What are the eight essential functions of a substitute teacher?
1) follow basic procedures, 2) provide for health and safety of students, 3) comply with applicable laws, DOE polices, rules and procedures, 4) maintain effective and positive classroom control, 5) provide effective instruction, 6) exemplify professionalism of teaching, 7) exhibit adaptability and flexibility, 8) communicate effectively
What are the seven major components of an effective lesson plan?
1) Opening/Anticipatory Set, 2) Input, 3) Modeling-"I do", 4) Ongoing checking for understanding, 5) Guided practice-"We do", 6) Independent practice-"You do", 7) Closure/Evaluation
What does K-W-H-L mean?
A strategy often used to begin a lesson (Opening/Anitcipatory Set). Answers four questions: 1) What do I Know? 2) What do I Want to know? 3) How will I go about learning? 4) What have I Learned?
What are the four characteristics of a well managed classroom?
1) High level of student involvement with task, 2) Clear student expectations, 3) Relatively little wasted time or disruption, 4) Work-oriented but relaxed, the climate is pleasant.
Define Standards.
Statements about learning expectations for students.
Define Standards Based.
Curriculum and instruction aligned to the HCPS III.
Define Content Standards.
Define what students should know, be able to do, and care about.
Define Performance Standards.
Clear descriptions describing quality products or performances, concrete examples and commentary on how well students must learn or demonstrate the content, that is, "how good is good enough."
Define Benchmarks.
Measures that are set for student achievement.
Define Academic Plan.
Annual school plan that is designed to improve performance.
Define Assessment.
Collection of data for instructional decision making for both the teacher and the student.
Define Formative Assessment.
The ongoing collection of data during the process of instruction that helps teachers determine what aspects of the instruction is going well, what isn't and what changes need to be made to improve instruction.
Define Summative Assessment.
Data collected at the end of an instructional sequence that is used to make evaluations about student learning.
Define Curriculum.
Content material, subject specific materials and programs.
Define Instruction.
Teacher delivery of curriculum.
Define General Learner Outcomes.
The essential overarching goals of standards-based.
What are the six GLO's?
1) Self-directed Learners, 2) Community Contributors, 3) Complex Thinkers, 4) Quality Producers, 5) Effective Communicators, 6) Effective and Ethical Users of Technology.
Define Grade Level Objectives.
Content and Performance objectives that are to be met at each specific grade level.
What are six Teaching Tips?
1) Be an effective communicator, 2) Polish you presentation skills, 3) Cooperative Learning, 4) Provide specific positive feedback, 5) Equalize participation, 6) Ask good questions.
Smoking is not allowed _________ at any time or during school-related activities.
on campus
No _______ or ________ of alcoholic beverages on campus or during school-related activities.
possession or use
No possession, use, or sale of _________ drugs on campus.
A strip search can be conducted by _________ at the school.
no one. Strip searching is within the exclusive authority of law enforcement personnel only.
No sexual relations with students at _________.
any time
No physical or sexual harassment/abuse of ________.
Report any suspected child abuse to appropriate _______.
School Admin
Public schools are governed by laws _________ church and state.
A _______________form is completed by the substitute teacher at the end of each instructional day.
Substitute Report Form
What is the Cardinal Rule?
Safety First.
_____________ is the Department's school-administrative rule to promote and maintain a safe and secure education environment.
Chapter 19.
A class A or B offense is to be reported to the _________.
School Admin
Class A and B offenses are violations of ______.
Class C offenses are violations of ______.
Class D offenses are violations of _______.
School rules
Every school has an ________________ that you should familiarize yourself with.
emergency and crisis manual
Substitute teachers should locate and be knowledgeable of the _____________ posted near the door in each classroom.
fire and evacuation procedures
What are four important points to remember during an evacuation.
1) Do a visual sweep of the classroom and account for every student, 2) take the attendance/grade book with you, 3) turn lights off, 4) leave doors open for a bomb threat and closed for a fire.
Failure to carry out a responsibility is called _________.
Performing acts outside of the scope of his/her job is called _________.
Moving around in the assigned area of supervision is _______ supervision.
List three steps to take if a student is injured in the classroom.
1) Keep students and self calm, 2) get assistance from health room, 3) complete student accident report form.
List reasons for implementing standards-based curriculum.
1) Provides all students with access to high expectations, challenging curricula, and effective teaching, 2) insures coherence of the school improvement effort, 3) supported by the belief that all students can learn, 4) prepares students for the demanding challenges of the next century, 5) complies with federal directives.
Under Corporal Punishment Section 302A-1141, the one exception to this rule is:
Reasonable force may be used to restrain a student from hurting himself/herself or any other person or property.
Students may only be photographed or videotaped with proper _________.
You may be _________ if you fail to report a school incident.
Fire drills are practiced __________ (how often) at all schools.
What does HCPS stand for?
Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
What is a primary reason for assessing student performance?
To monitor student progress towards achieving standards.
What are the three goals of HCPS?
1) Assure that all students graduate college and career ready, 2) Ensure and sustain a rich environment and culture for life long learners, 3) Continuously improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of the educational system.
What does CSSS stand for?
Comprehensive Student Support System.
Define CSSS.
System that looks at all resources to ensure social, emotional and physical supports.
List the six critical elements of CSSS.
1) Personalized classroom climate and differentiated classroom practices, 2) Prevention and early intervention, 3) Family Partnerships, 4) Support for transition, 5) Community outreach and support, 6) Specialized assistance and crisis emergency support.
