
the hymen is not present in other primates and has no known function
the skin and tissue between the baginal opening and the anus is called the
the vagina is
able to expand in length and width during sexual arousal
douching and vaginal sprays
can irriate the vagina
the lower end of the uterus that connects it to the vagina is the
all of the following are true of the cervix, except
it expands in length during sexual arousal
the primary cause of cervical cancer
cervical cancer is more common among women who
are infected with human p v
regarding her cervix, a woman
can feel her cervix by insertin her finger to the back of her vagina
which of the following is true of HPV
a vaccine is available to make women immune to HPv
death from cervical cancer is relatively uncommon in the us due to
screening programs
in a pap test what type of cells are examined for abnormalities
cerviacal cells
all of the following are true of the uterus, except
the uterus shrinks back to it original size after pregnancy
a womans womb is technically called
which of the following is not a layer of the uterus
the uppermost part of the uterus
fertilization of the ova usually occurs in the
fallopian tubes
fallopian tubes
connect the uterus and extends to , but does not connect with an ovary
what percent are ectopic
an ectopic pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy where a fertilized ovum attaches and establishes a placental relationship
outside the utuerus
most often, and ectopic pregnancy occurs in the
fallopian tube
all of the following are true of the ovaries, except
the ovaries are connected to the fallopian tubes
which of the statements is true regarding the ova
a woman is born with all the ova she will ever have
of a womans two million immature ova present at birth, about how many will be released for possible fertiliazation during her reporductive years
women most at risk for ovarian cancer are those who
who have a blood relative who had the disease
a complete hysterectomy involoves the removal of
the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries
a partial hysterectomy
does not involve removing the ovaries and fallopian tubes
what is true regarding hysterectomy
many gynecologist believe that hysterectomies may be performed too often
if a female has not become sexually acitve, when it it recommended that she first have a pelvic exame
by the time she reaches her late teen
the bimanual vagianl exam is a technique use do
examine the size and shape of internal sex organs
the breast are
secondary sex charactherstics
the size of a womans breast is related to
the amount of fatty tissue
the dark ring surrounding the nipple is
the areola
most case of breast cancer are being detected because of
the increased use of mammography
in order to help mazimize the detection of breast cancer, the american cancer society continues to recommend,
is not true regarding the risk or development of breast cancer
abortion increeases a womans risk of breast cancer
menstruation is the cyclical bleeding that stems from the shedding of
the latin term mensis means
the corpus luteum
the name for a follicle that secretes hormones after releasing an ovum
as a result of the menstrual cycle, a womans body creates
optimal conditions inside the uterus for conception and pregnancy
a follicle that releases an ovum and then functions as an endocrine gland is called
corpus luteum
the term corpus luteum refers to
the follicle that releases and ovum
a young womans first menstrual period is called
what is a female goand
an ovary
not ture regarding female or male gonads
they secrete sex hormone indirectly into the blood stream
the brain structures most directly involved in the menstrual cycle are the
hypothalamus and pituitary gland
the pituitary gland releases what
oxytocin, prolactin, lH and FSH
the two pituitary hormones that produce gonadotropins which stimulate the ovaries are the
fsh and Lh
which pitutitary homone stimulates milk production
which pituaitary homrome stimulates contractions
what is the pituatiry called
the first phase of the menstrual cycle is
proliferative phase
the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle is also known as the
follicular phase
the menstrual phase that is associated with the initital thinkening of the uterus and a thin cervical mucus is the
proliferative phase
during the proliferative phase of the menstural cycle
estrogen increases, ova ripes, and threre is a proliferation of endometrial tissue
fsh and lh are released by which gladn
pituitary gland
2nd phase of the menstrual cycle
ovulatory phase
what hormonal event triggers ovulation
surge of LH
the menstural phase that is associated with graafian follicle rupturing is
ovulatory phase
a brief lowering and then increasing of a woman's basal body temp occurs during which phase of the cycle
ovulatory phase
during the ovulatory phase
estrogen reaches peak levels and an ovum is released
during the secretory phase of the cycle
large amounts of progesterone and estrogen and produced
the last phase is the
menstrual phase
list the phases in order
prolifeatory, ovulatory, secretory and menstrual
what does the woman shed during menstruation
ceslls from the endometrial lining
the menstrual flow does not contain
most women lose about
2-3 ounces of blood
toxic shock is cause by
in many cultures, women who are menstruating are viewed as
unclean or contaminated
the term that refers to the beginning of menopause
the perimenopausal sensations like hot flashes and night sweats are cause by
a deficit of estrogen
long term estorgen deficiency had been linked to
which of the following may be a risk of using HRT
increased risk of breast cancer
the most common type of menstrual problem is
the swelling of breast is a premenstural discomfort calls
which of the following medical term for the absence of mensturation in a woman who has not mesturated at all by 16 or 17
primary amenorrhea
what is the term for a woman with out periods who had regualr periods in the past
secondary amenorrhea