In psychology gender refers to
The socially constructed roles and characteristics by which a culture defines male and female.
Biological sex is determined by the twenty-third pair of chromosome known as the
Sex chromosomes
This is the onset of rapid growth and developing sexual maturity
Whats the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristic's
Primary is the dramatically development of the reproductive organs during the growth spurt and secondary is the development of breast and hips in girls, facial hair and deepen voice in boys, and pubic and underarm hair in both sexes.
This is the social expectation that guide men's and women's behavior-vary across time and place
Gender roles
This is our sense of being male or female
Gender identity
This is when we acquire a traditional male or female role
Gender typed
This theory assumes that children learn gender-linked behaviors by observing and imitating significant others and by observing and significant others and by being rewarded and punished.
Social learning theory
This is when people's sense of being male or female differs from their birth sex.
The human sexual response cycle normally follows what pattern?
Excitement, plateau, orgasm (which seems to involve similar feelings and brain activity in males and females), and resolution, followed in males by a refractory period, during which renewed arousal and orgasm are not possible.
After resolution a male go through a period known as
Define sexual dysfunctions
Are problems that consistently impair sexual arousal or functioning
This is known as our educing sexual attraction toward members of either our own sex (homosexual orientation) the other sex (heterosexual orientation) or both sexes(bisexual orientation)
Sexual orientation
The first period of prenatal development is known as
Period of the zygote
In this period of growth the head develop first as well as the parts near the center of the body
Cephalocaudal principle
By the 7th month most body systems function well enough to support life
Our first 22 pairs of chromosome are called
The 23rd pair of chromosome is unknown is unknown as a person
Sex chromosome
A human has the total of how many chromosomes
46 individuals and 23 pairs
A child has the total of how
By age 12
Object permanence
Erik Erikson
7 or 8 months
Parallel play
secure attachment, avoidant attachment, resistant attachment, disorganized attachment
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, formal operations
Preattachment, attachment in the making, true attachment, reciprocal relationships
Avoidant attachment
Resistant attachment
Disorganized attachment
Infant-parent attachment
Evolutionary psychology
Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning proposed that moral reasoning is divided in to three levels.
Is an elaborate celebration that establish some responsibility and status on a young person
Emerging adulthood
Early, middle, and late
Social clock