to teach
like (for example)
he taught him
and the mishnah
and the talmud
and stories
is it so
in a bryta
and you should know
its as if
the generations
a tanah
rabbis taught in a bryta
??? ?? ???
we only have
from where
if so
and if it is close
he found him
of gatherers
what is
What is the gamers first question?
until when are men obligated to teach his sons torah?
what is the story of zevulun ben dan?
zevulun ben dan was taught by his grandfather torah, mishnah, talmud, laws, and stories
What does the gemerah then say that you only have to teach?
torah and not mikrah
what does ravah respond to this?
mikrah is referring to the torah
how is it like and not like zevulun ben dan?
Like: the grandfather taught himNot Like: you don't need to teach everything you just need to teach torah
What is the next question raised about the grandfather?
is the grandfather really obligated? (even when your a grandfather do you have to teach)
What is the brytas answer to this question?
it says in a pasuk "and you should teach your children" and it doesn't say your sons sonYou are obligated to teach your children and not your grandchildren
What is the fulfillment of this pasuk "and you should tell your sons and their sons"? HOW DO WE INTERPRET THIS
anyone who teaches their children torah its as if he taught their sons son and all the other generations to come
What does rabbi yehuda say?
The grandparents are also obligated
The pasuk and you should teach your children is referring to only the sons so where done get the grandchildren from?
the talmud says "let the torah be known to your children and your grandchildren"
if so why does the pasuk specify bnychem? (and you should teach your CHILDREN)
obligation is on the sons and not the daughters (meant and you should teach your SONS-even grandchildren)
What does the raval say?
anyone who teaches their grandchildren its as if grandchild received the torah from had sinai
where do we get this from?
"tell their sons and their sons" is next to "day that you stand before G-d at har sinai"When they teach their grandchildren it is like they received torah from har sinai
What did rabbi Chaya see rayval do
Rabbi chaya found rival take a piece if cloth and put it on his head and rush to take his grandson to the beit keenest so that he could learn
What did rabbi Chaya ask?
Why are you doing this (why are you rushing)?
What is Ryval answer?
Its not a big dealthen he quotes the previous bryta about teaching your grandchildren fro the purpose of har sinai
from then on what did rabbi Chaya not do?
he wouldn't he breakfast until he taught his grandchild a new lesson
What is another example of this?
Rava didn't eat breakfast meat until he brought his grandchild to the brit midrash