Gender socialization
Process by which individuals learn the culturally approved expectations and behaviors for males and females. Men and women learn expectations and identities associated with gender in society.

Affects the self-concepts of women and men, their social and political attitudes, their perceptions about other people, and their feelings about relationships with others

Gender typing
Gender-based expectations and behaviors
Generalizations applied to all members of a group
Self-fufilling prophecy
A phenomenon whereby that which we believe to be true, in some sense becomes true for us
Longitudinal data
Data collected at multiple points in time
Sex segregation
(In the work sphere) the separation of male and female workers by job task or occupational categories
Nontraditional female occupation
One in which women constitute 25% or less of total employment
Pay gap
The discrepancy between women's and men's earnings; a ratio calculated when women's earnings are divided by men's earnings
Gender scripts
The articulation of gender norms and biases
Biological determinism
Explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characteristics. Example: men are more aggressive because of hormonal differences
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Adopted as the result of political pressure from the civil rights movement, and banning discrimination in hiring, promotion, and firing; also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and arm of federal government that enforces laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex
Practices that single out some groups for different and unequal treatment
Doing gender
Interprets gender as something accomplished through the ongoing social interactions people have with one another
Dual labor market theory
Contends that women and men earn different amounts because they tend to work in different segments of the labor market. Reflects the devaluation of women's work because women are most concentrated in low-wage jobs
Equal Pay Act (1963)
One of the first pieces of legislation requiring equal pay for equal work
Equal Rights Amendment
The United States has not approved. Provides a constitutional principle that "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied of abridged by the United States or by any state on the basis of sex"
Beliefs and action that seek a more just society for women
Feminist Theory
Emerged from the women's movement and refers to analyses that seek to understand the position of women in society for the explicit purpose of improving their position in it. Also includes analyses of men and the social structure of masculinity
Socially learned expectations, identities, and behaviors associated with members of each sex.

A "system of social practices" that creates categories of people who are defined in relationship to each other on unequal terms

Gender apartheid
The extreme segregation and exclusion of women from public life
Gender identity
Result of gender socialization. One's definition of oneself as a women or man. Basic to our self-concept and shapes our expectations for ourselves, our abilities and interests, and how we interact with others. Shapes not only how we think about ourselves and other but also influences numerous behaviors, including such things as the likelihood of drug and alcohol abuse, violent behavior, depression, or even how aggressive you are in driving
Gender segregation
A pattern in which different groups of workers are separated into occupational categories based on gender.

Because of the dual labor market, men and women tend to work in different occupations and, when working in the same occupation, in different jobs

Gender stratification
The hierarchal distribution of social and economic resources according to gender
Gender institutions
The total pattern of gender relations that structure social institutions including the stereotypical expectations, interpersonal relationships, and the different placement of men and women that are found in institutions. "Present in the processes, practices, images and ideologies, and distributions of power of social life"
The fear and hatred of homosexuals. Plays and important role in gender socialization because it encourages stricter conformity to traditional expectations, especially for men and young boys. Discourages so-called feminine traits in men (caring, nurturing, emotion)
Human capital theory
Explains gender differences in wages as resulting from the individual characteristics that workers bring to jobs. Assumes that the economy
Also known as hermaphroditism. A condition caused by irregularities in the process of chromosome formation or fetal differentiation that produces people with mixed biological sex characteristics.

Infant may be born with ovaries or testes, but with ambiguous or mixed genitals, or may be chromosomal male but have an incomplete penis and no urinary canal

Labor force participant rate
The percentage of those in a given category who are employed either part time or full time
Liberal feminism
Emerged from the long tradition that began among British liberals in the nineteenth century. Emphasizes individual rights and equal opportunity as the basis for social justice and reform. Inequality for women originates in past and present practices that pose barriers to women's advancement, such as laws that historically excluded women from certain areas of work. Discrimination is the major source of women's inequality
A society or group in which women have power over men
Multiracial feminism
Evolves from studies pointing out that earlier forms of feminist thinking excluded women of color from analysis, which made it impossible for feminists to deliver theories that informed people about the experiences of all women. Examines the interactive influence of gender, race, and class, showing how they together shape the experiences of all women and men.

Gender is not singular or uniform, it intersects with race an class

Occupational segregation
A specific form of gender segregation
A society or group in which men have power over women
Biological identity
Title IX
Adopted as part of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which forbids gender discrimination in any educational institution receiving federal funds. Prohibits colleges and universities from receiving federal funds if they discriminate against women in any program, including
People who live as a gender different from that to which they were assigned at birth