What are the 8 essential functions of a substitute teacher?
1. Follow Basic Procedures, 2. Provide for Health and Safety of Students, 3. Comply with Applicable Laws, DOE Policies,Rules and Procedures, 4. Maintain Effective and Positive Classroom Control, 5. Provide Effective Instruction, 6. Exemplify Professionalism of Teaching, 7. Exhibit Adaptability and Flexibility, 8. Communicate Effectively
What do students expect of Substitute Teachers?
That they are caring, fair and teach materials well.
Who can perform strip searches?
Only Law Enforcement.
What should you do if you suspect a child has been abused?
Report to School Administrator
T or F Physically punishing a student is considered corporal punishment and outside the employee's scope of duties and responsibilities
T or F Smoking and other tobacco products are prohibited on the school campus only during regular school hours
False, smoking is always prohibited on school campuses
Under Corporal Punishment Section 302A-1141, Hawaii Revised Statutes, one exception to this law is:
one exception to this law is that reasonable force may be used to restrain a student from hurting himself/herself or any other person or property.
Can students be photographed or videotaped without proper consent during school hours?
What is Chapter 19?
The Department's school administrative rule to promote and maintain a safe and secure education environment.
Which offenses are school prohibited conduct?
Class D.
Refer possible search & seizure situations to who for follow up?
School's administrator.
What do you do when you are dealing with disorderly conduct?
Use verbal commands first and call for assistance.
Why should you report a school incident?
You many be held liable.
___________ supervision means moving around in your assigned area of responsibility?
Active supervision.
________ drills are practiced quarterly at all schools in Hawaii?
Fire Drills.
What is the Cardinal Rule?
Safety First!
Every school has a school __________ & __________ plan.
Emergency & Crisis Plan.
For a fire drill, the classroom doors must be kept _______.
Class A & Class B offenses are violations of ______ law and need to be reported immediately to _________________.
state law, school admin
When an employee fails to carry out a responsibility such as, not reporting to yard duty and a child gets hurt, not reporting an accident is called.
When an employee performs acts outside of the scope of his job such as administering corporal punishment which is against the law in Hawaii it is called.
Prayer and religious activities are only allowed on school campuses when they are _______________.
Student led.
What does GLO stand for?
General Learner Outcomes
What 6 expectations does GLO outline for all public school students and employees?
1. Self-directed Learners, 2. Community Contributors, 3. Complex Thinkers, 4. Quality producers, 5. Effective Communicators, 6. Effective and Ethical users of technology.
What does it mean to be a quality producer?
Doing work and doing it well.
What does HCPS stand for?
Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
What are the 9 HCPS?
1.Language Arts, 2.Social Studies, 3. Health, 4. Mathematics, 5. Career and Life Skills, 6. Physical Education, 7. Science, 8. Fine Arts, 9. World Languages
What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
What are the 5 major provisions of the IDEA that must be implemented?
1. All Children will be served, 2.Free, Appropriate public Education (FAPE), 3.Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), 4.Due Process, 5.Procedural Safeguards.
What is FAPE?
Schools have a duty to provide individually designed, appropriate programs for every child and adolescent at no cost to their parents.
What is LRE?
Children with disabilities will be educated with children who do not have disabilities.
What does the federal law Section 504 protect?
Section 504 provides protection against discrimination in employment, accessibility, and education of individuals with disabilities.
What is an IEP?
An individualized education program (IEP) that is developed for each disabled child.
What does CSSS stand for?
Comprehensive Student Support System
What are the 6 critical elements of CSSS?
1.Personalized classroom climate and differentiated classroom practices, 2.Prevention and early intervention, 3.Family partnerships, 4.Support for transition, 5.Community outreach and support, 6.Specialized assistance and crisis emergency support.
What is an EA and what is their role?
EA is an educational assistant that is hired to work alongside of their professional colleagues in delivering services to students. They have knowledge about each child.
Who is ultimately responsible to supervise the EA and all classroom activities?
The teacher or substitute teacher.
What does FERPA stand for and what is it?
FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and it is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
What are content standards?
They define what students should know, be able to do, and care about.
What are performance standards?
They included three elements 1.clear descriptions, 2.concrete examples, such as student work, 3.commentary on how well students must learn or demonstrate the content, that is, how good is good enough.
What is Chapter 53?
Hawaii's Administrative Rules that ensure the legal applicability of Section 504, Subpart D.
What is a formative assessment?
The ongoing collection of data during the process of instruction that helps teachers determine what aspects of the instruction is going well and what isn't so changes can be made.
What is a summative assessment?