_____________ provides protections against discrimination in employment, accessibility, and education of individuals with disabilities.
Section 504
Section 504 is a _______________ law
civil rights
What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
What are the five major IDEA provisions?
1) All children will be served, 2) Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), 3) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), 4) Due Process, 5) Procedural Safegaurds.
What does IEP stand for?
Individualized Education Plan
What does FERPA stand for?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
What is FERPA?
Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
A ________ is an assessment tool for communicating expectations of quality.
Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, School Counselors, School Health Aid, School Psychologists and Speech-Language Pathologists are examples of _______.
Related Service Personnel
_________ are paraprofessionals who work alongside their professional colleagues in delivering services to students and are supportive nature.
Educational Assistants
The individual lesson plan should be part of a larger on-going instructional unit and _________.
year plan
The _____________ is the component of the lesson plan that gets the student motivated and ready to learn.
Opening/Anticipatory Set
What is the most effective way in teaching lessons?
Teach concepts in a variety of contexts and provide periodic review.
What is the primary purpose of Modeling?
Provides a clear example from the teacher of what good work looks like.
_________ is the component of the lesson plan that describes the teaching methods and strategies that will be used.
Ongoing checking for understanding should occur at what point in the lesson plan?
Throughout the lesson.
____________ is a time during the lesson to confirm success and/or correct any problems that may occur prior to independent practice.
Guided practice
Students move to ____________ in the lesson when they can work independently with little or no supervision.
Independent practice
A substitute teacher can do a pre-assessment prior to instruction by ____________.
asking questions
During ____________ students can reflect on what they have learned and how they learned it.
List ways to be an effective communicator.
1) Treat students with respect, 2) Exchange information with students, 3) Understand students' language, 4) Give directions in a way that students understand, 5) Be clear about a situation before responding, 6) Give and receive feedback, 7) Learn to be comfortable saying "no", 8) Include parents in the communication loop.
Emotive facial expressions, good eye contact, body movements and a varying vocal tone will help improve your ___________.
Presentation skills
What are the four basic elements of Cooperative Learning?
1) Positive interdependence, 2) Individual accountability, 3) Collaborative skills, 4) Group processing/debriefing at conclusion of lesson.
__________ are content-free ways of organizing social interaction in the classroom.
Specific positive _______ is a social reinforcer and should be meaningful, specific and immediate.
Teachers can _________ by calling on all students and listening to each one.
equalize participation
__________ is the standard for describing various levels of thinking skills.
Bloom's Taxonomy
List the six levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
1) Knowledge, 2) Comprehension, 3) Application, 4) Analysis, 5) Synthesis, 6) Evaluation
___________ are used to replace empty time with activities or assignments when a group or individuals have finished their assigned tasks.
Sponge Activities
Teachers who are well versed in a variety of ___________ can create skillful lessons that engage and enlighten students.
team structures
The substitute teacher must accept the _____________ for classroom discipline.
primary responsibility
When dealing with a student with a discipline problem, speak to the student __________. As a last resort, you may refer him/her to the _________.
privately, principal
_________ consequences are rewards that result when students abide by the rules.
_________ consequences are penalties that result when students break the rules.
Never leave a student, a number of students or a classroom of students _________ or you may be negligent if an incident occurs.
The biggest contributor to effective classroom management is to have _________ and ________ in place.
procedures and routines
In a ______________ classroom, relatively little instructional time is wasted.
well managed
The three F's of discipline are:
1) Fast, 2) Firm, 3) Fair
Procedures and routines are designed to:
1) create an orderly environment, 2) increase time on-task, 3) reduce classroom disruption, 4) tell a student how things operate in a classroom, reducing discipline problems.
In effective math programs, students are taught to solve problems in _______________.
meaningful situations
What three math sequences are used for teaching the understanding of math?
1) Concrete, 2) Semi concrete, 3) Abstract
___________ is the math level of sequence which involves the manipulation of real objects.
___________ is the math level of sequence which uses two-dimensional drawing and is a representative level.
Semi concrete
___________ is the math level of sequence which solves problems without using objects or drawings where the student reads the problem and thinks of a way to compute the answer.
List three steps to help students write effectively.
1) Encourage students to write about what they know best, 2) Give students a wide variety of writing experiences, 3) Focus on the process of writing rather than the product.
List the five dimensions of writing.
1) Meaning-insight and understanding, 2) Voice-imprint of the writer, 3) Clarity-word choice, language and sentence structure, 4) Design-form and structure give the writing coherence, 5) Conventions-grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling and paragraphing.
List the six stages of the writing process.
1) Pre-writing-brainstorms ideas, decides on text structure and begins to organize, 2) Composing-create a rough draft, 3) Sharing/getting audience feedback-responses will assist the writer in reflecting upon their written piece, 4) Revising-making changes to written work to make it better, 5) Editing Stage/Outside Editor-reading what is written for correctness of conventions rather than content, 6) Publishing-writer prepares a piece of writing to share with someone else.
Define phoneme.
The smallest part of a spoken language that makes a difference in the meaning of the words.
Define grapheme.
The smallest part of a written language that represents a phoneme in the spelling of a word.
Define phonics.
The understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes (sound) and graphemes (letters and spelling that represent sound in the written language).
Define phonic awareness.
The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds in spoken words.
Define fluency.
The ability to read a text accurately and quickly.
List the six text comprehension strategies.
1) The role of prior knowledge, 2) Student generate questions, 3) Previewing the text, 4) Questions to promote metacomprehension, 5) Guided reading procedure, 6) Post reading comprehension.