social learning theory
Bandura's theory holds that behavior occurs as a result of the interplay between cognitive and environmental factors; Albert Bandura (1977) states behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning
process in which people learn by observing others, intentionally or accidentally; In groups, members learn from one another.
reciprocal determination
Bandura expanded the overall definition of behaviorism.

He suggested that while it was true a person's environment was responsible for his/her behavior, people also had a strong influence over the nature of their environment.

Theory of self regulation
states we have the ability to control our behavior through a series of three main steps: Self-observation: Self-judgment: Self-response:
Self Response
part of Bandura's theory of self-regulation; Rewarding ourselves each time we meet or surpass our standard, and punishing ourselves any time we don't
Self judgement
part of Bandura's theory of self-regulation; Comparing ourselves with a standard either self-imposed or set by society, and then creating a goal for ourselves based on that standard • For example, vowing to exercise three days per week
Self observation
part of Bandura's theory of self-regulation; Paying close attention to a specific behavior, how frequently it occurs, under what circumstances, etc.
Over time, our cumulative successes and/or failures lead us to develop what is known as THIS;
Bandura's problem that arises from too much self-punishment; A person may develop a superiority complex
Bandura's problem that arises from too much self-punishment; A person may become depressed, apathetic and bored
Bandura's problem that arises from too much self-punishment; A person may seek to escape his/her problems through television, drinking, drugs or suicide
Modeling therapy
is based on the idea that a person suffering from a psychological disorder can correct his/her problems by observing someone else dealing with similar issues.