
Nounis a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.Pronountake the…
An application is a combination of hardware, software, and data components that…
d?ligentia, d?ligentiaef. diligence, attentivenessincola, incolaem. or f. inhabitantmora, moraef. delaypr?vincia, pr?vinciaef. provinceterra,…
Ath?nae, Ath?n?rumf. pl. Athensn?t?ra, n?t?raef. natureR?ma, R?maef. Romedictum, dict?n. word; sayingdomus, dom?f….
InsulaislandlitteraletterscaenascenepoetapoetprovinciaprovincerosarosepersonapersonalitynautasailorSaepeoften (adv)semperalways (adv)
Unus (1)IDuo (2)IITres (3)IIIQuattuor (4)IVQuinque (5)VSex (6)VISeptem (7)VIIOcto (8)VIIINovem (9)IXDecem (10)XUndecim (11)XIDuodecim…
“i-hay, ow-hay are-yay ou-yay?””Hi, how are you?””ood-gay” or “ad-bay””good” or “bad””ow-hay about-yay…
Iuppiter sum.I am the god who throws thunderboltsDaphne sum.I was changed into…
earthgeowaterhydro / aquahandmanulawjur / justcutsectalonesoltouchtactseevid / visbuildstructagainstantia place ofariumselfautooutexnotunthe study ofologyafterpostrelating toularagainrebigmacrosmallmicro…
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