A student studies long and hard to avoid the bad feeling associated with a low grade on a test. In this case, the studying behavior is being strengthened because of
Negative reinforcement
Classical and operant conditioning were both initially based on the principles of
For every 5 boxes of cookies that Lisa sells, her scout troop gets a dollar. Through what type of schedule is Lisa being reinforced?
A fixed ratio schedule
According to Spearman, what would a traditional IQ test most likely measure?
General intelligence
The purpose of Alfred Binet's early intelligence test was to
Predict how children would do in school
A test is given similar scores for a person each time the person takes it is considered to be
Children are said to have an intellectual disability if they have difficulty adapting to the demands of independent living and have an IQ score below
Which of the following does Robert Sternberg include as a type of intelligence?
Analytical Practical Creative
In Garner's view, astronauts, navigators, and artists would have high levels of which type of intelligence?
Mary checks her phone a couple times an hour for incoming text messages. Her behavior is being maintained on a ________ reinforcement schedule.
Variable interval
A dog is trained to salivate when it hears a tone.

Then the tone is sounded repeatedly without a US, until the dog stops salivating. Later when the tone sounds again, the dog salivates again. This is a description of

Spontaneous recovery
To produce the acquisition of conditioned response, one should
Pair a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus several times
Jared learns how to prepare his father's famous chili recipe by watching his father in the kitchen for many years. This kind of learning is known as
Observational learning
Who added the concept of reinforcement to learning theory?
Liz failed her French test, so her parents told her that she could not play video games for a month.

Her parents are using ________

Punishment by removal (negative)
The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotion is called
Emotional intelligence
Charles Spearman's g refers to
General intelligence
The most widely used modern intelligence test was developed by
David Wechsler
A child has been classically conditioned to fear a white rat. If the child also shows fear when shown a white rabbit, this is called _________
Stimulus generalization
To determine just what an organism can learn to distinguish, you would use
A discriminative stimulus
In your family's apartment building, any time you take a shower, someone always flushes the toilet and causes the water in your shower to turn icy cold, making you cringe. After several episodes like this, you find that you tend to cringe whenever you hear a toilet flush, no matter where you are. In this example, what is the conditioned stimulus?
The sound of flushing
Give an example of a secondary reinforcer?
Students who do well on college entrance exams generally do well in college. This helps establish that these exams have
Predictive validity
Attention, memory, imitation, and motivation are the four elements required for the process of __________.

Observational learning
Sherry wants her dog to "heel" on command. At first she gives the dog a treat for coming to her when she speaks the command, "Heel!" Then she rewards the dog only when it stands at her side when she gives the command. Finally she rewards the dog only when it is at her side and facing front. Sherry is using
The intelligence quotient compares a child's
Mental age to his or her chronological age
Howard Gardner found evidence of multiple intelligences in individuals who scored low on intelligence but had an area of exceptional ability—for example, to make complex calculations. These people have
Savant syndrome
What would be true of a thermometer that always read three degrees off?
It is reliable, but not valid