Extrinsic Reinforcers
Reinforcers that are not inherently related to the activity being reinforced.

Examples would be: Money, praise, gold stars, applause, hugs, and thumbs-up. (pg. 244)

Intrinsic Reinforcers
Reinforcers that are inherently related to the activity being reinforced. Examples would be: enjoyment of the task and the satisfaction of accomplishment.

(pg. 244)

Latent Learning
A form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response; it occurs without obvious reinforcement (pg. 247).
Social-Cognitive Theories
Emphasized how behavior is learned and maintained through observation and imitation of others, positive consequences, and cognitive processes such as plans, expectations, and beliefs (p.248).

Observational Learning
A process in which an individual learns new responses by observing the behavior or another (a model) rather than through direct experience; sometimes called vicarious conditioning (pg. 248)