4 Hanen Programs
1. It takes Two to Talk (for parents of kids with expressive delays)2.
Learning Language and Loving It (for teachers)3. More than words (for parents of children with autism)4. Talkability (for parents of verbal children with autism)
It takes Two to Talk
(for parents of kids with expressive delays)1. family focused2.
late talkers and kids in preschool with developmental delays or language impairments3. for those under 5 years of age with cognitive, developmental delays4. Empowerment of parent/caregiver
Learning Language and Loving It
(for teachers)
More than words (
for parents of children with autism)
(for parents of verbal children with autism)
Overview of Hanen "It takes 2 to talk"
role of SLP in the "It takes two to talk" program
-complexTraditional role is expanded and incudes:1.
early interventionist2. adult educator (need to adjust to how each parent learns)3. coach/counselor (constantly going through 5 stages of grief)
Formal Structure of the Hanen Program:
-led by SLP who is Hanen certified-offered to set of up to 8 parent groups-3 major components:1. pre-program assessment and baseline video of parent/child interaction (if child seems to have delays, then assess child separately as well; then come up with goals for the parent and child)2. min.
of 16 hrs (6-8 sesions) of group training for parents/caregivers3. 3 individual video feedback sessions for each parent in the prgram
Objectives of the Hanen Program
1. parent education (a) learn basic imp. of nonverbal communication, the diff btwn expressive and receptive lang, the sequence of development; helps them be more receptive (b) teach self-talk, parallel talk, etc.--but they don't know the names of those)2.
early language intervention3. social support (2 types)a. formal: from the SLPb. informal: from the other families
theoretical basis of the Hanen Program
-family centered model of intervention (child is part of dynamic social system)-interrelatedness of child and family-the "family" is the client (can include nanny, babysitter)1.
social interactionist perspective of lang acquisition-lang is an interactive process in which communicative behavior of the parent influences the behavior of the child and vice-versa-development of communicative competence is within the framework of early caregiver-child interactions
2 overall objectives of the Hanen Program
1. facilitate reciprocal interactions2. encourage parents to use responsive lang that is matched to the child
Is the Hanen program collaborative?
yes-respectful partnership is established with the family
does Hanen program try to empower parents to strengthen their ability to access knowledge and gain practical skills?
does hanen look for opportunties in which learning can occur during daily activities?
yes, it is naturalistic
Examples of Hanen goals:
1. I will observe and wait for my child to start an interaction using a single word1. I will model the word bubbles at least 5 times during a social routine in which I blow bubbles for him--can also make specific goals for the children
responsivity hypothesis
1. responsive lang that is simpliied and has exaggerated prosody and that is contingent on a child's focus and/or communicative behavior is more easily processed2.
simplified lang and exaggerated prosody permit the child to redirect their cognitive resources to learning language3. responsive language may promote the child's intrinsic motivation to learn and communicate
responsive interaction strategies (that we teach to parents)
1) child-oriented (child centered)-encourage child to initiate interaction-try to foster episodes of join attention in what child is interested in-includes observation, waiting, listening, getting face to face with child, following child's lead2) Interaction-promoting strategies:-foster a balance btwn parent and child-teach parents to:a. match turns w/childb. cue child to take a turnc. how to ask questions of child to keep the conversation going3) Language-modeling strategies:-to expand child's receptive and expressive skills-interpreting gestures and behavior-highlighting your language-expanding on what child says-extending what child says
WHat has empirical evidence found about the hanen program?
-decreased directiveness and increased responsiveness in mothers-increased responsiveness, assertiveness, and verbal turns of children-mother-child-interactions more balanced, frequent, longer-lasting-improved family well-being-mothers used target words spontaneously and repetatively while reducing MLU-children had accelerated vocab and lang development-kids had: more utterances, higher rate of wpm, larger vocabs, greater lexical variety, use of more target words, greater spontaneous use of words not targeted
How does the Learning Language and loving it program work?
-delivered by group leader (SLP, childhood consultant) to group of up to 20 educators-Intensive Program:1. 5-8 group training sessions (15-20 hrs)2.
