Active Cell
The active cell contains the cell pointer. There is a dark outline around the active cell.
The intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet. You enter data into cells to create a worksheet.
Cell address or cell reference
The location of a cell in a worksheet as identified by its column letter and row number.

Formula Bar
As you enter data in a cell, it simultaneously appears in the formula bar, which is located above the worksheet.
Sheet tabs
tabs that appear at the bottom of the workbook window, which display the name of each worksheet.
Tab Scrolling Buttons
Buttons that appear just to the left of the sheet tabs, which allow you to scroll hidden tabs into view.
an excel file with one or more worksheets
The work area for entering and calculating data made up of columns and rows separated by gridlines (light gray lines).

Also called a spreadsheet.

BLank Workbook
a new, empty workbook contains three worksheets (sheets)
The standard settings Excel uses in its software, such as column width or number of worksheets in a workbook.
Text entered to identify the type of data contained in a row or column.
An alphanumeric entry in a worksheet that is not a cell or range address.

Auto Complete
a feature used to complete an entry based on previous entries made in the column containing the active cell
Auto Correct
a feature used to automate the correction of common typing errors
Numeric Label
A number entered in the worksheet as a label, not as a value-such as the year 2012 used as a column label.
A cell entry that consists of a number and numeric formatting only.
Accounting Format
a style that vertically aligns with dollar signs ($), thousands separators (,), and decimal points.
Currency format
A style that displays dollar signs ($) immediately preceding the number and includes a thousands separator (,).

A color that fills a cell, appearing behind the data
Merge and Center
A feature that enables you to automatically combine cells and center the contents of the original far left cell in the new cell
Number format
A format that controls how numerical data is displayed, including the use of commas, dollar signs and number of decimal places
Percent format
a style that displays decimal numbers as a percentage
A collection of coordinated fonts, colors and effects for graphic elements such as charts and images that can be quickly applied to all sheets in a workbook
Auto Fill
The feature that enables Excel to create a series automatically.
Wrap Text
A feature that causes long cell entries to appear on multiple lines within a cell.
Fill Handle
A black box on the lower-right corner of the selected cell or range that you can use to fill (copy) a series or formula.
a list of sequential numbers, dates, times, or text
Contiguous Range
a block of adjacent cells in a worksheet
noncontiguous range
cells in a worksheet that act as a block, but are not necessarily adjacent to each other
A block of cells in an Excel worksheet.

Arithmetic Operators
Symbols used in mathematical operations: + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division, and ^ for exponentiation.
An instruction Excel uses to calculate a result.
Order Of Precedence
The order in which Excel performs the mathematical operations specified in a formula, based on the types of mathematical operators used.
Sum Function
A built-in calculation used to add a range of values together.
Absolute Reference
a cell address in a formula that will not change when you copy the formula to another location $$$ (Doller Signs) In a cell reference indicates whens it's absolute
Format Painter
A tool that enables you to copy formatting from a cell and apply it to another cell or range.

Relative Reference
A cell address that can change in a copied formula, so the new address is expressed in relation to the cell containing the copied formula. If you copy a formula to a cell one row down, the row numbers in all relative references increase by one, for example A5 becomes A6.