Data collected at the end of an instructional sequence that is used to make evalutations about student learning.
What is an assessment tool for communicating expections of quality?
A Rubric.
Section 504 is considered what type of law?
A civil rights law.
What are the 8 elements of Effective Lesson Planning?
1.Opening/Anticipatory Set, 2.K-W-H-L, 3.Input, 4. Modeling "I Do", 5. Ongoing Checking for Understanding, 6.Guided Practice "We Do" 7.Independent Practice "You Do." 8.Closure/Evaluation
The focus of learning is ________ centered rather than teacher-oriented.
Student centered.
The teacher should be able to convey to students the purpose of the _______________.
____________ is a teaching strategy that uses demonstration (showing) and examples to explain the learning concept.
Why use Guided Practice?
Guided practice is a time to confirm success and/or correct any problems that may occur prior to independent practice.
A substitute teacher can do a pre-assessment prior to instruction by _________.
KWL- a strategy involves use of a three-column graphic organizer that helps students activate what they already know before they begin an expository reading or writing assignment. They graphic organizer questions: What do I know? What do I want to know? What have I learned?
An effective lesson plan should be part of a larger on-going instructional unit and __________.
year plan
What are the 7 teaching tips?
1.Be an effective communicator. 2.Polish your presentation skills 3.Cooperative Learning 4.Provide specific positive feedback 5.Equalize participation 6.Ask good questions 7.Sponge activities
What is the standard for describing various levels of thinking skills?
Bloom's Taxonomy
What are the purpose of the 7 teaching tips?
Student centered.
How should you praise a student when providing specific positive feedback?
Praise the behavior not the student.
The 3 F's of discipline are:
1.Fast, 2.Firm, 3.Fair
The biggest contributor to ineffective classroom management is the lack of ____________ & ____________.
Procedures & Routines
Corporal Punishment Section 302A-1141, Hawaii Revised Statutes provides that
"no physical punishment of any kind may be inflicted upon any pupil" as punishment for student's behavior.
Never leave a student, or a number of students or a classroom of students ________________ or you may be negligent if an incident occurs.
What are the four characteristics of a well managed classroom?
1.High level of student involvement. 2. Clear Student Expectation. 3. Relatively little wated time or disruption. 4. Work-oriented but relaxed; the climate is pleasant.
What school admin governs behaviors and disciplines?
Chapter 19
In an effectively managed classroom what are the 4 reasons why we have procedures & routines?
1.Create an orderly environment. 2. increase time on-task 3. Reduce classroom disruptions. 4. Tell a student how things operate in a classroom, reducing discipline problems.
When do procedures become routines?
When they are taught to students and are consistently practiced.
For effective math instruction teaching needs to reflect not only on "What to do" but also;
"How to do it" and "Why"
What are the 6 common elements within an effective math program?
1.Solve problems in meaningful situations. 2.Use manipulative. 3.Work cooperatively w/others within small groups. 4.Develop own procedures to discuss, explain, modify, write about & value. 5.Use thinking strategies to learn basic facts. 6.Incorporate math throughout the curriculum.
What is CSA sequence in math?
The concrete level, semi concrete level, abstract level.
What is the concrete level in math?
Involves the manipulation of objects.
What is semi concrete level?
Representational like using tick marks.
What is the abstract level?
Solve problems without using objects or drawings to solve computation problems.
What are the 5 Dimensions of writing?
1.Meaning (insight and understanding behind the words) 2.Voice (The imprint of the writer) 3.Clarity (Word choice, language, and sentecne structure convey intended meaning with precision and clarity) 4.Design (Form and structure-gives the writing coherence and moves the reader through the writing) 5.Conventions (Grasp of standard writing conventions of grammar, captalization, punctuation, spelling and paragraphing)
In writing what does evaluation focus on?
Evaluation focuses on instruction rather than directing it at giving grades, making red marks, and finding fault.
What are the six stages of the writing process?
1.Pre-writing 2.Composing 3.Sharing/Getting Audience Feedback 4.Revising 5.Editing Stage-Outside Editor 6.Publishing
Occupational Therapists, physical therapists, school counselors, school nurses and speech-language pathologists are examples of:
Related service personell
What is the continuum of support, in every school, to address whatever slows student progress?
What governs that sub teachers must abide by their ethical responsibility to maintain the privacy of all students and families
FERPA family educational rights and privacy act
Facial expressions, body movements and vocal tone will help to improve your:
vocal message/presentation skills
Teachers who are well versed in a variety of __________ can create skillful lessons that engage and enlighten students.
team structures
Class C offenses are violations of DOE