4-6 individual videotatping feedback sessions3. use of support materials
theoretical foundations of learning language and loving it program
-educators can positively inluence acquisition of lang and literacy through frequent, high-quality interactions in which linguistic responsiveness is practiced* adults scaffold during interaction by adjusting amount of support to challenge child, but also increase support as needed-responsiveness language may serve to increase the child's motivation to learn-children benefit from extended interactions in which they are full and active participants1. practice/refine comm. skills2. learn conversation skills3. help learn rules of communication4.
provides teacher w/ongoing opportunities to model more complex lang and literacy concepts-children's exposure to a variety of vocab predicts vocab growth -exposure to decontextualized lang in everyday interactions is critical to kids lang and literacy outcomes (talking to learn is dependent on ability to use decontextualized lang)
empirical research for Learning Lang and Loving it
-Educators were more talkative, read the text less often, and used book to facilitate communication more-waited for kids to initiate conversation, encouraged more conversational turn-taking-engaged more in face to face interaction with the kids during play-dough activity, and used SCAN more often-changes were maintained-even those who were trained less than in typical hanen program:-used higher # of verbal supports for peer interaction-more use of "facilitate communication" verbal peer support strategy and the "peer referral strategy"*during reading:-used significantly more abstract utterances that utilized children's world knowledge, experiences-used more utterances that highlighted action in the story
"More than words" program
-Designed to address needs of verbal and non-verbal children with autism, under age 51. led by Hanen certified therapist2. for groups of parents (8 families per group)3. 3 major components:-a pre-programm assessment and baseline videotaping of parent-child interaction-minimum of 17.
5 hrs of group training-3 individual video feedback sessions
Objectives of "More than Words" Program
1. parent education2. early communication intervention3. social support for parents
Empirical research behind "More than words" program
-higher score on observational checklist designed to "make note" of their fun and joyful words, fun physical contact, etc.-parents of kids WITHOUT diagnosed autism didn't score higher on observational checklist-larger vocabs regardless of autism diagnosis
Talkability Hanen Program
-parents learn to help their young children with autism:1. take appropriate turns in conversation2.
wait for others to have a turn3. tune into what people say w/o words4. understand how people feel and respond appropriately 5. learn how to play with other children and make friends*also, to learn about TOM and how to facilitate that in children with autism or high functioning aspbergers
Foundations of Talkability program
-parent talk is crucial to young child's TOM development*parents who talk to their kids about the differing desires of different people have better understanding of others' feelings-parent input is only part of TOM development (emerging language also plays important role)-kids with autism need language to help them develop concepts (when they learn mental-state words, they can imaging what others think and feel)-Talkability program encourages parents to "listen" for their children using language such as "I think so" and for them to use it more as well-help parents understand how TOM develops so they can determine next steps for children in TOM-As parents are able to help their children understand the views of others they help them prepare for more successful relationships with peers
development of TOM
Stage I: understanding wantingStage II: understanding thinkingStage III: understanding that seeing leads to knowing (and everyone doesn't see things in the same way)Stage IV: understanding hidden feelingsStage V: understanding false beliefs (people sometimes think things are true when they are false)
Talkability workshops for SLPs
-is considered learning beyond the basic Hanen program-addresses intervention or young children (ages 3-7) w/high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger Syndrome (AS)-covers key principles that guide intervention with ASD, including info about children's social thinking skills and the importance of language in the development of empathy-focuses on the core strategies in the Talkability program including learning specific vocab to promote social thinking and coaching the child when necessary during play with a peer
Learning Language and Loving it is a Hanen program designed for parents of children with ASD( T or F)
It takes two to talk is a Hanen program designed for parents of children with and expressive/receptive lang disorder (t or f)
Video-feedback is an important component of hanen (t or f)
objectives of the "it takes two to talk" program include parent education, early lang intervention, and social support (t or f)
the child is the client in the hanen program model (t or f)
the naturalistic hanen approach involves looking for opportunities in which learning can occur (t or f)
the hanen program is based on the independent model? (t or f)
interaction can either encourage or inhibit the child's communicative development (t or f)
one of the strategies fro promoting interaction includes: requiring the child to match his turn to your turn (t or f)
false (match your turn to his)
one of the strategies for modeling lang includes: interpreting the child's action/behavior (t or f)