List the 5 Ministry Offices.
1. Apostle
2. Pastor
3. Evangelist
4. Prophet
5. Teacher
Jesus gave the five-fold ministry to the church for 2 reasons. List Them.
1. Equipping the Saints
2. Edify the body of Christ
List the 4 categories of the Apostle.
1. The greatest Apostle Jesus Christ
2. The 12 Apostles of the Lamb
3. The Apostle who wrote most of the New Testament [EX: Paul, Peter, James, John]
4. The Apostles of Today
Who calls an Apostle to his office?
List the 7 requirements of an Apostle.
1. Must have a deep and personal relationship with the Lord.
2. is meticulous about the accuracy of his teachings
3. Must give no grounds for accusations but must be above reproach
4. Live Holy, separated from the things of this world
5. Have a deep desire to hear God's voice and follow His guidance on a continuous basis
6. Are committed to sending time daily with God in prayer and wait to hear from God
7. Will delegate to others and not try to do everything himself
What authority does an Apostle have over his churches?
The Apostle has the greatest influence over the churches he has started
Explain the difference between the senior Pastor of a church and the Apostle of that same church.
The Apostle has the spiritual well-being of the churches that are born out of his ministry at heart. He is responsible to God for the church's spiritual well-being.
The Pastor is responsible for day-to-day running of the church, daily admin., management of church affairs, and future plans. Has authority over local churches to his Apostle for his spiritual conduct and training he gives his sheep.
List the 2 reasons patience is important in a Christian's life.
1. Patience is the foundation for a successful walk of faith
2. Patience is imperative in hearing God's voice
How else can God speak to us?
God speaks to us in dreams and visions
What are the 4 areas an Apostle should focus on?
1. Prayer
2. Studying the word of God
3. Teaching the Word of God
4. Listening to God for guidance
List the 9 types of ministries at CFC
1. Helps Ministry [ex. ushers, deacons, greeters, etc.]
2. Pastoral Ministries [ex. small group leader, area leader, etc.]
3. Counseling Department
4. Multimedia Ministry
5. Significance Ministry
6. Praise and Worship
7. Children Ministry
8. Youth
9. Special need class
Explain the difference between the Old Testament Prophet and the New Testament Prophet.
OT the Prophet was the only Minister teaching or preaching to the people because he has God's anointing. He was one of the few who heard directly from God. The people relied on the prophet and other anointed teachers and priests to give them instructions.
NT we all receive the Holy Spirit therefore we can all hear the voice of God.
What does the word "atone" mean?
To cover over
What does the word "remission" mean?
There is no evidence of the sin
Do we still need to go into the Holy of Hollies? Explain.
We do not go into the Holy of Holies occasionally, but permanently because the Holy Spirit is in us always
List the 4 ways he Holy Spirit guides us.
1. Inward witness/peace
2. Still small voice
3. Audible Voice
4. Visions
List the 3 types of vision
1. Highest category is OPEN VISION
2. Spiritual Vision
3. Lowest form is when you fall into a trance
What are the 2 things we need to know when receiving a word from a prophet?
1. It will confirm what God has already told you
2. If it doesn't confirm what we have in our hearts, then we are to shelve it and revisit it later.
What is the Prophets main function?
A Prophets main function is to preach or teach the Word of God not to prophesy
What is the difference between a teacher and preacher. ????
A teacher is one that explains A Preacher is one that proclaims
Explain the difference between a prophet and someone who just prophesy's.
Prophet's prophecy by a Word of Wisdom concerning the future
Someone who just prophesy's will prophecy edification, encourage and comfort
What 3 gifts operate in a Prophets life?
1. Word of Knowledge
2. Word of Wisdom
3. Discerning of Spirits
The main purpose of any five-fold ministry office is to teach the Word in what three areas?
1. Teach people to independently understand the Word of God
2. To train people to independently to be able to pray
3. To teach the Word of God
How do we evaluate a prophecy?
1. Does it contradict the Bible or does it flow with the Bible?
2. Does it minister to your heart?
Did God remove anointing from Moses to give to the 70?
God took some of the anointing and transferred it to the 70 to help complete the destiny
How did Moses misrepresent God?
Moses was angry at the Israelites for wanting water so they thought the Lord was angry with them.
Explain what a shepherd is.
A shepherd is a Pastor making sacrifices for the well-being of the members. They provide protection from all the wild animals and dangers that are around. They make sure the sheep come home to get their food.
What advice should all Pastors know?
1. The flocks are entrusted to the shepherd by God to be cared for
2. Watch over the flock willingly
3. Do not lord it over the people
4. Look forward to the reward from the Great Shepherd
Explain the difference between the 1st and 2nd baptism.
The first baptism was of repentance and turning from sin
The second baptism was the baptism into the body of Christ. This came with a second experience which was the baptism of the Holy Spirit With the evidence of speaking in tongues.
What are the two meanings for elder?
1. An older person in the natural age
2. A Spiritually mature person
List the structure of authority of the five-fold offices. ???
Apostle, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelist, Pastors
Describe the Pastoral Office
Overseeing the Church, protects and feeds the flock, they herd the sheep keeping them together out in the meadows and ensures that they go back into the sheep-fold at night for safety.
What other qualifications are needed for a senior pastor?
A senior pastor should be able to teach otherwise he would not be an effective senior pastor.
What 4 things should be shepherds need to do for their sheep?
1. Visit them at home when they are sick or in the hospital
2. Help them and counsel them when they have problems in the home
2. Burry family members when they go home to be with the Lord
4. Marry them and to train up their children
How does the five-fold preach?
The Evangelist preaches COME to the Lord
The Teacher preaches GROW in the Lord
The Pastor preaches HOLDS ON to the Lord
The Prophet preaches LISTEN to the voice of the Lord
The Apostle preaches ALL of the above