InsulaislandlitteraletterscaenascenepoetapoetprovinciaprovincerosarosepersonapersonalitynautasailorSaepeoften (adv)semperalways (adv)
Iuppiter sum.I am the god who throws thunderboltsDaphne sum.I was changed into…
?y? (one)?èr (two)?s?n (three)?sì (four)?w? (five)?liù (six)?q? (seven)?b? (eight)?ji? (nine)?shí (ten)
1Un (un)2Deux (deh)3Trois (twah)4Quatre(KAH-trah)5Cinq (sank)6Six (seez)7Sept (set)8Huit (wheet)9Neuf (nehf)10Dix (deez)11Onze (onze)12Douze (dooze)13Treize…
For how many days deleted records are kept in the Recycle Bin?A….
d?ligentia, d?ligentiaef. diligence, attentivenessincola, incolaem. or f. inhabitantmora, moraef. delaypr?vincia, pr?vinciaef. provinceterra,…
Ath?nae, Ath?n?rumf. pl. Athensn?t?ra, n?t?raef. natureR?ma, R?maef. Romedictum, dict?n. word; sayingdomus, dom?f….
earthgeowaterhydro / aquahandmanulawjur / justcutsectalonesoltouchtactseevid / visbuildstructagainstantia place ofariumselfautooutexnotunthe study ofologyafterpostrelating toularagainrebigmacrosmallmicro…
casathe house, cottagec?nathe dinnerf?minathe womanpuellathe girlterra. -ae f.the earth, landcibus, -? m.the…
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