regular disposition or methodical arrangement of things
1. To put in proper order; to dispense the part of a whole in the manner intended or best suited for the purpose. 2.

To adjust; to settle; to put in order; to prepare

Order is Important to _____________ and _____________.
Heavenly Father, Jesus
How does being organized help us?
Our work is preserved and improves and we feel better about ourselves.
Am I keeping my binder, room and cubby organized?
If no, go organize right now! Throw out old papers and straighten it all to be neat. If yes- good job!
The care the Lord provides for the children of the earth.

key links
Key events and people who helped further the work of Heavenly Father and Jesus on the earth
Time order
What is the providential history of the world?
His-story or Christ's story, in the lives of Heavenly Father's children
Key links starts with?
Premortal Existence
After our Premortal life comes...
The creation and the fall
After the creation and the fall comes...

dispensation of Adam (4000 BC)
After the dispensation of Adam comes...
dispensation of Enoch (3300 BC)
After the Dispensation of Enoch comes..


dispensation of Noah (2350 BC)
After the Dispensation of Noah comes...
dispensation of Abraham (2150 BC)
After the Dispensation of Abraham comes..


dispensation of Moses (1500 BC)
After the Dispensation of Moses comes...

The Nephites (600 BC)
After the Nephites comes...
Jesus Christ the Meridian of Time
After Jesus Christ is born on the earth (meridian of time) what comes next in chronological order?
Early Christian church and apostasy (50 AD)
After the Early Christian church and apostasy comes..


John Wycliffe and the Bible in English (1384 AD)
After John Wycliffe and the Bible in English comes...
Christopher Columbus an the explorers (1492 - 1600's AD)
After Christopher Columbus comes.


The American Christian Founding (1620)
After the American Christian Founding comes...
The American Christian Republic, Constitution (1776-1787 AD)
After the constitution comes.


Enlightenment and Secularization of America (1800 to 1900 AD)
After the enlightenment and secularization of America comes...

Dispensation of the Fullness of Times and Joseph Smith (1820 AD)
After the dispensation of the fullness of times comes...
The gathering and building of Zion
After the gathering and building of Zion comes...

My place in God's Plan
After my place in God's comes...
The Second Coming and the Millennium
a follower of Jesus Christ
Gospel Principle
gospel truths, beliefs, or laws which govern and individual or group of people
divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ. It is made possible through the atoning sacrifice and our Savior.
What are the Seven Principles of Liberty?

Divine Identity and purpose 2. Trust in Jesus Christ 3. Christlike Character 4. Conscience 5.

Choice & Accountability 6. Service to Others 7. Unity with Others (Zion)

Divine Identity and Purpose
Who I am and where did I come from- I am a child of God.
Trust in Jesus Christ
I allow Him to govern my life
Christlike Character
I will develop qualities that are like the Saviors.
It's a sacred gift from God and it's how I know right from wrong
Choice and Accountability
I am held responsible for my choices.

I will plan, carry out, and evaluate my life each day.

Service to Others
By helping others I find true joy and happiness
Unity with Others
Building relationships with others is the most important thing I can do here on earth. It's the only thing I take with me when I die.
The study of God and His relationship with His creations.
Read about a subject, look up important vocabulary words in the dictionary, and search what great scholars have said about the subject
Try to discover a true principle from the word of God related to our subject
Ask Questions like, what does this principle have to do with me and my life today? Or what have I learned that can help me grow or can change my heart and help me to become more like Jesus?
Take action; do something about what we have learned.
What are the 4 R's?
Research, Reason, Relate, Record