Which question is an example of a casual research question?
What is the relationship between task completion and disruptive behavior?
Which aspect of Piagetian theory would neo-piagetians disagree with?
Education should be based on developmentally appropriate practices.
Cooperative Learning
Students will more easily discover and comprehend difficult concepts if they can talk with each other about the problem.
Cognitive Development
Gradual, orderly changes which mental processes becomes more complex and sophisticated
Conditional Response
A response to a conditioned stimulus; a response that has been learned
Neutral Stimulus
Initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention.

Unconditioned Stimulus
Elicits a response, such as a reflex, without any prior learning.
Unconditioned Response
Does not have to be learned, such as a reflex.
Conditioned Stimulus
A previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response./
A student may not be able to accomplish alone what might be accomplished with the assistance of competent peers and adults.

States that behavior immediately followed by a pleasurable consequence will result in a student engaging in that behavior more frequently.
A student may be taught self-regulation theories in a variety of contexts so that self-regulation becomes a habit
The school environment becomes a major influence on social skill development during middle childhood
Which two concepts are characteristics of Meichenbaum's model of learning (choose 2)
Self instruction & Modeling
Operant Conditioning
A teacher praises students for staying in their seats.
Classical Conditioning
Students leave the classroom when they hear the bell ring.
Classical Conditioningg
A cat hears a can being opened and runs to its food dish.

Operant Conditioning
A child quits sticking his tongue out at another child after being put in time out.
Meichenbaum's model of learning?
Self-regulation Self-instruction/guidance modeling
Cooperative Learning
Instructional approaches in which students work in small mixed-ability groups.
Vygotskys theory
believed that cognitive development was largely the result of the child's interaction with members of his or her own culture rather than his or her interaction with concrete objects
Why do educational psychologists use single case experiments?
They include a small number of participants
Which research journal is a complication of reprinted articles from other journals?
Annual Editions Educational Psychology
An important finding in brain research is that as a person grows in knowledge and skill, the brain becomes more efficient?
Students can develop expertise by practicing essential skills.
Which situation is an example of action research?
A principle reads a research article about a new classroom management technique and encourages teachers to adopt the technique.
Action Research
Research carried out by teachers, often in their own classrooms or in collaboration with other teachers.

The research goals and questions are local and specific to their own teaching environment.

At which development stage are exploring objects in various ways, finding hidden objects gestures commonly expected activities?
Toddler, 1 to 3 years
Which developmental age group is characterized by turning increasingly to peer groups and beginning to search for partners and careers?
12 to 18 years
Which combination of concepts helps children in their cognitive development, according to Vygotsky?
Scaffolding, private speech, the zone of proximal development, cooperative learning.
Vygotsky's theory?
believed that cognitive development was largely the result of the child's interaction with members of his or her own culture rather than his or her interaction with concrete objects
Which child is exhibiting a typical sign of the learning exceptionality autism?
A child who misinterprets social cues
Which significant environmental factor is correlated with a student being learning disabled?
Being from a low socioeconomic group
psychosocial theory
initiative vs. guilt
Cognitive development theory
Pre operational stage
Operant Behaviorism
Classical Behaviorism
Conditioned Stimulus
Decision Making
Including families in school governance, advocacy, parent teacher association, and school councils.
Learning at home
Involving families in goal setting, extracurricular, and curricular activities that promote student success
Recruiting families to participate in activities that support success and school programs
Encouraging two way correspondence to establish relationships among families, teachers and administrators
Which group of students would be accommodated using cross age tutoring?
Students who exhibit logical/mathematical intelligence
What is the key process involved in cognition?
Which component of information processing does interference affect?
Sensory Register
Which factor is proven to promote information retention?
Learning Setting
Which statement is an example of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
Students who do not feel loved, valued, and/or capable are unlikely to have strong motivation to attempt higher level objectives
Which scenario describes an example of behavioral motivation?
The student receiving praise from teachers, peers, and parents for a well done on a major project
What is a possible intrinsic motivator for the student?
The enticement of a monetary reward for improved writing skills
Which teaching practices is likely to discourage student motivation and achievement?
Teachers expecting high levels of performance from some students
How should the teacher help the student with classroom participation
The teacher should allow the students to use a word processor to take notes
Real life, problem solving, computer based programs
Storage devices that allow students easy access to large amounts of information
Word Processor
Computer application for developing writing assignments
Computer applications for teaching/ reviewing content
Instructional Strategy
broad range of teaching strategies that represent the ways in which teachers organize learning situations
His theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stage of mental development.
mzc1 pre assessment