Social learning theoryGender is learnt through watching and copying behaviours of othersModellingA…
2 key processes in SLT explanation of gender role developmentAcquisition of gender…
PeopleEdwin Sutherland, BanduraBandura’s conditionsattention, retention, reproduction, motivationassumptions of behaviorhuman beings are born…
what did proponents of social learning theory think about operant conditioning?they thought…
Major themes of Vygotsky’s Social Development TheorySocial, Knowledge(MKO), and Zone of Proximal…
Stages of cognitive developmentPrimitive stage (0-2)Elementary mental functionsVygotsky claimed that infants are…
The Basic Assumption of Social Learning TheoryThe basic assumption in social learning…
Social learningThe acquisition of patterns of behavior that conform to social expectations;…
Negative verbal environmentVerbal atmosphere in which children feel unworthy, unloveable, insignificant or…
Gender Roles and gender differencesIn most societies women and men are treated…
Common goal of Child Development as a Fielddescribe and identify factors that…
evidence for importance of dialogue in developmentNunes studied Brazilian street urchins and…
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