Which of these ancient civilizations survived, intact, until the twentieth century?
The legendary "three sovereigns" of prehistoric China were
Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Huang Di.
Which of the following is not a true statement?
All evidence indicates that the first agricultural villages in China developed only along the Pearl River.
The beginnings of civilization in China were
possibly first experienced under the Xia dynasty.
Ancient Chinese villages were organized on the basis of
The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was
introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it served to legitimize its power.
The "well field system"
allowed peasants plots of their own to work, as well as working the lands of their lords.
The benevolent monarchy described in the Rites of Zhou
degenerated, in practice, into a fractious arrangement of despotic and exploitive local rulers.
During the Zhou dynasty, China
undertook large-scale water control programs to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields.
Examples of Zhou advances in agricultural technology included the
technique of leaving fallow land to better use soil nutrients.
In early China, it was believed that the universe was divided between two primary forces,
the sun as the yang and the moon as the yin.
The conversations between Confucius and his disciples are found in the
"If the government seeks to rule by decree, and to maintain order by the use of punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and have no sense of shame. But if the government leads by virtue and governs through the rules of propriety, the people will feel shame and seek to correct their mistakes." This statement reflects the ideas of
The Qin dynasty
carried out public book burnings.
What makes the Chinese written language unique?
its ideographical format
Inscriptions on ox and chicken bones or turtle shells were used for divination and to communicate with the gods.
In early Chinese history, villages were organized by nuclear family units rather than by clans.
Confucius' interest in philosophy was essential theological and transcendent.
The Qin Dynasty based its rule upon the philosophy of Confucius.
The nature of gender relations was demonstrated in the Chinese written language, with the character for woman was a person in a posture of deference and respect.